When you forgot mine pt 2

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It's been two weeks without seeing Derek and I was staying at the Stilinskis for a most of that time. Stiles greatfully let me stay when I told him what went down that night.
He was still infuriated with Derek, but he knew he'd never win a fight against Derek, even though he wished he could punch him in the face.
Stiles woke me up Monday morning, exactly two weeks after our breakup.
I groggily got out of bed and walked downstairs for breakfast.
"Morning sheriff Stilinski." I yawned.
"Morning kiddo! I'm headed off to work but I put in toast for you two! Don't be late!" He pointed to stiles when he warned us.
"We won't dad." Stiles called back as his dad ran out the door.
"Okay. Today's plans." I started as I buttered both of our toasts.
"School, and then I'll drop you back off here because I have a meeting with the pack. After that I'll be back and it's movie night for us tonight. Dad got the late shift so I got some R rated movies."
"Is this you really living on the edge, stiles?" I giggled as I handed him his toast
"Yes, I'm a wild child."
I laughed and bit into my toast.
We finished eating and got into the car to school.

After school I hopped out of the school and into stiles's jeep.
He started the car and he rolled down the windows and played music.
He dropped me off at home and I walked into my room. I pulled out my bag and got to my homework.

Third pov
Derek opened his closet to get a new shirt after his shower and saw one of y/ns shirts she forgot to get before she left.
His heart cracked a little when he remembered her sad face. Her face that showed betrayal and confusion. One that was sewn with sadness and fear. He remembered just being so angry with himself that day that he took it out on his beautiful girl.
He's felt terrible for the past two weeks. He's tried to call and text and he even stalked her at stiles's house and at school but she never seemed to care.
Derek was terrified beyond belief that she never wanted to get back together with him. He couldn't believe how much he could loose in one night. To him, she was everything.
The alarm of Derek's apartment rang and everyone came in. They all sat on the couch and Derek walked down to meet them.
They talked and planned out hardcore, but Derek didn't feel the same.
Meetings were boring without y/n. Life was boring without y/n.
Derek sighed when he couldn't take it anymore. He walked out the door and slammed it behind him.
The pack looked around and at each other with questioning eyes.

Derek got into his car and drove to stiles's house.
He got out and knocked on the door. He waited and waited as his anxiety grew. He needed her back.

Y/ns pov
I heard a knock on the door as I watched Disney on the downstairs tv. I unraveled myself from my blanket and walked to the door.
I opened it expecting it to be stiles or something but the person who stood there is the last person I wanted to see.
"What do you want Derek? How'd you even know I was here?"
"I'm sorry. Please, just give me a chance to explain and say I'm sorry."
"Derek. You've clearly made your mind." I rolled my eyes.
"No, that's the problem! My mind wasn't clear when I said those things. Please, I'm begging you. Let me explain and apologize."
I stood there for a second, hurt and curious.
"Fine. You have five minutes."
"Y/n, I'm so so sorry. I don't know what came over me to ever hurt you like that. I was so angry with myself that day and I took it out on you, but I completely regret that decision. I remembered your face of hurt everyday when I woke up and every night when I went to bed for two weeks. It killed me inside to see the person who's done nothing but love me get hurt by me, by the stupid shit I said. You're so perfect in every way and I was scared of loosing you. I was mad at myself and then I smelt another guy on you and my insecurities heightened. I'm so so so so sorry. I can't loose you. I just can't. You're everything to me. I lost my entire world when you walked out two weeks ago. I lost my happiness, I lost my grounding, I lost my smile, I lost my pride, my joy, but most of all I lost the most beautiful sight I've ever laid my eyes on. I lost my goddess."
Derek reached for my hands and held them in his as we looked into each other's eyes.
"You will always be more then just a girl or just my girlfriend or just my significant other. You make me so so unimaginably happy and so remarkably free. You're love is addicting, it's undeniably the best thing I've ever felt in my life and I can't loose that as long as I have breath in my body to fight for that. I never lost your trust. I just lost my own. I'm not gonna take no for an answer. But will you please give me a second chance?"
I looked into his melting, pleading eyes.
I didn't know what else to do but jump into his arms.
He hugged me back right and buried his face in my neck.
"I love you, beautiful. Nothing will ever change that. Not as long as I'm breathing."
"I love you too, Derek."
We both backed away from each other and he pulled me in by the waist and kissed me.

Third pov
Y/n missed the feeling of his lips.
Derek missed her intoxicating smell
Y/n missed his smooth but rough hands holding her
Derek missed her.
Just her
Everything about her.
And he was never letting her go again.

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