Sing a song little birdy pt 7

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Final part of this mini series! I hope yall have enjoyed! Also we are incredibly close to 500k reads which is nuts??? So whether you're a one time reader or someone who comes back for every post I make, thank you for reading and supporting my work! <3
"Liam! You scared the shit out of me!"
"Where have you been?? Scott called me. Are you okay?" He asked getting up and looking at my bandages.
"I'm fine Liam. Really. I'm okay." I nodded and pulled him in for a hug.
"Okay good. I'm going to bed. I just wanted to see you get home before I fell asleep."
"Thank you. Goodnight."
"Goodnight." Liam walked out of the room and quietly closed his door.
"He really loves you doesn't he?" Derek asked as he took off his shoes.
"Yeah." I smiled at the floor "I love him too. I'd do anything for him."
"That's one thing that's never changed since you came here. That love that he has for you. That's how I can tell he's a werewolf."
"What does that mean?"
"You know... like you said, wolves are possessive. Just like you would do anything for him, he would do anything to keep you safe."
I just smiled at the thought of Liam protecting me. I guess in some ways I still see him as his middle school self. When his voice was still squeaky and he wasn't a star athlete or werewolf.
I turned to my closet and threw off my sweatshirt and hung it back up. I changed from a t shirt to a tank top and turned back around to see Derek awkwardly staring at the floor.
"Oh shit sorry. I forgot you were standing there."
"No it's okay. I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable."
"I'm fine. Really." I climbed into bed, not worrying about changing out of my joggers.
Derek just stood at the empty side of the bed.
"You can get in. It's alright."
He hesitantly got in and scooted toward the edge of the bed.
"Derek I'm not contagious. You can scoot closer to me."
He silently complied and shuffled in. I turned onto my side and looked at him.
"Are you alright?" I asked
"I'm fine." He shortly answered
"You just seem tense. You don't have to be scared of touching me or anything. If I was uncomfortable I wouldn't have even given you the idea of us sharing a bed."
"I just didn't want to push anything. I still want to give you time to... ya know..."
"Derek I like you." I blurted
"What?" He turned his head to look back at me.
"I like you. That's my answer. I feel like I think about you way too much for this to be nothing."
His mouth looked like he wanted to smile but he was holding himself back. He didn't say anything. Part of me believed that he was in shock.
I sat up and hovered over him. I waited to see if he was okay with me kissing him. He gave me a very tiny nod so I leaned down and kissed him softly. He placed his hand on my jaw and gently pushed me in to keep kissing him.
After a few moments of quiet connection I pulled away. A small voice in my brain wanted me to keep going but I knew it was time to stop.
"I really like you Derek."
"I really like you too." He mimicked
I laid back down next to him and he flipped onto his side so we were facing each other.
"If we are going to bed you should probably get up to turn off the lights." I looked at him with a smirk and flicked my hand down. The light switch flipped off and the lights went dark.
I could see Derek's eyes roll in amusement in the dark.
"You have to admit im pretty cool."
"Whatever you say." He refused to acknowledge it. He turned back into his back and I leaned up to kiss his cheek.
"I'm never going to be able to fall asleep." Derek sighed and shifted.
I moved so I could rest my head on his shoulder. He threw an arm under my head and rubbed my bicep slowly with his fingertips. His fingers trailed up onto my neck and grazed the bandage around it.
"Does it hurt?"
"No. No pain at all." I hummed
"Good." He nuzzled his head into mine with another sigh. It went quiet but I could feel the anxiety radiating off of him.
"Maybe I could sing. It might help you fall asleep. It usually works with people."
"You can try."
"Any song in particular you'd like?"
"Not really. Whatever you'd like."
"Okay." I picked a lullaby I knew by heart and softly started to sing.
I dragged my fingers up and down Derek's side to help him fall asleep.

It was just silence in the room beside my voice. Even Derek's shuffling around had stopped. I could feel his breath getting slower and I was taking it as a sign he was falling asleep.
I kept singing, going through all the lullabies that I knew. When I got to the end of them I checked Derek's face to see if he was asleep. He was out cold.
His face was peaceful though. His brows unfurrowed from their normal tense expression. I wondered if this is what he looked like when he was sleeping earlier in the night when I was on the couch and he was in his room.
"Goodnight Derek."
I repositioned my head back under his and closed my eyes. The sleepiness I had felt before the whole incident happened was coming back. I was being pulled into sleep. The warmth of Derek mixed with the quiet house was only tempting me further and I wasn't about to fight it.
I gathered a fistful of Derek's shirt in my hand and let myself go to sleep.

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