I love you

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Domestic bliss-ish!
I know it's different from what I usually do but I need some smiles in my life rn
"Full?" Derek asked me as i leaned back in the booth with a sigh
"Yeah... I ate too much," i whined and rubbed my stomach "I hurt." I laughed
"Well you need to learn to pace yourself." He nibbled on one of the last fries on his plate and chuckled.
A waiter walked over with a tray under her arm and a note pad in her left hand.
"Are you guys all finished up?" She asked quietly.
"Yes we are." I smiled back at her.
"Okay, I can take these out of the way." She laid the check down upside down and picked up the glass plates from in front of us.
"Thank you." Derek whispered as she walked away.
The cafe was quiet. It was late at night, around midnight, but the cafe was open twenty four hours and we had just had a long day. There was only one other person seated and he was quietly eating some bland pancakes with a glass of almost gone orange juice. I scanned his body and dragged my eyes along his clothes to be stopped by a shining plate on his chest.
"Derek." I went wide eyed and sunk into my seat.
"What?" He asked half panicking.
"That guys a cop."
"Shit." Derek quietly cursed and pulled out his wallet to pay quickly.
"You better hope these neighboring towns' cops don't know about mass murderers from bordering towns." I seethed.
Derek put his card down and flagged down the waitress to take the card and her tip.
She came back quickly and with thanked the universe for her quick service.
"Okay how we gonna do this?" I asked him.
He sighed and looked around. He smirked and nodded in the direction of a back door behind me. I turned and saw the door.
"Excuse me?" He caught a different waitress walking by.
"Yeah what can I help you with?"
"Is that door open to leave out of?" He pointed.
"Yes it is."
"Awesome! Closer to our car!" Derek smiled at me and covered up our plan. "Thank you." He smiled to her and she walked off.
"Let's go." He put the napkin down on the table top and stood quickly.
We both quickly walked out without trying to stir any suspicion from the cop. I giggled when the foot closed and we took a brisk walk to his car.
I hopped into the passenger side and laughed.
"My heart is racing so hard."
"I think you worry too much, pup." He checked his mirrors before reversing and driving home.
"You could have gotten tackled!"
"And how would you look?! Going out in the middle of the night with a mass murderer?!"
"Oh I would play dumb. 'He's what? Officer! I had no idea! I met him on a dating app two weeks ago!'."
"Oh so you're really gonna throw me under the bus like that?!" He laughed.
"Yeah I would." I laughed. He reached over and tickled my ribs. I screeched and he flinched
"Ouch y/n! Ears?! Remember?!"
"Sorry." I chuckled
"It's fine." The car fell silent and I looked out the window. I rested my arm on the windowsill and my head on my arm. The breeze from the rolled down window kissed my forehead and pulled my hair from my scalp lightly.
"Sleepy?" He asked
"Mmhm." I replied with my eyes closed
"You can fall asleep."
I only followed orders and felt my brain go fuzzy as I nodded off.

Derek's pov
It was quiet. Only the sound of the tires grazing the ground filled the silence. It started to sprinkle and y/n had moved so I rolled up the window. The drops hit the glass softly and the car sped up with every ounce of push on the pedal.
"You asleep?" I asked not looking at her. When I got no response I assumed she was out.
"I know it's been a while since we've gotten a chill moment so I guess I just wanted to let you know what I love you. And not just because you're hot, or because you take care of me, but because of you. Because you smile when I need it, because you laugh at the videos I think are stupid, you eat the things I don't want and you can't help but giggle when I say anything remotely inappropriate. That's what I love."
It was quiet again, getting no response from her. I guess I should have expected that but it still threw me off when I didn't get a snarky retort from her.
"I love you y/n, more than words can express."
The car rolled into the garage and I  got out. I shuffled over to y/ns side and opened the door. I unbuckled her seatbelt and pulled her into my arms. I carried her toward the elevator and waited till we lifted up to the penthouse. I kicked open the large door with my foot and carried her to the bed. I laid her down delicately. I took off her shoes and her heavy jacket and pulled the sheets over her.
I kissed her forehead and said goodnight.
I walked over to the other side and stripped down to my boxers. I sighed with a stretch and slipped into bed. Y/n hummed and rolled over to lay her head on my chest. She breathed shallowly and nuzzled in. I rubbed her back and pulled her leg over mine.
"I love you." I whispered. "I love you. I love you." It felt good to say it abundantly and without pressure. She may not even hear these, she may not even know, but I do. I knew it happened and it was amazing.
"I love you." I chuckled. I kissed her nose and then her soft relaxed lips.
"Goodnight. I... love... you."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now