Caravan karaoke pt 2

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TW: mentions of abuse

The next morning was rough. It was so hard to wake up and get going. Scott had driven down and gotten coffee for us all. Stiles was the last one to wake up, still in a state of delirium as we took off out of the park. It was lydias turn to drive and she was having the time of her life. Lydia quite enjoyed driving. Especially when it was somewhere new. Her curiosity and all knowing mind was her encouragement when it came to driving.
I looked behind me and stiles had fallen back asleep already.
"Could this kid sleep forever?" I asked Scott. He just laughed and shrugged his shoulders.
"Says you." Derek chuckled.
"Whatever. I was up before you!"
"That's because I had to stay up all night making sure no kids were gonna run off."
"We aren't kids anymore Derek!"
"Actually I'm still a kid." Liam piped up.
"Shut up Liam!" Derek and I both said at the same time.
"You are still kids."
"We are 18 Derek! Last time I checked, that is considered an adult by law!"
"So that means you'd be serving adult penalties if you did something wrong. I'm trying to prevent that."
"By what? Being in our space all the time? Shoving your opinions that are not wanted everywhere? Acting like you know everything even though you really don't?"
"What is wrong with you? All I'm trying to do is help!"
"Well then stop trying! Because you're doing the opposite of helping by trying!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I quit on talking. I was over him.
Derek was stunned at my outrage and he decided it was best to not say anything further.
Everyone was quiet. No one even dared to breathe louder then necessary. After I put my headphones on and closed my eyes, I heard the radio go on. I didn't mind, I wanted everyone to go back to normal and I just wanted to be left alone.

"Time to switch." Lydia softly said as she shook me awake. I opened my eyes and looked around. It was dark out and the lights in the van were on.
I nodded and woke myself up before getting into the drivers seat. Derek sat in the passenger seat so the others could sleep in the back.
I looked at the map on Scott's phone and started to head in the right direction.
It was silent for a while before Derek started to talk.
"Hey, I just wanted to apologize for earlier. I shouldn't have yelled at you. And I never took how you were feeling and why you might be feeling that way into consideration. You know... if something happened you can tell me."
"Why would I tell you anything?"
"Because I care about you. Because you're important to me. Because despite what you might think I genuinely appreciate you and your company."
I glanced at him for a second as we were at a stoplight.
"See I can't tell if you're kidding or not." I shook my head.
"Why would I be kidding?"
"I-" my voice raised for a second but I caught it and lowered it again "I don't know... maybe because I'm insecure." I shrugged.
"About what?"
"My relationships." I mumbled.
"Did something happen?" He asked softly.
I debated in my head wether or not to tell him which made it quiet in the air for a while.
"I was in a relationship for a while... two years to be exact... with this guy named Michael," I started slowly "it was going fine for a really long time, but when I started showing signs of not being too in love with him anymore he got aggressive. He was angry more often then not. He tried to grab me a couple times but i am trained in self defense so it never got that far. He would pry into my personal life and he'd always sit uncomfortably close to me. He was always around me and always breathing down my neck. When I told him it made me uncomfortable he told me I was being ungrateful and selfish."
"Did he ever... hit you?"
"Only once. That was the last day I ever saw him. My brother was home from college and we all decided to watch a movie. My brother was in the kitchen making popcorn and Michael and I were on the couch. I told him to scoot away from me because he was too close to me. He told me I was just being stupid and I told him I was still uncomfortable. He made me feel dumb and I wouldn't take it anymore. I called him an asshole and he hit me across the face. My brother ran in right as he was about to strike me again and he tackled him. My brother beat the shit out of Michael on the living room floor and carried me upstairs to the bathroom. He locked me in the bathroom and didn't let me out for four hours. Later I found out that my brother called the cops and had Michael arrested and charged with domestic abuse."
"Yeah." Was all I could say.
He turned to me and looked at me.
"You know I would never do that to you right? You mean way too much to me."
I was shocked at his words.
What did that mean? Was that a confession or was he just being nice?
"I-I know."
Derek nodded and faced forward again.
"Derek?" I broke the silence with a small whisper.
"Have you ever been in a bad relationship?"
"Oh yeah... multiple times."
"What happened?"
"Way too much to explain in one sitting, but basically I was just used to get what they wanted."
"Oh... I'm sorry... that must feel terrible."
"It did. It still does. But you learn to move on. Learn that not everyone is here to hurt you."
"I'm still working on that part." I mumbled.
"Granted, one of them turned out to be a mythical creature that took the face of a past life in order to get me to turn on Scott and a demon wolf that Scott was partnered up with and murder them both in order to fulfill a witches spell to become the most powerful creature in the world, so that one wasn't hard to get over." I stared at him blankly. "Long story."
"Clearly." I stated.
He laughed and I started to chuckle too.
"Wow we are both so messed up." I shook my head.
"Yeah. But that's alright."
"Yeah... it is." I looked at him as he looked back at me. "I'm sorry I've been such a bitch to you. It was completely not fair."
"Oh no... sometimes I definitely deserved what you served to me. And I'm not gonna lie, you're pretty good at the whole witty comebacks thing."
"Thank you. I take pride in my work." I laughed. He just smirked at me.
We pulled up to a gas station because we were very low. I got out and pumped gas. I didn't wear a jacket because I wasn't expecting it to be so cold.
"Here. Take this."
Derek handed me his leather jacket and I put it on.
"Thanks. It's freezing out here."
"Yeah. Pretty cold. And dead apparently." He said as he looked around. I looked up and saw no one else here.
"Yeah no kidding." I furrowed my brows and shivered still.
"Here." He stood behind me, blocking the wind and he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to him.
This was the first time in a while I've experienced a soft touch. I leaned back into him as my heart skipped.
"This is nice." I mumbled to myself.
"I'm glad you enjoy it." He whispered in my ear.
"How did you-?" I cut myself off forgetting that he was a werewolf "right... you're a fuzzy puppy."
"I am not a fuzzy puppy. I'm a scary mean alpha werewolf who could tear you in half." He grumbled as he nuzzled into my neck. I giggled and put the gas pump back into it's holder.
"But you couldn't, because you're too soft for me." I pointed out.
He rolled his eyes knowing he couldn't deny it.
"Okay okay. Get back in the car you dork." He commanded.

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