Id do anything for you

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I've seriously been on the Daddy Derek (not in that way you perv) kick recently so here's a one shot to give you cavities from all this sweetness
D/n-daughters name
Y/n was so used to d/n trailing right behind her 24/7. Gripping her hand, her purse or any gooey outfit material she was wearing, d/nwas always with her mom. But today, y/n wanted at least an hour to get some house work done. And conveniently Derek was off today. So when d/n woke up for the morning, derek yanked her out of bed and headed for the play room. Y/n took this eagerness as endearment and shrugged off his quick pace.

In the play room, derek sat a sleepy d/n down on the small couch they had for her and sat down next to her.
"So what do you want to do today?" He asked. D/n was at the age of few words and mostly grumbles or intense faces. But she only gave derek a yawn as she rubbed her eye.
"Wow, tough crowd." Derek clicked his tongue and looked around the room.
"We could play kitchen. Or read books."
"Tea party." She replied with another yawn
"Okay. Tea party it is." He nodded his head and got up to set up the cups and saucers on the small table she had next to her play kitchen.
She wobbled over and sat in the blue chair, the one she always say in. She insisted ever since she could first talk that the blue chair was hers. Derek and y/n never protested when they played at with her and would laugh when she sat down at the same spot. There was even a point where Derek had put the blue chair in a different spot at the table and d/n insisted he move it back. That was the first moment Derek was really surprised with her intelligence.
Derek set up the tea sets and placed the tea pot in the center. D/n sat in her chair awkwardly but wiggled around to change her position.
"Daddy, you wear pink hat." She commanded as she held out the hat she wanted him to wear.
"Yes ma'am." He nodded and tried to shove the kids hat onto his adult head.
D/n insisted on pouring the tea made of air and Derek held out his sparkly pink cup to match his hat and d/n poured him a cup.
Derek was ready to start sipping but d/n had other ideas. She pushed her chair out and stood up.
"Wait daddy." She pushed a hand out
"Okay. Daddy is waiting."
She tumbled into her play box and came back out with two necklaces.
"Daddy wear pink." She thrusted a pink necklace into his face.
"Okay. Daddy will wear pink." He nodded and put the necklace on.
"D/n wear blue."
"D/n will wear blue." Derek repeated as she put the necklace on. "Can we have our tea now?" He asked with a fake annoyance in his voice.
"Tea!" She laughed and drank her air tea.
They played tea party for a while and then d/n got bored. She got up again and picked up her tea party set. She walked it over to her play kitchen and put her set on the play counter. She walked back over to the table and did the same to Dereks play set.
"Good job cleaning up. What next?"
"Dress up!"
"Dress up?! As what?"
"Princesses!" She laughed and walked back over to her toy box and pulled out her sparkly princess dress
"Princesses?! Okay. Is daddy a princess too?"
"No! Pirate!" She chucked a foam sword out of the box.
"So I'm a pirate and you're a princess?"
"No you're pirate princess!"
"A pirate princess?"
"Yeah. Sword, hat and necklace. You're pirate princess."
"Oh okay. So I've gotta keep these on."
"Yes daddy." She nodded and tried to put her dress on. She slipped into it but couldn't get the velcro closures together so she turned around and Derek stuck them together.
"There you go pretty princess."
"Daddy earrings." She commanded as she put her clip on earrings on and asked Derek to put on the other pair. The earrings pinched his ears and he grimaced as they clamped down.
"Ouch." He whispered to himself taking a deep breath.
Derek and d/n played princesses. Derek would swing at all the imaginary enemies and d/n would point a plastic wand she found buried under the piles of toys at them as well.
"Get them d/n! They are everywhere!" Derek shouted. She ferociously waved her wand around and let out a battle cry.
"Oh my gosh they are disappearing!" He gasped and became quiet.
The the enemies had disappeared according to d/n and derek had snuck up behind her.
"All the enemies are gone. But one still remains, because what you didn't know is daddy is actually an enemy!" He lunged at her and pulled her into him. "And the attack is one thousand kisses and a big hug to squash you!"
D/n squealed as Derek kept her in his grasp. After a moment, d/n pointed the wand at Derek and he froze. He toppled over and stuck his tongue out.
"You've killed me!" D/n laughed and crawled onto his chest. "You've killed me, sweetheart."
He looked at her and tickled her sides which made her squeal again.
The door opened with a loud squeak and they both looked to see y/n standing in confusion.
"What is going on in here?" She laughed
"We are playing princesses. I am a pirate princess who is actually an enemy. And princess d/n has just defeated me with her magic wand."
"Oh really?"
"Uh huh. I magiced daddy." D/n replied as she crawled off of Derek making him groan in pain from her tiny knees in his stomach
"Well princess d/n needs to take a nap now."
"No mommy." She cried.
"Yes baby."
"No mommy." Derek whimpered, too busy enjoying his company.
"Yes honey." She replied to her husband who was giving him the puppy dog eyes.
"Come on princess. Time for a nap." D/n sighed as she was lifted into her moms arms. D/n rested her head on y/ns shoulder and let out a yawn.
Derek followed behind her.
"Did you get some stuff done?" He asked y/n.
"Yeah I got a lot done. But it seems like you two got done more than I did."
"Well ya know... defeating a ton of enemies is all in a days work."
"Mmhmm. I'm sure." She set d/n down in her bed and shut the light off. When she closed the door she looked at Derek. "Looks like you went on an adventure."
Derek looked at himself in a distant mirror and started to remove all the fake jewelry.
"I'll go put all that back." Y/n held out her hand and collected all the jewelry.
She walked it back to the play room and set the costume pieces in the box.
She walked back out and Derek was rubbing his ear.
"You know those earrings hurt."
"You don't have to wear them."
"Yes I do. You know how sad she gets and that face she pulls when I don't do it."
"You're just a sucker for her."
"Yes I am."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now