Sacrifices we have to make Pt 3

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"What do you mean she doesn't have a pulse? You said she's breathing!" Derek was ready to spring into action to save her
"She-she is! She is breathing!"
"Then how does she just not have a pulse?"
"I don't know. None of it makes sense. She's breathing but she's not bleeding and she doesn't have a pulse." Derek looked at the ground searching his brain for answers "She's also cold."
Derek lifted his head
"What did you say?" He asked
"She's cold. Like really cold. Which would make sense if she didn't have a pulse."
Derek's eyes bounced back and forth.
You're the one who's always cold." He whispered pushing his nose into my hair and breathing deeply.
"I can't help that I have poor circulation."
"It's so bad, it's almost like you don't have circulation."
"Shes always cold. We always talked about how she is cold. This isn't new."
"You've never thought it was weird how cold she was?"
"No. She's been like that at least since we started dating. Maybe she's been like that since we met."
"How long has that been?"
"Dating? About five months. Known each other? Close to... a year?"
"You're saying she could have been this cold for a year?"
"Possibly... why? What does that mean?"
"Well I don't know for sure but I have my theories."
"Well... since her heart isn't beating, by medical standards, she's considered dead."
"But she's breathing."
"Most likely, it's an autonomic system that keeps going. And if she's supernatural, she may not actually have to breathe but since she would have been used to it in life, it may just automatically happen now."
"What do you mean in life? What do you think she is?"
"Well she is considered dead." Melissa sighed
"What? You think she's a zombie?" Stiles chuckled
Melissa shrugged and looked at the group.

Y/n had been stitched up and bandaged despite the missing need for it. They did it more for the people around them than y/n herself. She was sleeping on a hospital bed while the group still tried to figure out what to tell her when she woke up.
"So you really think she's a zombie?" Scott asked his mom
"It's possible. What are the other theories?" She looked to the group
"Anything is possible at this point! It could be something we don't even know." Scott shook his head
"If she was a zombie wouldn't her body be deteriorating?" Derek sassed
"We also don't know. We've never seen real zombies before."
"Is it possible there are supernatural creatures that are alive but don't have a heartbeat?" Melissa asked Scott
"Maybe. I can ask deaton."
"We have a lot of questions for him. We should probably get him in here."
"I can call him. He should be going on lunch about now." Scott pulled his phone from his pocket and dialled deatons number and walked out of the room.
It was mind blowing to the group how fast the night had gone and the sun had come up. They had been so consumed in learning about one of their friends they hardly noticed they were missing school. They also still had no idea how to tell y/n she wasn't human.
Scott had reentered the room and pushed his phone back into his pocket.
"Deaton said he would come visit. He said he wasn't completely sure from what I told him but he might get a better idea seeing her."

Deaton arrived at the hospital and Melissa let him in. Y/n was still asleep and deaton sat down next to the bed.
He pulled out a couple bottles and mixed some things together.
"What's that?" Scott asked
"Just some different plants and powders. I can test them on her skin and see if she reacts to any of them. It might help me figure out what she is."
Deaton also put on a stethoscope and rechecked all her vitals.
"You're right. She's breathing but no heartbeat and very cold."
"So could she be a zombie?" Melissa squeaked
"I mean..." deaton sighed "I've never seen a zombie before and I have very little material on zombies so I'm not too sure."
"What are the other possibilities?"
"Well I originally considered things like demon, angel, shadow people, golem. There's a ton of things that could be physical but not alive."
"Well what have you gotten down to?"
"Well she's not a demon because if she was she would have reacted to holy water or sage. If she was a shadow person, light would often give them something like an allergic reaction. If she was an angel her eyes would give a slight glow, even through her eyelids, if in contact with blessed items. And she's not a golem because I couldn't find any sigils."
"Then what the hell is she?" Stiles asked
Deaton looked as if he was riffling through his mind.
"I think I know what she is." Deaton stood from the seat and searched his bag.
"What is it?" Stiles asked. He pulled a black box out of his bag.
"What is that?" Stiles asked "what are you doing?"
Deaton turned on the box and sat it next to y/n. The box started to lightly beep. Deaton pulled it away and it stopped. He pushed it forward and it started to beep again.
"What is happening?"
"This is an electromagnetic frequency reader."
"Electromagnetic- like EMF reader? Like for ghost hunting."
"So... you're saying... she's a ghost?" Stiles asked bewildered
"I think... yes. It's the only thing that's actually worked. And it makes sense. No heartbeat, cold, but her body thinks she's still alive so she's breathing."
"You're right. She doesn't know she's dead. At least not that I've seen." Derek added.
"It's like what Melissa said. It's an autonomic process so she doesn't have to think about it. Maybe even a brain that doesn't know it's dead would breathe." Stiles theorised
"Okay well... now that we know what she is, how do we tell her?"

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now