Your worst nightmare (Derek x daughter!reader)

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"Eli either get in the car or I'm leaving you for dead!" I shouted as Eli shuffled out of the school slowly. He huffed as he got in and threw his bag into the backseat.
"Dad said to meet him at the shop." Eli grumbled as he sat on his phone.
I changed lanes with that knowledge and took the back way to the shop. It was quiet, the road was empty and the sun was setting. It couldn't have been a worse time for someone to pop a tire. Which I just so happened to do.
"Ah shit!" I shouted as I heard the sound of my tire being pierced by a nail.
"What was that?"
"I tried to avoid a nail on the road but I must have hit it." I scoffed and pulled over. I unbuckled myself and got out to see the damage.
"Damn it!" I sighed and opened the trunk.
"Where's my spare tire?" I asked aloud. I saw Eli out of the corner of my eye tense up.
"Eli... do you know where my spare is?"
"I... I took it. I drove the jeep and wore out a tire so I just took your spare."
"Eli!!" I shouted as I clubbed him in the head with my fist.
"Sorry! Sorry!"
"Ugh! You idiot! Now we are stranded! I'll call dad. Just get back in the car."
Eli did as I asked and I pulled up my dad's contact.
"Hey honey, you okay?"
"We are fine but my tire got punctured and your stupid son took my spare so now we are stranded."
I heard him sigh over the phone.
"Well I'll come get you guys. Just hang tight. I'll track you and come get you."
"Okay. See you soon."
I got back in the car and sighed
"He'll be here soon."
There was a sudden knock on the window and I jumped. My heart raced and I turned to see an older man looking in the window. I slightly rolled the window down.
"Can I help you?"
"It seems like me who needs to help you. Got a flat?"
"Yeah and we don't have a spare."
"I've got one in the back of my car. I can help you fix it." I listened to this man's body and red flags started to fly.
"Yeah that would be-" Eli started. I slammed a palm on his chest
"We are okay thank you, my dad should be here soon."
"You sure? It'll be quick."
"No really. We are okay." I smiled.
There was a pause in his words. He looked away with a smirk and then looked back.
"Get out of the car." His face dropped and he pointed a gun at me through the window. My breath hitched and I leaned in front of Eli to protect him.
"I'm not gonna do that." I calmly but firmly said
"I said..." he cocked the gun "get out of the car. Or I will shoot your... brother?"
My jaw tightened and I glanced at Eli
"Brother." The guy sneered "only an older sister would protect someone like that. Get out of the car, come with us, and I won't shoot your brother between the eyes."
"Eli. Stay in the car. When dad gets here, tell him what happened."
"Y/n! You can't be serious."
"I am. Stay in the car Eli." I got out of the car and closed the door. Eli started to move "stay Eli!"
The guy took be by the wrists and shoved me into the back seat of his car.
"Stay quiet or I'll shoot."
I kept my eyes on the road and tried to not think of what was happening.
I made sure that my lips didn't quiver and that the tears that were pricking my eyes didn't escape
Never let them know youre scared.
You're a werewolf. You're scarier than they are.
Just look ahead. Don't think about what's happening. Just survive.
I stayed silent. The car ride seemed to be getting longer and longer. I had no clue what he wanted with me.
"Where are we going?" I finally asked, my voice cracking.
"You'll see." He sneered looking at me through the rearview mirror. He suddenly took a turn into the trees that lined the road.
I gripped onto the seat and tried to keep myself steady.
It was all a blur but in a moment he slammed on the breaks and turned the car off. He got out and opened my door.
"Get out." I obeyed him and he grabbed my wrists.
He walked to an abandoned shack and threw me in. It was dark but I could tell it hadn't been used in a while. It was dusty and there wasn't much life in the building. Through a small windows light I could see a chair and a table, a small shelf with jars on it, and a blanket on the floor.
The door was slammed shut and locked from the outside. I slowed my breathing, which I had just realized was extremely fast and loud, and listened for footsteps. They were dissipating and with that I made it my mission to get out.
I pawed around in the dark to look for anything that could help me.
"I really wish I had alpha vision right now." I mumbled and continued to throw around my hands. My hand rested onto a latch.
"Well... I guess I can't make this any worse." I sighed and closed my eyes and cranked the latch. A small buzz crinkled above me and a dim light flickered on. I looked around to see all my previous discoveries in better light. I walked over to the shelf to see the jars were full of food. Pickles, peaches, pears, anything that could be jarred was on this shelf.
"How old are these?" I whispered looking for a date.
"This is from a month ago. Is this an expiration date or a packaging date?" I checked some other ones hoping to find out more.
"Sealed on 04/13... so these must be packaging dates. A month ago."
I shook my head trying to readjust myself to the original goal of the day. Getting out of here.
I walked back over to the door and jiggled the handle. I kept wiggling it until I found it was hopeless.
"Damn it!" The door not opening was the last thing that happened before I felt my emotions override. I had been kidnapped, I left my brother on the side of the road, and now I was trapped with no way out. My throat got tight and I could feel the tears starting to drop into my cheeks. I let out a soft sob and covered my mouth with my hand. I sat down on the chair that was by the desk and lowered my head.
There was a bang on the door and I startled. I jumped up from the desk and shuffled to the back. The door groaned as it was pried open and then with a pop the door flew to the ground in front of my feet.
"Y/n??" My dad's voice called.
"Dad?" I squeaked and got up from my hiding spot. I saw his worried eyes finally find me and I ran to him. "Dad!"
He wrapped me in his arms around me and held me tight.
"You're okay. You're safe now."
"I did what you told me to. I stayed calm." I cried into his shoulder
"I know. You're safe. You're safe."
"All I kept thinking was that day we trained. All the things you said to me. I did it." I knew I was rambling but I couldn't stop my mouth from saying things.
"Exactly. Good job listening. You did everything right." There was a slam and we knew it was the man coming back "We need to go."
I followed him out and tried to find the car
"Hey! Get back here!" A distant voice shouted.
Dad stopped and turned to the man. His face morphed and he let out a loud roar as a warning to back off. The man stopped and stood frozen in fear.
"What are you?" The man's voice wobbled
"Her dad. And your literal worst nightmare."
"You're a monster!"
"Sure. But that's not why you should be scared of me."
My dad pulled me into him and squeezed me tight. He pulled me along and back to the car. There was no resistance from the man and we made it back to the car.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now