Emotional managment

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My eyes were bright red as I solidly hit the punching bag again. Everytime I heard the chains of the bag rattle it made me feel a little better.
I growled as I imagined the person I didn't like as the punching bag and hit it again.
I was fuming from the crap I'd been given today.
Derek has told me before that if I ever had uncontrollable anger after transformation, I should do a workout or hit something.
I've been a werewolf for two months and my emotions still get the best of me a lot.
I try so hard to not let it bug me but something inside me just itches to let it all out the second there's a small inconvenience.

Soon the door to dereks apartment opened and Derek walked in to see his furious pack mate, whacking the crap out of his punching bag.
"Bad day?" He asked, half mocking the angry true alpha.
"Like always." She huffed as she gave mercy to the bag.
"I feel like becoming an alpha so fast has really made your moods bipolar."
"Ya think?"
"Hey. I'm just saying."
It was silent for a moment and then Derek spoke up again.
"Here, spar against me. It'll let more anger out knowing you're hitting something alive."
Y/n nodded and she got ready to fight him.
She threw the first punch and it hit him square in the chest. He stumbled back with furrowed brows.
"Wow, that was fast! Even I couldn't keep up with that."
"Hmph. I didn't expect you to. You're old and slow."
"Oh now you've messed with me."
Derek's eyes let his partner know that he was serious now.
Y/n threw some punches and some kicks along with a couple obscenities to his name.
Y/n finally pinned Derek and she felt a weight lift off her shoulders.
She sighed as she untensed her entire body. She shut her eyes tight and breathed a little bit.
When she opened them after she was calm they were normal color again.
She got off of Derek who was shocked at how strong she was.
"I feel a lot better. Thanks."
"Y-yeah. No problem. Maybe you should go do your homework."
Y/n growled and Derek raised an eyebrow at her.
They stared at each other for dominance and Derek ended up winning.
She muttered a curse under her breath and walked up the loft stairs to do her homework on dereks bed.
She'd keep working on it.
One day she'd get it.
One day

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now