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Requested by ShreyaLokilover
"Happy birthday Ms. Lydia Martin!" I smiled as I presented a gift bag with light pink paper fluffing out of the top.
"Thank you." She laughed and placed the gift into her lap, turning back to the pack who was intently listening to the ideas of others.
I felt my heart swell as I saw her fiddle with the crinkling paper, excited to open the gift afterword.

"Ooooohhhh Stiles Stilinski!" I cheered as he walked in the door.
"Uh oh. Am I in trouble?"
"What? No. It's your birthday! So here's a gift from yours truly!"
I handed him a small box. He threw off the lid and pulled out a long necklace with a compass at the end.
"Does this actually work?" He asked cheering.
"Yeah it does! I thought it was cool." I laughed
"This is awesome! Thank you!" He hugged me quickly and pulled the necklace over his head.
"I'm glad you like it!"

"Scott!" I whisper shouted and pulled him into a separate room.
"What?" He looked concerned
"Do you have it all?"
"Yes. I do. She doesn't know."
"Okay good. You still need the apartment for tonight?"
"Yeah. That would be great."
"Got it! Happy anniversary by the way. And tell Allison I said happy anniversary."
"I will. Thanks y/n."
Scott gave me a quick hug and let him go.
"Come on Derek. I... uh... need you to... lift this... really big... heavy... thing... that I need you to lift with your werewolf strength."
I gripped Derek's wrist and tugged him out of the apartment.

"Hey kids!" I chirped as they all walked in.
"Hi y/n! Where's Derek?" Stiles asked looking past me.
"Uh, he's not here."
"Oh, do you know when he's gonna be back?"
"No, he didn't say when he'd be back."
"Oh, we'll we will leave then."
"Well-" I interrupted them turning around "you can stay. You don't hate my company that bad do you?" I joked
"Oh no it's okay. We gotta get some stuff from the store anyway." Scott brushed it off
"I mean derek shouldn't take that long."
"No really, we will just come back."
"Aren't you guys coming tonight?"
"For what?"
"For my-"
"Hey, you guys are here! Good!" Derek walked into the apartment.
"Yes! Good! We were waiting." Scott sighed and the group walked over to him.
"Ready to go?"
"You alright here y/n?" Derek looked to me
"Uh... yeah. I'm okay here!" I smiled
They all took off and closed the door behind them.
I sighed and relaxed my body. My feelings felt squashed and I felt a lump in my throat. I walked to the fridge and pulled out a stack of pancakes from yesterday. I warmed them up in silence. I stared till the microwave turned off and then looked at my own reflection.
I pulled out the pancakes and stabbed a candle into the pancakes.
"Happy birthday to me." I mumbled.
I ate in silence and was done quickly. I put my dishes away and went up to my room to pick out my outfit. I dressed up nicer than I usually would and finished getting ready. I finished my hair as the group came back. They had been out for a couple hours. I walked down the stairs and turned on a movie.
"Hey, how's it been?" Scott asked
"Quiet..."I said simply "and boring."
"So boring you dressed up?"
"No." I was bitter now. Not only did they all ditch me on my birthday but they forgot all together.
"Ah well, you look good."
"Thanks." I stood and walked to Derek who looked wrecked.
"You okay?" I asked looking at his bruised face and broken lip.
"I'm fine."
"Anyone else need nurse y/n?" I asked turning to the crowd. The general consensus of the crowd was they were okay.
"Well dinner is on the oven. Shower is open so everyone take turns. I'll go grab some towels and such."
I walked up the stairs, my heart still tingling in emotional pain. But I pushed it down and continued to care for them.
The night had gone on, now reaching late night and everyone was staying over. They were all tired and miserable so they were staying here. I put out blankets and pillows for everyone to get comfortable. My eyes got heavy as I sent the last person off to bed.

Third pov
Three days had passed and y/n was found to be away from the apartment shopping for herself.
"Oh shit." Derek mumbled "Oh shit." He said again louder looking up from his phone
"What's up?" Stiles asked
"We forgot y/ns birthday."
"What? No! Her birthdays not for another week!"
"No it was three days ago." Lydia groaned checking her phone.
"No one remembered?!" Scott pinched the bridge of his nose.
"I feel so bad." Stiles mumbled
"Me too, she always remembers everyone else's birthdays and events. She does everything for everyone and we can't remember a single thing."
"We are going to turn this around."
The entire pack spent the next hour setting up decorations and getting food.
"I got the cake!" Lydia shouted as she set the cake down. "What do you think?"
They leaned over and looked at the beautiful cake.
"It's perfect." Derek nodded in slight bitterness
They finished setting up just minutes before y/n came back to the apartment.
She stopped in the threshold and looked around.
"What's all this?"
"It's for your birthday!" Stiles cheered
"Uh huh." Was all she could get out as Derek walked over to her.
"Look, pup, I'm so sorry about forgetting. I just got so caught up with the things happening that I neglected you. It's entirely on me. Please don't be mad at me for too much longer. I'm here to make it up."
"We all are." Lydia added
"I'm still a little upset but I'm glad you guys are trying to turn it around."
"Okay awesome. Come on! Look at your cake!" Scott pulled her down the steps and to the counter where y/ns cake was waiting for her.
"This is awesome." She laughed.
"You like it?"
"I love it!"
There was an image of Derek frowning in a party hat  made with sugar paper on the top of the cake.
Everyone laughed along and cut the cake.
"I want Derek's face!!" Y/n shouted as the piece was cut.
Lydia giggled and handed over the piece.
"Awww!!! Look at you!! So grumpy!" She held up the plate so he could see.
"I'm not grumpy!" He frowned
"That's it! That's the face!" He scoffed and turned away.
The cake had disappeared quickly and it was time for presents.
"Here, this ones from me." Scott handed a small box to the girl on the floor.
She opened it quickly but carefully and found a soft stuffed bear inside.
"Oh he's so cute!!" She cuddled him close and fixed the little tie on his neck.
"Okay here's mine!" Lydia shoved the bag in her face and y/n pulled it to herself.
"A new pair of slippers?! Sweet!!" She slipped her feet into them and wiggled her feet around
"You are just so cool y/n." Stiles joked.
"Cooler than you!" She pointed to him with her covered foot.
"Whatever!" He threw a piece of popcorn at her which landed in her lap.
"Okay Derek. You're turn!" Lydia motioned
"I'll give it to her later."
"Why not now?" Lydia questioned.
"Just cause."
"Come on. Are you embarrassed?"
"No! I just don't want to give it to her now."
"It's okay. You don't have to." I shook my head and set my hand on his knee.
"Stiles?" I looked at him with anticipation
"Here," he threw over a blanket with the packaging still on "I didn't have time to wrap it."
"That's alright. Thank you. I am now infinitely more times cooler than you."
"Yeah yeah, live it up."
I set my gifts aside except for the slippers which I refused to take off.
I walked everyone over to the door after the decided it was time for them to leave for the night. I went around giving hugs and accepting apologies and sent them on their way.
"So?" I asked elongating the vowel. I turned around and looked to Derek who had his hands in his pockets
"So what?" He asked
"What about my present? You wanted me to receive it in private."
"Oh yeah." He walked closer and pulled me into him. He leaned down and kissed me deeply for just a second or two.
"Happy birthday." He growled in my ear.
"Is that it?" I questioned.
"No, I actually got you something. Follow, pup."
I walked behind him as he walked to the couch and pulled up a little bag. I snatched it from him and sat on the floor. I threw the tissue paper mindlessly into the air and picked up a picture frame.
The picture inside was us standing in the snow and he was kissing my cheek as I smiled.
"Aw! My favorite picture of us!" I pouted and felt my cheeks flush
"I know you liked that one and you needed some decor so I helped you out."
"Derek." I whined as I got up. I hugged him tightly and kissed his neck quickly "thank you. That's so sweet."
"Yeah well you're the only person I seem to be able to open my heart for."
"That's also the sweetest thing ever." I grinned. I kissed him softly my hands pressed to his chest. He tugged me closer and ran his hands up my back.
"Happy birthday, pup."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now