Sing a song little birdy pt 4

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"So I'm the one Scott put in charge of training you?" I smirked lifting the gun from the table.
"I guess. Scott thinks it'll be good for me since I'm losing my powers."
"Well he's right. But don't underestimate yourself. You may not be a werewolf but you're still a really fit man. You have a lot of power. You just need a little help." I handed him an unloaded gun. He looked down at it and hesitated.
"Don't be scared of it. It works for you." I nudged it toward him more
"Usually they work against me." He grabbed the handle
"Right." I softened and grabbed his hand. "Well this ones unloaded so it can't hurt you. Do you want me to go over the parts and show you how to load it?"
"Yeah. Probably."
"So your mag goes here. Once you put it in you'll cock it and then it's loaded. Make sure your safety is off and then you can fire. I'm not actually gonna load it because we are going to do some combat training and we don't want any mistakes." I handed him the gun back and leaned onto his desk
"Some general rules of thumb when handling guns. Rule number one, the most important rule, treat every gun like it's loaded and ready to shoot. I don't care if the safety is on, I don't care if it's not pointed at anyone, treat every gun with caution and respect. Rule number two, don't dry fire. It's not really gonna do much but it's best to not even think about it. You never know what can go wrong. Rule number 3, if you're ever unsure about your gun, whether it's something isn't working right, you can't figure out what to do, anything, just ask. It's the best way to avoid someone losing an eye or bleeding out."
"Got it." He nodded.
"Okay. Now you're gonna hold the handle with your dominant hand, then place that into your non-dominant hand." He followed perfectly, assuming he had seen many people hold guns before
"Now we are gonna work on disarming and preventing you from being disarmed."
I explained to him the steps but he just wasn't getting it.
"I can't do it. It's useless." He grumbled and threw the gun onto the desk.
"Hey! Woah! First of all, don't throw my guns."
"Second of all, you can do this. It just takes some practice. Just like how you had to learn how to use your powers, you have to learn how to use weapons. I know you're probably already frustrated because you don't feel like yourself but this is just something you have to learn. You need to be able to protect yourself."
"This just feels wrong. I'm used to fighting hand to hand."
"Well that worked for you when you were a werewolf. Werewolves have an incredible advantage in close combat. That's why humans use these" I gestured to the guns on the table "it gives us a leg up from far away before you even get close. At least it does for me because I suck at close combat."
"Well since you taught me this. How about I teach you some combat?"
"Hell no. I've seen the way you teach. I am not getting into that volcano."
"Oh come on. I'll be nice." I raised a questioning eyebrow at him "I'll try to be nice."
"You better. I'm sensitive." I pouted and laughed
He just rolled his eyes and walked behind me.
"When you are defending yourself you want to put your arms up, guard your face."
I put my arms up but clearly not high enough because Derek threaded his arms around my waist and pushed my arms up closer to my face.
"Flex your biceps. Your arms should be able to take a hit without colliding with your face."
I did as he told me and fixed my stance. Derek walked around me and put his hands up.
"This doesn't feel like a fair fight." I grumbled
"Why not?" He almost smiled
We sparred for a minute until Derek started getting a little more aggressive. I tried to step back and deescalate the situation but he kept pushing.
"Derek this is getting out of hand."
"Come on. Just punch me. I promise you won't do any real damage."
"Derek I'm not going to punch you."
"Why not?"
"Because you're my friend? I don't usually aspire to knock my friends unconscious."
"Oh come on you're not going to knock me out. Just fucking hit me." His eyes glared at me, testing my patience. I couldn't tell if he was riling me up or if he genuinely didn't think I could land a solid hit on him.
"Fine. You asked for it." I sighed and put my hands back up. We sparred and while he was lunging he opened up. I jabbed my fist into his ribs and as he wobbled I pulled back and socked him in the face. My fist went higher than I anticipated and I made contact with his temple. Derek went limp and fell to the floor.
"Okay Derek come on." I sighed knowing he was messing with me. He didn't move still and a twinge of concern floated about in my mind.
"Derek come on. It's not funny." I did hit him in the temple. I tapped him with my foot and he still didn't respond. After about thirty seconds of zero movement from Derek I started to get concerned.
I dropped down next to him and checked for a pulse. His heart was beating and he was breathing so he just must have passed out.
"Derek. Derek wake up." I grabbed the sides of his face and continued to talk to him. I was starting to panic a little bit more. "Derek seriously wake up. I don't know what to do if you don't wake up soon. If you're faking at all please respond otherwise I'm gonna call an ambulance."
There still wasn't a response so I scrambled to get my phone. When I got back I sat back down next to him and opened my phone
"Derek these are your last seconds before I call. I'm serious. You're scaring me." My voice was shaking, I could feel myself wanting to cry in fear.
I dialed and looked at his still face. My thumb moved to press the button but before I could Derek's eyes fluttered open and he lifted his head.
I took a deep breath and leaned my head on his chest.
"Oh my god Derek." He started laughing and cupped the back of my head with his hand
"That was a pretty good connect." He laughed
"It's not funny Derek! I thought you were dying."
I lifted my head to look at him as he laughed
"I know. I know. I'm sorry. But you're the one who knocked me out!"
"I didn't mean to! I meant to hit you in the jaw! Not the temple!"
"Y/n, I know. You didn't mean it. It's fine. I'll survive. Here." He grabbed my hand and placed it over his heart "See? Heart is beating. I'm fine."
"I'm never punching you again."
"Okay. You don't have to." I rested my head on his chest and he rubbed my back. I was still trying to get my heart rate down and reassure myself that he was fine. "Did you mean what you said earlier? That we are friends?"
I pushed myself back up.
"Yeah. Of course. Why? Do you not want to be friends?" I asked
"Not really." He mumbled.
"What? Why not?" I actually felt hurt when he said that. I didn't think we were the best of friends but I wasn't lead to believe he didn't want to be friends at all. I felt my heart sink but then I was lurched forward. Derek had grabbed a fist full of my shirt and yanked.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now