Caught in the rain pt 1

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"It's fine stiles, I'll walk home." I rolled my eyes as my brother tried to coax me into his car.
Stiles walked toward my back as I walked away and he shouted for me to get in the car
"I said no!" I shouted back "I can walk home!"
"If you don't get your ass in the car, i will call Derek to come pick you up and put you in the damn car!"
I continued to walk
Stiles smacked the hood of his jeep
"Don't walk away from me!"
"WATCH ME!" I screamed in anger.
I started to run
I sprinted down the street to get as far away as possible.
I started to feel a sprinkle on my forehead as I ran.
The wind picked up quickly and tugged my hood that was covering my head.
I held my hood on my head and ran faster.
Puddles that I stepped through splashed the bottom of my leggings.
My shoes slowly soaked with cold water.
I felt the slosh in the soles of my shoes but kept running. I knew that if I kept running I would make it home quicker and dad would want to murder me less.

Derek's pov
I stood by the window with my arms crossed. I looked out at the storm and the heavy rain pouring down.
Lightning flashed as I saw someone run down the street.
Peter walked in and lightning flashed again.
I saw a little bit of the face and saw that it was a girl.
The face stuck in my mind and a switch went off.
I sprang from my solitary state and ran past the desk to the door.
"Where are you going? It's a shit storm out there!" Peter shouted as Derek put on shoes
"Y/n is out there! She's gonna get sick!" I shouted back as I ran out the door

Third pov
"Since when do you care about her??!"
Derek never answered because he was too far gone for him to hear his uncles question.
Derek ran down the stairs, too impatient to take the elevator.
Meanwhile y/n had tripped outside and hurt her ankle and hand.
She sat on the wet concrete trying to think of what to do.
She splashed her hands down in defeat and groaned.
She knew she'd have to call stiles to have him come pick her up.
That was until the bright light from an open door blasted through the stormy darkness.

Your pov
I looked over to the door not expecting to see anyone who would help me.
Derek Hale.
"Derek!" I shouted as he looked the opposite direction of my ragdolled body.
He whipped his head in my direction and ran over.
He hunched over to help me up but pain radiated through my foot.
"No no no! Ow! That hurts." I whimpered.
"What did you do?" He asked shocked.
"I slipped and hurt my ankle and my hand."
I lifted my hand to show how I had cut it pretty bad.
Blood was leaking down my hand and mixed with the water to make it even more runny.
"Come on we gotta get you inside."
"Are you sure you're gonna be able to carry me?"
"Sweetie, I'm a werewolf, I could lift a car."
"Point taken."
Derek scooped me off the ground and threw me against his sopping wet chest. He opened the door and took our blob of mess to the elevator.
I started to shiver because of the ac blasting on me. I cuddled into Derek's warm body more. I felt the difference between his warm body heat radiation and the ac radiation and I fled to Derek's body heat.
The elevator finally dinged and the doors opened to the penthouse floor.
Derek threw open the door and jogged in.
"Peter! Peter get your ass in here now!" Derek slightly growled as he shouted for his uncle.
Peter jogged down the stairs and saw the dripping wet pair of us.

Third pov
"Now what in the hell happened to you?" Peter capped at the mess that they called y/n.
"I f-fell outs-side a-and n-now I'm b-b-bleeding and my a-ank-kle r-really h-hurts." Y/n stuttered as she shivered.
"Well you're also gonna get hypothermia if you don't change out of those clothes. I'll go get a pair of my pajamas that you can use."
"No! She can just wear something of mine. I have more comfy clothes anyway." Derek defended.
Peter backed off and Derek took y/n to his bed and set her down.
"Derek! I'm gonna get the bed all wet!"
Derek ignored her comment and pulled out a 3/4 sleeve shirt with three little buttons at the top and a pair of sweatpants. They were both grey and the shirt was lighter then the pants.
"Here. Why don't you change and I'll go get the stuff to fix you up."
Derek walked away and y/n took off her wet leggings and put on the dry warm soft sweatpants.
She hated the fact that her underwear was still wet but decided to ignore that.
She started to slowly take off her shirt when Derek walked back in.

Your POV
"Derek!" I screamed as I covered myself with the dry shirt.
"What? It's not like im seeing anything, you still have a bra on."
"Still." I groaned.
I put the shirt on and pulled it down.
Derek kneeled by me and looked at my ankle
"Okay, let's get you fixed up."

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