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Seasonal affective disorder really kicked in during the winter. Being a new time werewolf also during the winter really hindered my emotions because I couldn't even go outside. My energy levels shot up after I had turned for the first time and not being able to run it all off really messed with me. But today is different.
65 degrees and sunny, no snow and light wind. The first day of actual spring!
I woke up to birds chirping and listened for wind. I shot out of Derek and I's shared bed and hopped to the window. Sunny! I opened the window and stuck my hand out.
"WARM!" I squealed which woke up derek.
"Whats going on?" He asked as I threw on a shirt and shoes.
"I'm going for a run! Bye love you!" I said as I bolted out the door. I stepped out and breathed in the crisp air.
It smells like spring. A shiver and a smile ran through my body. I could feel the cobwebs shake off my body and I could feel the bricks being lifted off my shoulders.
I was just about to go running when the door to the house opened.
"Hey. Mind if I join you?" Derek asked standing next to me.
"Sure." I smiled wide.
"I've never seen you smile this much." He laughed.
"Well prepare to see it for a long time!"
I said as I ran away from him. He caught up to me and I laughed as I ran faster. He caught up to me and I pushed myself. I felt the wind brush past my hair and I felt fresh air flow into my lungs.
I ran faster and faster.
Soon I see the edge of the forest. It was a cliff overhang. My eyes glowed yellow and I pushed myself and jumped off the cliff. I saw derek stop and look at me as I fell. I dove into the lake below.  I was engulfed in water and I felt my skin prickle with the cold flowing water. I came back up and laughed.
"Come on down!" I shouted to him.
He backed up and jumped down. I laughed as he splashed.
He appeared again and his hair fell in front of his face.
I laughed at how weird he looked.
I swam over to him and pushed his hair back. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I put my hands on the back of his neck.
"I love seeing you this happy, beautiful." He smiled as he pushed wet strands of hair behind my ear.
I pressed my face into his neck and we stayed connected in the water for a while.
After we got out, we both shook off and ran back home.
I flopped onto our bed after I changed my clothes. Derek laid bedside me and smiled. I popped up and opened the window.
"You just have so much energy, don't you?" He laughed and patted the bed next to him to signal me to lay back down.
I giggled and laid back down.
"Well maybe we can use that energy for..."
"No. Not today." I pushed his hand away from my leg.
"Fine." He sighed.
I picked up my phone and turned on some music. I got up and danced a little as i folded laundry and put it away.
"You can help me instead of just drooling ya know?" I laughed.
He got up and pulled me to him. He started dancing and I danced with him. I laughed and hugged him and he hugged me back.
"This is so stupid." He said.
"Oh well. It makes me happy." I smiled into his chest.
"I'm glad I can make you happy. Why were you always so sad?"
"Well I have seasonal affective disorder." I shrugged as I put away the last of the clothes.
"Seasonal who-and-the-what now?"
"Seasonal affective disorder. It's basically like when it becomes winter you get depressed and sad. There's a lot of scientific crap behind it but that's the basic rundown of it." I chuckled.
"Oh. I guess it probably didn't help that you were turned during winter, does it?"
I scoffed. "Yeah, no."
"Well. I'm glad youre happy now." He kissed my forehead.
"Me too der. Me too."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now