Be normal

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First POV
The can hissed as the white wall became soaked in red paint. The letters and inspiration flew out of me, releasing the tension from my fingers to my toes.
I sighed a heavy breath and took a deep inhale of toxic paint smell.
I stood back and looked at what was written on the side of a motel.
"Wow, someone's feeling angsty today. Death in red paint? Really?" A low voice judged from behind me.
"Yeah well when it's all you can see and hear, you start to let it out." I snapped as I shoved the empty can back into my duffle bag.
"Woah, okay banshee, calm yourself."
"Why dont you back off?" I shouted.
I threw the bag over my shoulder and walked past him.

Dereks POV
I've known the banshee forever, not Lydia, y/n. She has been in touch with her abilities for a while now and she's starting to vibe up in the whole control thing.
I watched as she steamed past me and stomped off into the streets.
I sighed knowing what was happening to her. It happens to the best of the supernatural. Sometimes supernatural abilities can mess with people. And of course I can't speak for having voices in your head and constant night terrors, but I can still understand how it can drive you mad.
I watched her as she slipped into an alley and disappeared into the night.

I watched as her calm figure steadily rose and fell. Her eyes danced in dream land as she lay asleep next to me.
Her and I had a confusing relationship. It wasn't exactly a love hate relationship and it definitely wasn't true love but there is just something about her that I can't shake. She isn't like anything else before. She's real. She tells it like it is. And that's what I love.
I was jolted out of my daze when she shot up.
She hyperventilated as she stood from the bed, wobbling on her feet.
She ran out the door, down the motel stairs and to the wall she had marked only a couple hours earlier.
"What is it?" I asked as she placed her hand on the lettering.
"Nothing, I just needed to get out of there." She rested her head on the wall and slouched her shoulders.
Still panting, she stood silent and I waited anxiously for her to say something.
"Want to talk about it?" I ask after a while of silence.
"No." She bluntly shot down.
"Okay, well I just think that maybe you should talk about it, you know to get it out of your system."
"This will never leave my system Derek! This is who I am! This is my life! Every day!" She shouted at me, quickly raising her posture from the wall and turning to me.
"I just want these voices to leave my head! The ones that pull at each other and tear me apart inside. I hear them every single second of the day and they don't leave, they never go away. They never listen to me. I'm supposed to be in control." She started to cry as she shouted. She didn't even seem to be shouting at me anymore, more just like shouting to the world, to that void that may be able to help. "I just want to be normal. For one day."
"Everyone wants to be normal y/n." I reminded her.
"No, people want to be popular in high school. People want to be famous or not a nerd. The people that want to be normal, are already normal. I want to get screaming demons out of my head that tell me when people are going to get their throats ripped out or bleed from their eyes. That's not normal. I want to be normal. No supernatural powers, no voices, no dreams, no premonitions, nothing. For once in my damned life I want to feel nothing. I want to feel like a nothing. I want to be what every normal person doesn't want to be." Y/n wiped her eyes with her sleeve and fell to her knees.
She sobbed as she tried to get some stress out.
I just stood and watched. I didn't know what to do, what to say, how to act. I just didn't want to mess it up even more.
"No one loves me like this." She spoke so softly that even my werewolf ears had a hard time hearing it.
"Hey," I growled "don't you ever say that. You are loved."
She looked up at me as she shook and her voice replicated her body
"Who would love me like this?"
"I would. I do. I love you no matter how crazy you think you are. All of these little things, those voices in your head that make you feel this way, they don't drive me away. I know who you are and you're so much more then your struggles. More than those voices. More then the anxiety and stress. More than the angst."
She started to stand and she ran to my arms.
She threw herself into my chest and I hugged her back.
"I want them to be quiet. For one minute. One second, one moment. But they never are. It's torture."
"Have you tried distracting yourself?" I ask out of curiosity.
"I have, it doesn't work." She shook her head and looked up to me
"Maybe you just don't have a big enough distraction."
"It would take a lot to distract me from the screams."
"I bet I can help you with that."
I pulled her into me and pressed my lips to hers.
Her body instantly untensed. She kissed back and pulled away.
"They're quiet." She whispered.
"Good," I smiled at her peace "now let's go get you back to sleep."
She nodded and followed me back to the room.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now