Best friends older brother pt 2

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The next morning had come as bittersweet as it always had. The day after the anniversary of Cora had always brought some sort of metallic taste to my mouth. I opened my eyes to a shard of harsh sunlight beaming into the room.
"God, it's way too bright."
I tossed my feet over the side of the bed and tried to raise myself but I felt a tug on my waist. I looked down and saw Derek draping his arm subconsciously over my stomach.
"What?" I whispered to myself. I did the one two clothes and underwear check and my heart rate decreased ever so slightly when I knew last night couldn't have been... that.
I sighed to myself and laid back down, thinking about what to do now.
I turned onto my side facing him which didn't disturb him in the slightest.
I dropped my head to the pillow and looked at his sleeping form.
He's so gorgeous
I lifted my fingers to delicately push a small curl from his forehead.
God this man makes my heart flutter
I hoped to god he didn't know what was happening. I knew this moment was wrong but I couldn't help myself. Derek Hale, my best friends older brother, who I'm so incredibly in love with is sleeping right next to me. I had to seize the moment against my better judgement.
He groaned and shifted his face a little bit. I pulled my hand away quickly and closed my eyes. I needed him to think I was asleep.
"Y/n." He whispered softly. I wasn't going to respond. "Y/n." He said again, now trailing his fingers across my cheek. My heart skipped a beat and then tossed itself off a bridge with that.
I stirred and blinked rapidly, acting like I had just been pulled from sleep.
"Hm?" I asked looking at him with squinted eyes
"I gotta get up."
I played it off as if it was casual so I just nodded and turned over the other way. He kissed my bare shoulder and then got up and left the room.
What the hell was that? Why did he just do that? Am I going crazy? Did I miss something?
I laid there with my head on the pillow for the next half hour trying to wrack my brain about last night. I couldn't remember anything. But I didn't drink and I didn't do any drugs so how come I can't remember anything?
I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. I pulled down my tank top and watched Derek scramble eggs in a pan.
"Hey." He smiled.
Okay something was definitely wrong but I still didn't want to say anything about it.
"Hi." I smiled back. I walked up and decided to test the waters a little bit. I put my arms around his waist and hugged him from behind.
"Well someone's cuddly." He chuckled as he plated his breakfast.
"Okay I have to ask." I broke the happy moment.
"What is it?" He asked
"Where am I? What parallel dimension did I fall into because yesterday we were nothing more than friends and then this morning I woke up and you kissed my shoulder and now you've been smiling and fuzzy. What happened?"
"You don't remember?"
"No? Should I have?"
"Well you did hit your head so I wouldn't be surprised."
"I what?!"
"You fell backwards after I kissed you so you probably just have a little amnesia."
"Wait wait wait- hold on. You kissed me?"
"Yeah." He nodded
"Because I like you."
My entire body froze and took a screenshot.
"W-what-hang-hang on- just give- what?!"
"Pretty much how you reacted last night too." He laughed
"Wait tell me what happened!"
"Okay so last night after I left your room-"

Third POV
Derek took his leave and y/n watched intensely as he walked out. She felt her tongue get dry in her mouth and her stomach turn in loops.
"God I love you." She sighed angrily as she flopped back onto her bed. "This world just can't let me have anything."
They say had gone by slow for y/n but fast for Derek. Y/n had shut herself in her room and Derek assumed it was for her to decompress from the day. That was true but for the wrong reasons. Y/n was feeling conflicted with her feelings and she knew it wasn't wrong, it was just... inconvenient.
Derek spent his day in the training room, using the punching bag as an outlet of his anger. He took a jog around the complex and found himself tired after all the working out.
Derek came back into the apartment later that night, his feet and legs crying from the work.
He took a big grunt as he put down his keys and his wallet.
He heard a slight music sound coming from the girls room. He listened to see if he could figure out the song but to his dismay it was a song he didn't recognize. He decided to make his way up to her room to check on her.
"Hey." He turned around the threshold of her room
"Hey, you're finally back." She was laying with her legs crossed on the bed and her back against the headboard.
"Yeah I just went out for a while."
"You've been out for hours now." Y/n glanced at her clock to see the time match the now black sky "you feeling alright?"
"My body hurts so bad. I'll heal but I'm definitely sore."
"It's getting really late. Are you gonna be okay driving home?"
"Yeah I should be fine." Derek tried to turn but his back cramped and he let out a small whimper
"Okay, that's a no. You can stay here for the night."
"I can drive home."
"No you're going to get a cramp in the middle of driving and your gonna fall off the road."
"That's not gonna-"
"Just stay here. I can take the couch. I'll clear off my bed and you can take it for the night."
"I'm not gonna steal your bed after you let me stay."
"Derek you're in pain."
"I'll heal by morning."
"You'll heal faster if you take my bed."
"Ask me to take your bed one more time and I'll rip your feet from your ankles."
"Fine, but you need to stay."
"I will. I promise."

Your POV
The night had fallen and we both went to our designated sleeping areas.
I crawled under my blankets and sighed as my head hit the pillow. But my eyes didn't shut and I didn't feel tired.
I sat up and debated getting up to talk to Derek but then realized that would be selfish. He needed sleep so I decided against it.
"Y/n?" A voice pulled me from my internal deliberation. I saw Derek standing at the door, his shirt had been taken off and his joggers has been untied at the waist.
"Yeah?" I asked responding to his soft call.
"Can I talk to you for a minute?"
"Of course." He walked over and sat down on the side of the bed "You can get more comfortable."
He scooted and rested his back on the headboard and I continued to lay on my side.
"I just... you know my thoughts get in my own way and I have a hard time expressing that." I nodded to show him I was listening. "Well I have to let you know something. I really like you."
My heart stopped and I had to make sure I heard that right.
"What?" Was all I could muster out.
"I like you. Like I really like you. I even may say I love you if that doesn't absolutely terrify you. I do. And I know it's a lot to handle, especially this late at night. But I had to tell you."
I stared at him with a blank face.
"Am I... am I dreaming right now? Am I asleep?"
"No you're awake."
"Okay... okay. Wait... hang on. How can I be sure this is real?"
Derek smirked and then leaned down to my level. He gently pressed his lips to mine and lasted for a small kiss. My mind went even more fuzzy and I completely stopped computing.
"You just kissed me." I whispered as my body stayed frozen.
"Do you want me to do it again?"
I nodded and he leaned back down. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around him. I grazed my hand over his shoulder and to his bare back. I felt my hand dip and turn as his muscles contorted my grazing. I sat up a little bit but Derek controlled where I went. I backed up but soon felt an unsuspecting contact with the wall behind me.
"Ouch." I grumbled as I rubbed the back of my head.
Derek grabbed and cradled my head with his hand.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah that just really hurt."
"Okay" he nodded "let's lay you down."
My hands finally rested around the nape of his neck. His hair was soft and smelled fresh. He pressed his lips back to mine. His breathing calmed me and coaxed me deeper into the tingling of my stomach.
He soon backed away against my wishes and left my lips cold. I let out a sound of unappreciated desperation and looked at him.
"So, what does that mean?" He looked at me for a quick answer.
"I think it means I like you too."
"You think?"
"No I know." I laughed. He buried his face in my neck and threw himself halfway over me. He tossed an arm around my waist and continued to take in my scent.
"I'm just gonna sleep here." He mumbled.
"Sounds good to me." I stroked his hair and rubbed his back with my other hand. "Goodnight Derek."
"Goodnight y/n."

I rubbed the back of my head, the feeling and memory slowly coming back. All the feelings of that night started to tingle again as I remembered everything from my perspective. I was definitely sweating now.
"And so... now we are like... a thing?"
"If you want to be."
"YES- I mean... yeah... I'd like that."
"Okay. I'd like that too." I stepped closer, hoping he'd kiss me without me having to ask. "Is there something you'd like?"
I nodded and pursed my lips. He rolled his eyes and leaned down to connect his to mine.
"I will never get used to that." I smiled and looked down at the floor after that confession.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now