Best friends older brother pt 1

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Yes I know Cora didn't die but for the sake of this story, she did.
Sorry Cora
Also! This is my 100th part! Halfway through this book! Will I even make it to 200?! That would be crazy!
"Now derek, if you don't tell me where the snacks are I may have to hang you by your toes!" I sassed as Cora grabbed a toy bow from the chest of wonder.
"I will never spill my secrets!" The young boy laughed as he stood still.
"Tell us! We need them!"
"Put the bow down and I may tell you."
"Tell us and we may put the bow down!" I retorted.
"Okay! They are under the couch!"
Cora and I looked at each other before sprinting to the couch.
"Go! Run!"  I shouted as my feet pattered against the hardwood floor.
"Guys! No!" Derek ran after us. His socks sliding against the floor as he tried to catch us. "Wait guys! There's a chord on the floor! Watch out!"
We didn't hear him because we screeched when he started to chase us.
We got to the living room before I looked back to see where Derek was.
I took some steps forward while watching dereks face widen.
"Y/n! Wait your gonna-"
He didn't get to finish before I let out a loud cry as my knee scraped.
"Ouch ouch ouch!" I felt my face get hot and tears spill out.
"Y/n!" Cora yelled and ran to me. She kneeled down and looked at my knee which was bleeding. Derek walked over and knelt down to me. "Help her!"
"I will! Just give me a minute to look."
Derek sighed and stood up.
"I'm gonna go get a wash cloth and a bandaid. It's nothing too bad."
He came back with his supplies and Cora held my hand as he wiped the blood off  and pushed the bandaid onto my knee.
"There you're all better." Derek smiled.
He helped me stand up and I looked up into his eyes. I quickly wrapped my arms around him and squeezed.
"Thank you Derek."
"Uh huh. It's no problem."

"Thanks Derek." I groaned as he finished sticking the small bandage to my forehead.
"You really should be more careful." He scolded as he looked at me.
"You know me, that's not possible." I shook my head.
He let out a small soft laugh and looked down at the wrapper in his hand.
"So tell me what happened again?"
"I was trying to do the dishes and I opened a cabinet. I forgot it was there and when I turned around to put a dish away, I hit my forehead on the corner of the cabinet door."
"You're hopeless."
"I know!" I exasperatedly shouted.
"Come on. Let's go get lunch."
I jumped off the counter and walked out of the bathroom.

I looked at the calendar and sighed.
"I still can't believe it." I shook my head.
"Cant believe what?" Derek questioned walking into the room.
"Uh... nothing."
"Is it about Cora?"
My heart dropped. I can't say I'm surprised he remembered but I am surprised he even mentioned it.
"Yeah." I sighed "How has it already been a year?"
"I don't know. It still hurts like yesterday though." He looked down at his glass of water.
I walked over to Derek and wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed my cheek against his shoulder blades.
"What are you doing?"
"Comforting you." My speech was muffled by my face in his back
"This isn't very comforting. Honestly just feels like there's a log poking my spine."
I tsked and walked around to face him. I wrapped my arms around again but this time I pushed my face onto his heart.
He wrapped his arms around my head and sighed. He rested his cheek on the top of my head and closed his eyes for a moment.
"I'm sorry Derek. She may have been my best friend but she was your sister. No one should ever have to go through that once, let alone twice."
"Thanks, pup."
"You know I hate that nickname."
"I know, but I don't. And you let me do whatever I want."
"This is sadly true." I let go of the hug and looked up at him. His eyes were watering but he wasn't crying.
"It's okay to cry."
"I know," he responded with a low voice "I just don't want to. I'm tired of it."
"Then you don't have to. Want me to cheer you up?"
"And how would you even attempt to cheer me up?"
"I can talk about our cringy childhood stories."
"Oh no." He laughed
"Yep It's happening. Come on. Couch time. Let's embarrass ourselves."

"No that's just not true, I didn't do that."
"Yes you did Derek. I know because I saw with my own eyes."
"That's just not me."
"It was you though! You just changed a lot!" I laughed but then realized what I said was insensitive "I mean not like in a bad way. Not that I assumed you changed in a bad way. Or even that I was implying it. It's just that you had such a hard time. I'll just stop talking now." I cringed at the words that came out of my mouth.
"Are you done?"
"It's alright. I know what you mean."
I threw my face into the pillow in my lap and groaned.
"You overthink it too much. Not everything offends me. In fact most things don't offend me."
"I know I just don't want to hurt your feelings."
"It takes a lot to hurt my feelings." He said quietly.
I knew he said that because of the trauma he experienced. It was hard for Derek to express his negative feelings. Positive were more commonly seen to the private eye but true sadness was never seen by anyone.
I placed my hand under his chin and raised it to my eyes.
"You can tell me when you're hurting Derek. You don't have to hide it from me."
"It's not that." He shook his head.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah im sure."
"Okay, I'll drop it for now. But if you're ever upset and you need anything. Let me know."

Later we took a trip to my house and Derek helped himself to a cake that I made earlier
"Y/n?" Derek asked as he knocked on my bedroom door.
"Yeah?" I pulled my head away from my stack of papers
"Can I talk to you for a minute?" He stood in my doorway.
"Sure. What's up?" I closed my folder and set my pen down. I tapped the bed and he walked over to sit down.
"I just... how do I say this?" He looked at the ceiling and then down back at me "I am... sad."
"Okay. Do you want advice, me to help at all or just to listen?"
"I guess just listen."
"Okay. Whatever you want to tell me or don't, go ahead."
"Well you know what today is and it's making me sad. I just remember her every time I see something remotely similar to her. It just hurts my heart when I see her face in my mind. That's it."
"I understand that Derek. I understand how much it hurts. I know it's different but she was my best friend. It was like losing a part of my identity when she died."
"It was like losing a part of my soul."
"She was everything to you. When you found out she was still alive I saw a part of you light up inside."
"I saw your existence regain. You looked like you had a goal then. I know Cora gave you motivation."
"And I know Cora gave you hope."
"I think we are a lot more similar than we believe."
"I think so." I opened my arms for Derek to accept a hug and he leaned into it. "I love you Derek. I know we don't say it much but I do. You mean more to me than anything."
"I... love you too."
I let him go and he looked down at me.
"Thank you. For ya know... listening to me."
"Anytime Derek."
He walked out of the room and I watched as his back flexed when he closed my door. I watched as his entire body fluidly moved through the air.
I did have a crush on him that's for sure but he'd never feel the same way. He loves me I know that, but not in that way.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now