Youre all the family i have left (Daughter!reader) pt 2

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Dereks blood had run cold when he heard the voice. He only knew of one person who could call him that that wasn't his son. Derek didn't know what to do. He needed to turn around but his body was stiff.
"Dad? Is that you?"
Derek exhaled shakily and turned to see the girl. To him, she looked exactly like her mom.
"Y-y/n?" He stuttered grasping for a reason she was here.
She just nodded to him and shifted uncomfortably.
"Why? What? How? How are you here?"
"I found Eli on insta. Then I noticed you in a couple pictures. Tracked you down through some friends and... here I am." Y/n threw her arms out and clapped the sides of her thighs when she brought them back down "it was hard to find you though. You're not online at all. But it lines up, mom said you were never one for social media even when you were younger."
The air was thick and it was hard for Derek and y/n to look at each other.
"I can't believe you're here." Derek stuttered out
"Well... here I am."
"Why?" He asked
"Umm, kind of a long story. I can explain when we get back to your house." She motioned stiffly to the cars parked outside.
"Yeah. Okay." Derek was still tense as he grabbed his keys. Eli directed y/n to the car they had taken here.
"You took my car?" Derek scolded Eli.
"Uh no... y/n did." He pointed to the girl who gave a meek wave.
"You're old enough to drive?"
It had hit Derek then that this was real. His daughter whom he had almost forgotten about was alive. She was a full grown human. She could speak and walk and drive.
He didn't really know how to feel. He was startled because he never imagined he'd have to face his shame again in the form of a conscious being. He was sad because he realised he missed out on her entire upbringing. He was angry at himself for missing it all. But he was also happy that she was here. It almost made him giddy like he was a child himself again meeting a new friend.
"Let's just get home." He whispered and got in the car he had taken to work.

When they all filed into the house Eli took a seat at the island. Y/n followed and put the keys back where Eli had grabbed them from.
"So, tell me about why you're here."
"Well to put it simply. Mom died. And I have no family to look after me except you."
"Wow she is your daughter. She's blunt just like you." Eli laughed.
"Wait y/n. Your mom is dead? How'd she die?"
"She got sick a while ago."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"But since she's gone. I kind of need a place to stay."
"You can stay here."
"Dad!" Eli protested.
"Don't Eli!" Derek snapped "She deserves to have a place to stay. It's the least I can do."
Eli just groaned and walked to his room.
"There's a room at the end of the hall. It's pretty bare right now but there's a bed. And you can use the bathroom across the hall. I supposed You don't have much with you?" Y/n slung the bag she brought around her shoulder and nodded. "We can always go to the store and get you the basics."
She just nodded and carried off to the room. Derek was right, the room was bare. Everything was white and not much sat in the room except a bed, a dresser, and a bedside table. Y/n wondered who the room used to be for, or if he was rich enough to just have a spare bedroom. That was a foreign concept to y/n. Her mother and she had to share a room and their bathroom was less than satisfactory. Their conjoined living room and kitchen was so small they could barely fit a table and a couch in it.
Y/n laid her bag on the bed and unpacked. She had two pairs of pants, a shirt, a couple loose socks, some underwear, a toothbrush and a half empty tube of toothpaste. She carried headphones for a phone that had been dead for a day or so now. She also had some trash she had collected along her journey that she threw away in the bathroom bin. A receipt from the gas station where she got snacks to hold up as meals. A dried wet wipe to clean off her sneakers when they had gotten muddy from the rain. Some change which she deposited onto the dresser top. And she still had half of her candy bar which she popped into her bedside table.
There was a soft knock at the door and Derek entered the room.
"Hey, Eli and I are going to go out for sushi. Wanna come?"
"Um, sure." She nodded. Derek nodded his head in the direction out the door, motioning for her to follow him.
They all piled into the car and headed to the closest sushi place.
They grabbed what they liked and decided to eat outside since I was a nice summer night.
"There was something I wanted to ask." Y/n mumbled gaining the courage to bring it up.
"Yeah? What is it?"
"Are you the reason I'm... like I am?"
"I'm not sure I get what you mean."
"Like... i can do things other people can't."
"Oh, I get what you're saying." Derek was startled that this conversation was coming up and also that she had inherited that gene. He knew his werewolf heritage was strong but never had it crossed his mind "I suppose so. We can talk about family history when we get home. Not something to discuss in public."
Y/n picked up the vibe Derek was giving off and she quickly learned that being a werewolf was a secret in the real world.
The meal was quiet, the only sounds were chopsticks hitting the plastic containers and cars driving by.
Y/ns chest started to feel warm. She started to understand what it was like to live with a dad now. She felt like she understood him despite not knowing him very well. She had heard stories but other than that she didn't know much. But she felt like she didn't really need to hear stories, she already knew what he was like.
Eli was a harder case to warm up to. He was very abrasive in the sense that he didn't understand emotions. It took him a lot longer to understand when to stop joking around. He was also still not sure of her. Y/n was used to people not being sure of her so she kept her guard up.
After they had finished dinner they went back home and y/n settled into the room. She got under the sheets and sighed loudly as she stared at the ceiling.
She tossed and turned trying her best to fall asleep but no peace came to her.
After half an hour of grumbling about not being able to sleep she walked out to the kitchen. It was dim, the only light was a nearby reading lamp which was cozied up next to the couch. She walked over to see a picture book placed on the coffee table. She hummed and sat down. She grabbed the book and started to look through.
There were pictures of Eli as a newborn with his mom. By the time she got to Eli at age three his mom disappeared from the pictures. She felt a pinch in her chest as she related to the missing puzzle piece. She continued on though and saw the pictures of Derek enjoying his sons company. Things like birthdays, hikes, camping, basketball games, lacrosse games, school awards and so much more we're all plastered into this book.
She felt a wave of pain wash over her. She almost felt jealous of Eli for getting all these memories with Derek. She couldn't gain the sadness to hate him though. She knew that it wasn't Eli's fault Derek wasn't there for y/n. But she also couldn't hate Derek either. Maybe she just didn't know him well enough to hate him or maybe she just couldn't. Either way she was entirely consumed by her thoughts tugging war with her feelings.
"Can't sleep?" A voice asked from behind her. She turned around quickly but it was just Derek.
"No, I guess not."
"I have a hard time sleeping too. Must get it from me."
"Must. Mom never had a hard time sleeping."
"That woman could sleep anywhere." Derek chuckled
"Must be nice."
"Must be." Derek hummed "let me make you something. If you're like me this might help you sleep."
Y/n just nodded and sat at the counter.
Derek had fiddled with some things in the kitchen, preparing whatever it was that would hopefully make y/n fall asleep.
"So you said that you were a werewolf." Derek brought up suddenly.
"Yeah. I am."
"How long have you been one?"
"I think my first transformation was at 14."
"Wow that was younger than me. I was 16."
"Freaked me out at first. Mom tried to help but ya know." It was quiet "It would have been nice to have someone who knew this stuff."
Derek hung his head in shame.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there. I was a selfish kid and I didn't know what I was doing. To be honest, I'm really glad you're here. It's almost like the universe gave me a second chance. After Eli's mom left, I started to feel the guilt of leaving you weigh heavier than it ever had. I finally knew the feeling of being a single parent."
"I can't blame you for walking out."
"Yes you can."
"No." Y/n shook her head "I can't. Because I know I could have done the same if I were you. People make mistakes but there's no reason for me to hold a grudge when you are the only parent I have left."
"Well you may be like me in many ways but you are a lot more forgiving than I am." Derek scoffed
"I get that from my mom." Y/n smiled and looked at her lap
"You do." Derek agreed "she was probably the most gentle woman I ever met."
"Can you tell me more about what she was like? She always hated telling me about that time."
"Well she was incredibly soft spoken. She was shy at first but when we started to become friends she was brazen. Funny. She liked to laugh a lot. I think she saw me as a challenge because I was very cut off from emotion. But she helped me learn to be more open."
"She always talked so fondly of you. She never really spoke of you because it hurt her to, but when she did it was always beautiful. She always thought you were the most perfect thing to happen to her." Y/n gave him an endearing look.
"That's nice to hear."
A timer had gone off signaling that the sleepy concoction was done.
"Here." He offered her a mug.
"What is it?"
"Tea. It's got a bunch of stuff in it that helps you fall asleep. Don't ask what, cause I don't know. All I know is that it works."
Y/n took a sip and couldn't quite tell if she liked the taste or not. But she was so desperate for sleep that she drank it anyway.
Derek had sat down next to her and chatted a little bit more about lighter things. He wanted to know what she enjoyed, who her friends were, where she went to school.
Derek was so enthralled to learn about her more. He hung onto her every word as she told him about her life. She told him about her achievements at school and at work. She mentioned once or twice that she had gotten a scholarship to a big college. She ended up deciding not to go to when her mom passed away but it was the achievement that counted.
It had hit midnight when the pair started to feel the effects of the tea.
"I think I'm going to have to call it a night." Derek had sighed.
"Okay. Im getting tired too."
Derek took her empty mug and set it in the sink.
"Good night y/n."
"Goodnight Derek."
She headed off to her room and got cozy back under the sheets. This time her head felt lighter and her heavy eyes closed instantly. The bed was comfortable and the pillow was cold. She rested her head and in a moment, she was asleep.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now