Youre all the family i have left (daughter! Reader) pt 3

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Special announcement! I will be doing a part 4 and 5 of this series! So pay attention for them! Part 5 will also be a halloween special!
The next morning derek and Eli were tasked with getting me settled into the house.
Derek apologized for having to go to work as he gulped the last sip of his coffee. She reassured him that it would be okay and let him leave.
"How are you getting to school Eli?"
"I usually walk when dad has to go in early."
"I can take you." I offered trying to find a way to connect with Eli more.
"Nah that's fine. I like walking anyway." Eli seemed disgusted at the idea of his new sister dropping him off at school. It was relatively fine when Derek did it because his windows were tinted and Derek liked to keep a low profile. But Eli had no idea how y/n would be dropping him off.

Your pov
"I'm serious!" I restated
"Do you even have a car?"
"I can ask Derek to borrow his other car." I shrugged knowing he would most likely be cool with it.
"Yeah right! He almost killed me yesterday thinking I drove it!"
"Because you're 15 and don't have a license! I on the other hand, have had many years of driving."
"Two." Eli belittled
"That's two more than you." I sassed "although with your track record I've heard about it might not be." I spoke into my cup of orange juice.
"Whatever. If dad lets you drive his car. I'll let you take me." Eli sighed "mostly because I want to sit in his camero."
"I thought he'd take that one to work."
"Nah he says it's too dirty there for it."
"Man he must love that car."
"He does. He's had it since before I was born."
I pulled out my phone with a hum and found Derek's contact. I hit the call button and waited for Derek to answer.

Third pov
"Hello?" He asked
"Hey derek, it's y/n, I was just curious. Eli said he walks to school when you leave early. Would you mind if I took him to school in your other car? I've had my license for a couple years now and I've driven stick since I've gotten it!"
"Uh." Derek paused for a moment deciding if it was a good idea or not "yeah sure. Just be careful okay? I really love that car."
"I promise I'll be super careful and I'll keep Eli in check."
Derek let out a huff of amusement and nodded though she couldn't see it
"Okay. I trust you. And please try to talk to him. I know he's a little jerk but I think he's just nervous about you being here."
"Okay. I will."
"Alright. I'll see you after I get off work. Around 4 since I came in early. When Eli gets off school we can go to the store and get some stuff for your room. We can decorate how ever you'd like okay?"
"Okay. Sounds good."
"Alright. Bye."
"Bye Derek."
Y/n hung up the phone, stood from her chair and clapped.
"Get your ass in the car!" She smiled
"He's actually letting you take it?" Eli gaped
"Yeah he said just to be careful."
"Son of a bitch!" Eli cursed under his breath. Eli was upset that Derek let y/n drive the camero before him but he also understood why. But his anger getting the best of him blinded him to that reasoning.
Y/n grabbed the keys and Eli followed her out to the car.

"You're actually letting her drive your car?" Dereks coworker chuckled
"Was that a bad idea? I mean I know I just met her but she's my daughter."
"Do you really know that though?"
"I mean Sure." Derek shrugged "She's told me stories, shown me pictures of her mom, i remember everything She's said. Not to mention she looks exactly like her mom and acts exactly like me. It feels more impossible that she wouldn't be my daughter."
"If you're sure, then I think it should be okay. But it's just surprising. Hell you wouldn't even let me drive it and I've been driving longer than you!" His coworker laughed.
"That's because you have three accidents under your belt."
"They weren't my fault! Why does no one believe me?"
"Because after two, I think it starts to feel like a pattern!" Derek laughed.
"Whatever!" His coworker grumbled.
"And besides," Derek retracted back to the original conversation "I think it's a good way for Eli and y/n to bond more. He's been a little bit hesitant about her."
"I can imagine. I would be too if some girl dropped in because she was the product of a relationship before my moms and brought up all this bad stuff. He's also a teenager so the angst is hitting hard."
"She's not bringing up bad stuff." Derek furrowed his brows.
His coworker sighed and nodded.
"Maybe not intentionally or directly, but just her being there can make all sorts of things pop up. Like who you were before Eli and his mom, what the reason you left them was, how she feels about a missing parent compared to his feelings about a missing parent, all sorts of things."
"Do you really think this is a bad idea?"
"No, not at all. I think it's great that she has her dad again. I think it's nice that Eli has a sibling now- Ya know there are tons of pros to having a sibling studies show- but I also think it's a good thing to help you guys grow. Maybe adding a new member will help you and Eli bond."
"I just want Eli and y/n to be comfortable. They are my kids. That's all I really care about."
"I'm sure I'm time they will learn to love each other and get along but it may take some time and patience. Especially from you. You are their only connection to each other. Just give them opportunities to bond and they will make it."
"That's what I'm hoping this car ride will do."

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