Always here to help Pt 2

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Second and final part! Enjoy!
"Show me where she's been hurting you."
I pulled down my shirt and Derek almost gasped.
"Y/n this is bad."
"I know."
"Why didn't you do something earlier? She should have never put her hands on you."
"I know."
"You should have punched her sooner."
"I know!" I shouted.
Derek hung his head and his shoulders relaxed.
"When we get home we will ice your shoulder and relax a little bit. Does your hand hurt?"
"No. It's fine."
Derek turned to face the front and started to drive.
"I saw the other girl on our way out." He mumbled as we got onto an open road "looks like you landed a pretty good hit."
It was hard not to smile at that.
"Maybe I listen to you just a little bit in your self defence lessons." I tried not to smile while looking at him.
"You're crazy." He tried not to laugh
"Oh I'm fully aware."

We got back to Derek's house and I still couldn't stand the place. It was so worn down and creepy. I couldn't wait till he moved to a new place.
"There should be some ice in the freezer. I'll go get you a cloth." I walked over to the rusty freezer and pulled out a tray of ice. Derek brought in a clean white towel and popped some ice into it. He wrapped it up and placed it on my shoulder over my shirt.
"Let me go grab a shirt for you to change into. I wanna take a look at your shoulder." He grabbed a tank top and turned around so I could change. I told him he was okay to look when I was done and his face couldn't hide his shock.
"How does this not hurt?" He asked
"It does... a lot."
"And you've just been hiding this?" He lightly touched my collar bone where the bruise was spreading to.
"Yeah." I shivered at the feeling of a gentle touch over the pain. He just looked disappointed and moved his attention to my hand. "Let me look at your fingers."
I let him look and move my fingers as he wished. My hand didn't hurt but my joints were stiff.
"Your hand seems fine. Which is pretty impressive for the way you hit her."
"Maybe I should fight more often." I laughed
"Don't make it a habit. I think it was deserved this time but don't just go around putting your fist in peoples faces." Derek let go of my hand and put his hands up to my shoulder.
"Let's check your mobility of your shoulder." I winced at the idea. "I'll be gentle. Just tell me to stop when it hurts."
He delicately placed his hand on the top of my shoulder and gently pushed down.
"Okay okay! Ow!" He let go and moved his hands one on the front of my shoulder and the other on the back. He pushed back and forth and waited for me to stop him which I did.
"Just one more." He extended my arm and pushed my arm up gently.
"Ouch! Okay stop!" I whimpered and pulled my arm back down.
"Well I don't think anything's broken. Just seems like you have a sore muscle which is not great but it's better than a broken bone. I'm gonna take you home and get you into bed. You need to rest."
"What about when my parents come home?"
"I'll talk to them about it. Don't worry."

Derek took me softly to his car and drove me home. He opened the front door for me and I walked up the stairs to my room.
I saw my bed and melted in.
Derek followed not far after and watched as I tried to untie my shoes.
"I can do that." He knelt down and untied my shoes. I pulled off my sweatshirt and realised I still had Derek's tank top on.
"Do you want this back?" I asked looking down at him.
"You can just give it back later." He shrugged. He pulled off my shoe and then worked on the laces of the other one. When the other shoe was off derek stood back up and waited for me to get into bed. I relaxed as I pulled the blankets over myself.
"I'm gonna go get you an ice pack from the freezer." I just closed my eyes and nodded in response.
I listened as his footsteps got more distant and then went down the stairs. I listened for his footsteps coming back up as well.
"Here." He whispered. I opened my eyes and grabbed the ice pack from him. I placed it on my shoulder and sighed. The feeling of ice on my shoulder was starting to become normal. I didn't care though because it made it stop hurting.
The muffled noise of the front door opening made my heart skip a beat. I shot derek a look.
"Don't worry. I'll take care of it." He walked out of the room and jogged down the stairs.
"Derek? What are you doing here?" My mom's muffled voice asked confused "she's still in school for another hour."
"That's what I'm here for... um-" dereks voice softened making me unable to hear. The quiet was uneasy for me. My stomach flipped over and over again but I was calm until I heard footsteps and they weren't dereks.
"Honey?" My mom asked coming into my room.
"Hey mom." I said with caution
"Do you want to tell me what's been going on? I need to know if derek is telling the truth." Derek sat down on my bed as I sat up. He grabbed my hand and gave me a look that told me to tell the truth.
"Yeah... I guess."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now