Dereks jacket

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"You need to chill out!" Derek shouted as I continued to feel the anger rise in me.
"I can't help it!" I growled.
"We'll try to help it! You're gonna hurt someone or yourself."
"I can't! I've tried!"
"Well try harder!"
My body was over him commanding me and I swiped my claws in his direction. He dodged it but I instantly felt bad.
"I'm so sorry. I don't know what's happening to me." I gave up and sat down on the cold floor of the loft. My body seemed to calm down with every exhale I took.
"You're probably just stressed or frustrated. It's all normal for a werewolf to experience more stress."
"What do I do to get rid of it then?"
"Run, train...punch something." He shrugged.
I looked at him like 'maybe the last option isn't the best one'. He sighed and unfolded his arms.
"Okay, come on, get in the car, we are going on a run."
"What? Why? Where?"
"The woods. Nature is the best to decompress."
The car ride there was very silent but i was sort of excited to make it there. Derek parked and I instantly smelled pine and dirt. I started to twitch in my abdomen because my body wanted to run.
"Go on. Get a head start while I lock up the car and stuff." I looked back at him for a second but my mind couldn't catch up to my body which had already made a break for the forest.
It was almost dusk and it was starting to get chilly. I felt the cold breeze stroke my face and arms as I picked up speed.
I finally stopped by a big oak tree to catch my breath and wait for Derek to catch up. My body was just starting to catch up with itself and my legs started to hurt and my lungs had a sting in them.
Derek made his way up to me and I smiled as I saw him round the corner.
"Feel better?" He asked, also out of breath from running.
"Definitely." I nodded my head as I took a deep breath in and out. A shiver ran down my back and I clutched my arms as I felt it stop.
"Cold?" Derek asked as a fog rolled out of his mouth from his breath touching the cold air.
"Yeah. A little." I replied honestly.
"Here. Take this." Derek started to shimmy off his jacket and walked to me. I let him rest the jacket around my shoulders and I could instantly feel a difference. His jacket was really warm.
"Wow, I need to invest in one of these! It's so warm."
"The heat is also probably from me as well." He spoke. I nodded, not really sure for what, probably to just let him know I was listening.
I looked up to the sky and realized it was now night. The moon was hanging crescent in the sky and the stars were twinkling dimly.
"We should probably get back to the car. It's dark out now."
"Yeah you're probably right." Derek nodded as he also looked to the sky.
"Race you to the car!" I shouted as I took off without giving Derek a warning.
"Hey! No fair!" He scowled as he ran to me.
I looked behind me occasionally and saw Derek still sprinting behind me. I laughed and turned back to watch where I was going. When I looked back again Derek was gone. I stopped in my tracks and looked around. I couldn't see him anywhere. My face folded in confusion and I shook my head.
"I'll just make it back to the car and see if he's there, he probably just ran ahead." I spoke aloud to myself.
I made it to the car but didn't see him anywhere.
"Derek?" I called out, hoping he'd hear me. I got no response "Derek? Are you trying to scare me? It's not funny!"
I tried straining around to see if I could see any movement.
"Derek! Come on! Please, give it up!" Nothing "I'll drive home without you... in your camero... your nice black car..." I stroked the car and within a second I thought I was dead.
"No you won't!" Derek shouted as he swooped me up.
"Jesus Christ Derek! You scared the shit out of me!" I smacked his chest and he laughed. "Not funny! I hate you!"
"No you don't." He smirked. I squinted at him and sighed.
"I do hate how I cant hate you."
He just laughed and got into the car. I got into the passenger seat and clicked my seatbelt.
"Hey, y/n?"
"You know you will never drive my car right?"
I just rolled my eyes and chuckled.
"Yes Derek, I know that."
"Good." He quickly kissed my cheek and started driving.

"I'll just drop you off at home."
"You have school tomorrow."
"Derek, it's my senior year. I really don't care anymore."
"I do. You need school."
"Do i though?"
"Yes! Now you're going to school tomorrow."
"Fine!" I growled and crossed my arms.
"Don't get mad at me." Derek sighed.
"I'm not. I promise. I just hate school." I grabbed his hand to reassure him.
"I know. But you're almost done! You're almost 19, you're on your last year, you're so close! Don't give up now."
I gave him a half of a smile and kissed his cheek as he pulled into my driveway.
"Okay... I guess I have to go now." I groaned as I opened the door.
"Okay. I'll see you this weekend."
"Bye Derek."
"Bye y/n."
I walked into the house and went straight to bed. I was so tired after the run that I couldn't even shower.
I'll just do that in the morning... I told myself.

I got up the next morning and peered at the clock.
"Holy shit! I'm late!"
I jumped out of bed and rushed to get ready. As I was walking out I felt a cold breeze.
"I need a jacket." I backed up and went to my closet.
"I hate all of these!" I groaned. I looked over at my desk and saw dereks jacket I forgot to give back last night.
"Good enough." I shrugged and threw it on.
I made it to school just in time to visit the pack at Scott's locker.
"Hey guys, sorry I'm late." I huffed as I fixed my hair.
"You're fine. We were ju-" Scott started to talk but then started to smell something.
"What's up?" Lydia asked.
"Does anyone else smell Derek?" Scott asked with his eyebrows knitted.
Everyone else started to sniff and nodded.
"Yeah, he smells really close. What's he doing here?"
Scott sniffed harder and walked closer to me.
"Is that dereks jacket?" Scott asked as he pointed to the black coat on my body.
"W-what? N-n-no! Of course n-not!" I stuttered. I could feel my face flushing as I grabbed my sleeves.
"It's okay if it is. I just need to know." Scott laughed.
"So are you two like... a thing?" Stiles asked as he squinted.
"I-I don't know. We are pretty close but I don't know if he thinks of me like that."
"Well he should. You guys are so cute together." Lydia spoke with a smile.
"Yeah I usually wouldn't wifey off my family but I do like you two together." Malia nodded.
I blushed even harder and tried to wipe off my rosey cheeks with my sleeve.
"I gotta go to class guys."
I started to walk off when Scott called for me. I turned around timidly and he raised his eyebrows
"We all have first hour together? And it's that way?" He pointed in the opposite direction which was their direction."
"SHIT!" I scowled.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now