Dont hide little wolf pt 6

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"You... son of a bitch!" I screamed and slapped him with the backside of my hand. I doubled over in pain as the slap hurt me more than him.
"Fuck." I groaned clutching my hand to my chest.
"Here, let me see." Derek offered
"No! I dont want to see your face right now." I spat and put on my shoes to walk to find Melissa.

"So what happened?" Melissa asked.
"Oh I fell off a bike. Landed right on it." I was lying out of my ass.
"Fell huh? Because the damage here looks more like you hit something."
"Yeah. Kinda like you slapped... concrete?" I scowled. "So what really happened?"
"I slapped Derek."
"What?!" Melissa furrowed her brows in confusion
"We got into an argument and I hit him. Although now I know it was a mistake."
"Damn. I know you were staying with him but I didn't know you guys were spending that much time together."
"Oh according to Derek it doesn't matter anyway. Because it was all fake because I apparently made him feel all his feelings because I'm-" I cut myself off because I didn't know if Melissa knew about the supernatural.
"Cupid?" She finished
"You know?"
"I sent you to Deaton. He's a supernatural doctor. I knew he'd figure out what you were. He told me."
"So you know about.. ya know?"
"Werewolves? Banshees? Chimeras? Cupids? Yes I know. My son is a part of this world."
"Your son?"
"Scott as in leader of Derek's pack Scott?"
"Yes. That Scott."
"It's all making sense now."
"I'm glad. Anyway, I'm going to recommend you take some pain killer for that. And keep some ice on it. Should be fine in no time."
"Thank you."
"So what were you and Derek arguing over?" She asked
"I told Derek I thought I had feelings for him. I asked him if he had feelings for me. He just freaked out and told me that everything he felt wasn't real and it was my fault because I spelled him or whatever. The worst part is, I wish that was true. Because then maybe it would hurt less if he was telling the truth and didn't like me, versus lying and maybe liking me." I grumbled at the end
"Derek's a hard person to talk about feelings with. He's a complicated wolf."
"Everyone keeps saying that but he never has been with me. He's always been sweet. Maybe it is just my powers doing something." I threw my hands in the air and scoffed
"Or maybe, he likes you. And he doesn't know how to say it. Not every single thing that happens in this town is supernatural despite what everyone may believe."
"But then why didn't he say that he did?"
"Because Derek's incapable of letting himself be happy. He can't possibly fathom a world where he is content within himself and outside of himself."
"Why though?"
"He was his first girlfriend. Loved her with his entire soul. She died when they were teenagers. She was suffering so Derek put her out of her misery."
"He killed her?" I cupped my hand over my mouth in shock.
"He didn't want to. He tried every other option but in the end it was all he could do."
"Poor Derek."
"He still hurts over it. Don't tell him I told you this but sometimes I still see him hunched over in the employee office crying about her. I'm sure some of the injuries he sees reminds him of her."
"Wow. I never could- wow."
"Just know he's hurting. He's still trying to move on. So be patient with him when it comes to his love. It may be a long road but trust me, his love is one of the greatest things you can receive. I've seen it."
I nodded at her and gripped my shirt.
"Thank you."
I hopped off the table and walked out of the hospital.
"Damn this is going to be a long walk home." I knew I couldn't call Derek and Melissa was busy with her job so I started on the trek... home.

It was an hour before I got home. My feet started to ache as I walked through the door. I groaned as I threw the sheet door open and sighed as I felt the cold air hit my skin.
Derek walked out with a concerned look on his face.
"Y/n." He took a quick stride to me and pulled me into him.
"Derek. What are you doing?"
"Where were you? You've been gone for hours."
"I was with Melissa getting my hand looked at."
"How is it?"
"Fine." I replied shortly and walked away from him. He grabbed my other hand pulling me back to him.
"Hey, look. I need to um... apologize..."
"You don't have-"
"Yes I do. I do." I turned all the way to face him and looked him in the eyes. "I'm not... the best with apologizing, but I am man enough to know when I am wrong. And while it isn't very often that I'm wrong-"
"Are you going to apologize or not?" I laughed
"Right. sorry. I shouldn't have said those things."
"Thank you." It was quiet, and my smile was dragged to the ground "Hey, just so you know, I understand why you get so touchy around the subject."
"You do?" His eyes filled with panic
"Yeah. Melissa told me. Im sorry. No one should ever have to go through that."
"Thanks. It was a long time ago but it still hurts some days."
"I can only imagine." I stepped closer to him and wrapped my arms around him. "I know you don't love hugs but I feel you need it right now."

Third pov
"I guess i do." Derek sighed and closed his eyes. He squeezed her a little tighter and took her entire body into his mind.
Derek hadn't felt like this since Paige. He'd had many things but nothing ever felt as right as y/n and Paige. In a lot of ways, Derek almost felt like Paige had sent her to him.
When she let him go, he almost felt a sense of hurt. An absence that he hadn't noticed before. Derek kept her close to him, a ruler couldn't even fit in the distance between them. He placed a soft hand on the back of her head and pulled her into a forehead kiss.
"All I know is that you can not leave me now or you'd tear me apart, little wolf ." He whispered to her.
"I don't ever plan on leaving."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now