Where there is desire

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Derek never intended to fall in love with her. He never assumed that the moment he saw her she'd be the most beautiful thing he'd ever laid his eyes on. He hated that he was in love with her. He refused to believe someone so soft and sweet would be the one who could break him. He built his stone cold heart with his bare hands for years. He couldn't stand the thought of her being his forever but also the mere thought of never seeing her again broke him.
"Derek? You doing okay?" She placed her hand on his bicep. Derek stood by the dark window with his arms crossed. He felt the palm of her hand warm his cold exposed skin from his t shirt. He turned to look at her slightly and nodded
"I'm fine. Just... busy."
"Can't stop thinking?"
"No not really." He was moving his feet and walked over to the desk that sat in front of the window.
"Want me to help you?"
Now y/n never intended to call in love with him either. She'd had so many hopes and dreams for love. She drooled over the thought of being kissed passionately by someone. She wanted someone kind and sweet. Someone who loved affection and gave gifts at random times. But she was in love with Derek. The complete opposite of that. He was cold. He didn't share his feelings, hell he even hardly shared his thoughts. He never once showed physical affection for her and she'd never received anything from him... besides a scoff or an eye roll. But yet her heart yearned for him. Yearned for him to look at her and reciprocate something... anything.
"No I'm fine." Derek grumbled as he rested his head on his fist.
"You sure? I could make you some tea."
"I'm fine. But thanks."
She decided to quit at that and walk to her little bed in the loft. She stayed at Derek's occasionally, when the nights grew long and she could barely keep her eyes open to drive home.
Her limbs grew weak as she slipped under the blanket and into a state of slumber.

"You and Issac will take the forest." Scott directed a pair to one location "and... that leaves y/n and Derek to the silo."
"No, no way in hell are we paired." Derek shook his head.
"It's the best teams we could come up with."
"Best teams?! I'm not going to get anything done because I'll be babysitting!" Derek stepped closer to Scott "I'm not sure if you're aware but y/n can't fight. She can't climb, she can't run, she's not the mission type."
"Well you don't have a choice. Now go."
"You know contrary to popular belief, I'm not in your pack so I don't have to listen to you."
"Fine, do what you want. But if you or y/n get hurt or worse... that's on you."
"Whatever." Derek rolled his eyes and walked out of the room.
"So what do I do?" Y/n asked standing patiently.
"You're going with him."
"He may not be in my pack but you are... you're going."
"Alright then..." she pressed her lips into a line and nodded

Derek was already out and getting into his car. He hoped he was quick enough to miss y/n. He exhaled in relief when he got in the car and didn't see her.
"You ready to go?" Derek jumped and growled in her direction but calmed when he saw it was y/n in the passenger seat.
"Jesus Christ y/n. A warning!"
"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare the big bad wolf." She poked his arm and he clenched his jaw while he glared at her.
"Okay, I'm taking my fingers back."
He looked back to the windshield and rolled his eyes, his jaw still tightly clenched.
"Let's just get this over with." Derek shifted gears and drove to the silo. When Derek got there he shifted to park and turned the loud car off. After the rumbling stopped, y/n became very aware of the silence of the night.
"Let's lay down a few rules." Derek turned to her with some spice in his throat "you're not to make too much noise, don't follow too close -but I swear to god if you wander off I'll kill you-, don't ask too many questions, give your best effort to at least try to stay alive, only call for me if you're in mortal danger and for the love of god don't do anything stupid. Got it?"
"Sounds good." She nodded and hopped out of the car. She slammed the door and snuck up the silo.
"Oh and one more thing." Derek whispered. Y/n looked at him inquisitively "if you even think there's a sign of danger, let me handle it."
She sighed and agreed quietly. She wondered what was so bad about this silo.
"Isn't this thing just filled with like... corn?" She knocked on the metal and Derek smacked her hand.
"Stop making so much noise."
"Why? Are we not alone?"
"We could be but also there could be a whole milita with assault weapons around the corner, now do you want them to know we are here?!"
"A milita for what?"
"I was being sarcastic."
"Well with that face I never know what's sarcasm and what's not."
"Just shut up."
"Okay okay... jeez."
They crept around the corner and opened the metal door. The hinges were rusted and looked like they hadn't been touched up in years. They squeaked and groaned as the pair tried to sneak. Derek cursed under his breath as the doors screamed out their position.
"This literally could not get worse." He complained quietly
"Don't say that! It can and will always get worse if you say that."
They walked in and tried to adjust their eyes to the dark. Derek was walking fine but y/n stumbled on some objects on the floor.
"How are you doing so well?"
Derek turned to her and his eyes flashed red.
"Oh well good for you wolf boy! I don't have those."
"Just follow me."
"I would but I can't fucking see you!" Y/n was getting frustrated. Derek huffed and grabbed her hand.
"Just walk." He commanded and pulled her along."
"What's that?" Y/n asked dragging her hand along the wall.
"What's what?"
"This. There's like some engraving on this wall."
Derek flashed his eyes toward the wall and saw a door.
"There's a door here." He scanned his eyes along it and tried to find the way to open it.
"I can't find a handle."
Y/n surfed her fingers along the engravings until her hands collided.
"You don't think..." she started. She dragged her hands along the engravings until it reached the side of the door. She felt around and flicked a little switch. The silo rumbled and then the door opened.
"How'd you do that?" Derek asked
"I don't know. I just followed the engravings to the switch."
Derek just furrowed his brows at her. A momentary compliment crossed his mind but it was too romantic to actually say to her.
"What's behind the door?" She asked since she still couldn't see.
"It's stairs..."
"Down or up?"
"There's a basement in the silo?" Y/n laughed "because that's not the sketchiest thing in the entire world."
"Come on. Don't be such a baby."
He pulled her down the stairs. There was a light a couple yards away so she could start to see the walls and the floor,
"I can see a little bit. What's that light?"
"Let's check it out." Derek was still holding onto y/ns hand as they made their way to the light source.
They stuck to the wall as they peered into a room.
"It's a work shop." Derek whispered.
"Is anyone in there?" She whispered back. He just shook his head and continued looking.
"The light is a candle. Pretty high flame though."
"Does it look like the candle has been burning long?"
"Why are you asking so many questions?"
"Just answer!"
"No, it looks just lit."
"Okay. Than someone is here."
"How do you know?"
"Well someone had to light the candle! And if it's just lit, than someone had to have been in this room not too long ago. They wouldn't just light a candle and leave."
"Okay. So what now?"
"I don't know. You told me to leave it to you."
"Okay. We will go in, but watch your back."
"Got it."
They walked in, checking around, but no signs of recent life.
"Look at this." Y/n beckoned for Derek. He dropped the item he was looking at and walked to a large piece of paper on a desk.
"Marks in all these places in beacon hills. What do you think it means?"
"Well the red marks are the high school, one's by the lake and close to my house. The blue is close to the clinic and in the woods. And the green is...I don't know actually."
"That's where my house is." I pointed to one of the green marks "and I think... that's where stiles house is..." she looked at him.
"I think they are marking us." Derek scrunched his face.
"Red is where the supernatural are most of the time. Blue must be common places for us, and green is me and stiles?"
"The humans of the pack." Derek solved.
"So what the hell do they want with us?"
"I don't know." He shook his head.
"We should take this with us." She started to roll the map and put it in her pocket as much as she could. There was a loud bang and they turned quickly. Before y/n could react, she bumped the candle and it fell to the floor. The glass shattered and scared both of them. The floor caught fire in seconds and y/n panicked
"Derek! What do we do?" The fire grew too quick to snuff it out and y/n froze. The fire spread across the floor and to a slick spot by a gas can. "Derek!!" She shouted pointing to the gas can.
"Shit!" Derek grabbed her and pulled her to him to avoid getting caught on fire.
"It's going to block the door!!" She shouted trying to run out.
"Stop! You're going to get hurt!" He pulled her back as fire rose. She felt the heat on her face she got so close to the flames.
"How do we get out?!" She hadn't looked at his face in a while but when she turned to him she saw his face. He looked like he was going to panic.
"Derek. Hey, come on." She cupped his face with her hands. "I know... I know how you're feeling right now. But you have to block it out. You have to get us out of here!" He felt a tear slip out and he agreed.
He looked around and found a window.
"Look! Can you fit through that?"
"Yeah." She rushed for the window and tried to pull off the bar that sat in front of it. "I can't get it!"
"Move!" Derek stood in front of her and pulled on the bars. They slowly bent with a low groan and then it snapped. Pebbles from the walls flew out and hit y/n in the face. She covered her cheek and rushed to the window.
"Go! Go first!" She pushed a chair by the wall to step on it. She climbed and pushed herself out of the window.
"Come on!" She reached her hand back into the window to help pull him out. He lifted his body out the window and she pulled his body along. Derek turned over and heaved as he looked up at the sky.
"We need to get away from here." She told him. He stood and walked toward his car. He hobbled a little bit which got the attention of y/n.
"Derek your leg."
Derek sat down in the drivers seat and y/n knelt down to take a look. She reached for the glove compartment to pull out a first aid kit.
"You don't have to do that. I'll heal in a couple minutes."
"You don't want blood all over your car though."
Derek watched as she cleaned his leg and put a bandage on it. He saw a drop of blood fall onto his leg and got confused.
He lifted her chin and saw the cut on her face.
"You're bleeding."
"Just give me a minute. Fix one thing at a time!"
He picked up a cotton pad from the kit and placed it on her cut.
"Okay you're alright." She finished his cut and stood up.
"Now your turn."
He stood and made her sit down. He knelt and pulled off the cotton pad.
"Shit that's deep y/n." He wiped off the dried blood and cleaned around the wound. He gently placed more gauze on her face and taped it down.
"There. Pretty as ever." He mumbled.
"What?" She smiled.
"Nothing. Just... mumbling."
"Did you call me pretty?"
"No, I just... maybe... but don't let it get to your head." It was quiet. Derek refused to make eye contact.
"You know it is okay to actually care for someone, right?"
He shook his head as he cleaned up all the garbage around them.
"Derek. Look at me." She pushed his face to looks at him. "It's okay."
Derek didn't smile, but he didn't frown. She scanned his face, her hand still on his cheek. He didn't move away. He didn't reject her. She wondered if she should. If she should even attempt to kiss him. She wanted to. She rejected all disbelief and leaned down to kiss him. He didn't move away. In fact he kissed her back. His hands sat on the sides of her thighs. After she pulled away, Derek pushed some hair away from her face that had blood caked on it.
"We should get back to the others."
"Yeah okay." Y/n nodded. Derek grabbed her head and pulled her down to kiss her forehead.
"Let's get out of here."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now