Sacrifices we have to make Pt 4

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The sun was starting to set when y/n woke up. The group crowded around her but Derek sat by her head and stroked her hair.
"Hey. I'm here. How do you feel?"
"I feel okay actually."
"That's good."
Y/n looked down at her bandaging and reached for it.
"Hey hey, leave it alone." Derek softly commanded grabbing her hand and resting it back down.
"It doesn't even hurt." Y/n grumbled
"That's good."
"Have you guys all just been waiting for me to wake up?" She looked around the room.
"Yeah. We've got some news." Scott started
"Did you guys stop Jennifer?"
"Uh no. We've kinda been busy looking after you."
"Busy? I've been asleep. There couldn't have been that much to be concerned about." She chuckled
"That's actually what we wanted to talk about." Stiles lead.
"What is it?" She looked around
"So after you passed out Melissa took the shard of glass out of your shoulder." Derek started to explain
"Did something happen?"
"Well yeah, but it's more like what didn't happen." Stiles interjected
"What? I don't get it."
"When she pulled the glass out, you didn't bleed. And then later when Melissa checked your vitals she couldn't find your pulse."
"What do you mean?"
"Y/n. You're dead. You're supernatural."
"I'm dead? As in I've died? As in I'm a ghost?"
"Yes. To all of those questions."
She looked down at her hands and realized they were paler than normal. Then she remembered she was colder than she used to be. She thought Beacon Hills just made her colder. But it did make sense to her. What didn't make sense is her dying. She had no recollection of dying whatsoever.
"When would I have died?"
"I don't know. It could have been before we even met."
"I don't remember feeling like this before we met though. I just thought beacon hills was colder."
"We can always see if we can jog your memory."
"We don't have time for that. We need to stop Jennifer."
Y/n tried to sit up and tried to pull off the bandages pulling at her skin.
"Woah woah woah. Hang on." Derek tried to get her to lay down again
"Derek, I'm dead. Nothing can happen to me." She stopped him and continued to stand. "We need to figure out where she's at. Stiles dad is still out there. And I promised I wouldn't let him die."
Y/n packed up her stuff and pulled some pants on under her dressing gown. She pulled a tank top on under her dressing gown and then threw off the gown.
"Stiles, you're always the one with ideas. Anything on where your dad is?"
"Yeah I've been thinking. Remember hearing about the nemeton?"
"The tree stump?"
"Yeah. I keep seeing it... in my dreams. I have these dreams, maybe nightmares, where I'm back to before Scott became a werewolf. And we are out in the woods and something happens and then it's there. The nemeton."
"I've been having those dreams too." Scott agreed "I keep seeing the night Peter bit me. And like you the nemeton shows up right before I wake up."
"So then we start there. Do you guys remember where that was?"
"Yeah. I do." Stiles nodded.
"Then let's go."

The sun was setting when they arrived at the woods. Both stiles and Scott were wracking their brains for memories on how to get back to the spot in the woods. Y/n and Derek had caught up to them. They had gone to get Derek's car so they were behind.
"We are getting close. I remember these trees. I dropped my inhaler here... and then stiles and I saw his dad here."
"Stop." Derek commanded
"Derek we are almost there." Stiles snapped back
"Stiles! Stop speaking! Be quiet!"
"I can hear them too." Scott knew what Derek was getting at
"What? What is it?" Y/n asked knowing they probably heard someone
"Sounds like hunters." Derek whispered
"Hunters? Why?"
"Probably looking for Jennifer." Scott theorised
"Or us." Derek added
"Let's hope it's not us." She whispered
An arrow wizzed by Derek's head but he flinched out of the way
"It's definitely us." She corrected herself and they all scattered.

First POV
There was a distant shouting and hunters had also split up. There was one chasing me. He pinned me in a corner and raised his crossbow for my chest. A small red dot danced across my sternum.
"Wait! I'm not like them! I'm human!"
"How do I know for sure?" He growled
"Trust me?" I shrugged. The wire of his crossbow cracked and I watched as the arrow lodged into my ribs. "I tried."
I sighed and gripped the arrow, pulling it from my chest.
"How are you not dead?" He asked his eyes slightly widening in fear.
"Plot twist! I already am!" I turned the arrow and stabbed it into his sternum. He cried out in pain and fell to his knees.
I bolted for the direction I came in and paused for a moment to catch my breath. A twig snapped not far from behind me and I turned. Two red dots flashed from behind a dark bush.
"Derek?" I whispered. He stood from the bush and relaxed.
"It's just you." He said relieved.
"Where is everyone else?"
"I'm not sure. I saw stiles run toward the main road but no clue where Scott is."
"Let's find stiles first. He needs us more."
We both took off for the main road but stopped when we heard a distance cry for mercy.
We then knew it was stiles and ran to help.
Stiles was scrambling on the floor while a woman held a small handgun at his head.
"Hey! I wouldn't." I shouted as she turned around.
Derek went around and disarmed her while she was distracted. When she lost control of her weapon, Derek roared at her and she scampered off in fear.
"You okay stiles?" I asked as I helped him up.
"Yeah fine. Where's Scott?"
"We don't know. We heard you so we came to help."
"We have to find him. He could be in trouble."
There were twigs breaking and leaves crumbling which became louder. We all jumped and I grabbed the gun from the ground and pointed it at the noise.
"Woah woah woah! It's just me!" Scott held his hands up in surrender
"Jesus Scott!" I scolded
"Sorry! Sorry!"
I dropped the gun and shook my head.
"I didn't know you even knew how to use a gun." Derek mentioned as I started to lightly bury it.
"I did when I was younger. My dad was a hunter. You kinda just pick things up after a while of watching."
"That's... mildly unsettling." Stiles joked
"Why? It's not like I'd ever use one against any of you."
"It's just knowing that you could." Stiles snapped while flailing his body around. We picked up our messes and checked to make sure all the hunters were gone.
I stood up from a kneeling position when Derek grabbed my shirt and pulled me back. I was fronted by an arrow narrowly missing my face. I folded back into Derek's chest and stared at the arrow in the tree. My brain flashed an image of a different arrow, one made of metal, in the same position as this one. When I nodded back into reality the hunter was taken out.
"You okay y/n?" Derek asked
"Y-yeah. Fine. Thanks."
I looked back at the tree as I regained my footing. "I think we should leave." Stiles suggested
"Yeah. We should get out of here." I agreed with a distant look
We started off but I couldn't help but glance back at the arrow still in the tree. Again, it was replaces with a metal arrow and I saw myself get up from ducking.
"Holy shit!" I seethed through my teeth and got back up to run.
Another arrow whizzed by me and lodged itself into another tree.
I didn't know what I was doing. Just running. I had no where to go and no one to run to. I was new to this town and being hunted by god knows who. It was all because I checked out that stupid burned down house late at night. There was a thud behind me and the sound of someone's life being taken. I stopped running and tried to slow my breathing so I could hear.
"Hey. It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you." I ducked behind a fallen tree and tried to calm myself.
"Seriously. I'm not gonna hurt you. My names Derek. Derek Hale. I used to live at the old house you looked at. I saw that guy chasing you." I could hear his steps getting closer "he's gone now. I stopped him. Would you come out?"
I didn't have any choice but to come out. He knew where I was anyway. I slowly stood and saw his face in the moonlight.
He was handsome... very handsome. Pale skin and dark hair with green eyes. He was tall and fit. And he looked good in the grey blue shirt he had on.
"What's your name?" He asked quietly holding out his hand
"Y/n. Y/n L/n."
"Nice to meet you y/n. Are you alright?" He inched closer still holding out his hand.
"Yeah. I'm okay. Thanks." I slightly reached for his hand and nodded.
He tapped his hand under mine until I put full force of my hand on his. He helped me step over the fallen tree and out into the light.
"Are you new to beacon hills?" He asked "I don't recognize you."
"Yeah. I just moved here."
"Well welcome to beacon hills. Although you haven't had a great first introduction. I promise not everyone is like that guy."
"What did you do to him?"
"Nothing. Just knocked him out. He should wake up confused in the morning." Derek smirked and I couldn't help but giggle
He was sweet and handsome. I might have to get to know him
The walk back to the car was long and cold. I shivered under the moonlight.
"Here. Have this." Derek shrugged off his jacket and threw it around my shoulders.
"Thanks. Even though I don't need it. It's not like I'll freeze to death." I chuckled
Derek didn't look amused when I caught his gaze.
"Sorry. Not funny." I cleared my throat and turned my gaze down
"You do need it." Derek piped up
"Huh?" I asked and looked back up to him
"You're uncomfortable. You need it because you're cold. You're uncomfortable from being cold so you need it just as much as if you were alive."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now