Second stiles

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If people hadn't known that Stiles and I weren't even related, they would think we are twins. Our looks had nothing to do with it but our mannerisms and constant spasms of desperation really pull us into the same group. We always get "how's your sibling?" Or "do you know where they are? Youre siblings right?" It's day in and day out comparisons on how we act.

"Stiles!" I slid into the hallway and ran to his locker.
"What is it?" He asked shoving his calculus book into his space.
"Werewolf... hurt... woods by dereks house... just got a call... holy shit I'm out of shape." I put my hands on my hips and breathed out heavily. "Ugh... I'm tired."
"Did you get a call from Derek?"
"Yeah." I nodded vigorously as my chest still heaved.
"Okay, well let's go then!"
Stiles closed his locker and rushed off, I trailed behind him, picking my feet up quickly.
Stiles bolted for his scraps and pieces jeep. I picked up my pace and ran for the passenger side.
I smacked the blue door and cheered
"I win!" I shuffled my feet in victory and he let out an exaggerated sigh
"You always win!"
"I'm just faster than you!"
"Whatever! Just get in the jeep." He hopped in his seat and he turned the car on. He whipped out of his parking spot and drove to dereks house.

"Derek! Come on buddy let's get a move on." Stiles shouted as he walked up to dereks apartment.
I threw open the door and beelined for dereks kitchen cabinet.
"What are you two doing here?" Derek asked
"We got your call!" Stiles smiled.
"No I called y/n. Not you."
I walked back out with two bags of pretzels.
"Want one?" I asked stiles.
He nodded and grabbed the bag. I opened it exactly like stiles did and we pulled one pretzel out and shoved it in our mouths.
"You two are like Siamese cats." Derek grumbled.
"Really?" I looked at stiles and he looked at me. I looked back at Derek and shook my head. "I wouldn't notice."
Stiles let out a laugh and shoved the rest of the bag of pretzels in his mouth.
"I-I can't. I can't deal with both of you. Only one of you can come with me."
"What?! That's not fair!" Stiles complained.
"Come on Derek!" I pleaded with big eyes. I walked up to him and rested my head on his crossed arms. "Please take both of us."
"No y/n."
"Please Derek. Please please please." I put my hands on his shoulders and begged.
"This isn't helping your case at all. In fact it's making it worse."
"Fine. I'll just be sad for the rest of the day." I took a long sigh and looked away from Derek, pretending to be defeated.
"I'm not falling for the sob story." He shook his head
"God you're so boring!" I shouted and walked back to the kitchen.
"Where are you going?" He asked
"To get a sprite because I'm sad!"
"I get sprites when I'm sad too." Stiles smiled at Derek.
"Shut up!" Derek was over it.

"I just don't get why you made him stay behind! He's so smart!"
"He's annoying."
"He's talkative."
"He's loud."
"He has to be expressive otherwise you guys ignore him." I was getting angry now.
"We don't ignore him."
"Really?! You really want to fight about this?" I looked at Derek, my face contorted. He glanced at me and then back at the road
"No I don't."
"Exactly. Stiles is like stiles because he's learned to alter himself so he actually has a chance at anything. He's loud because no one hears him. He's expressive so he gets peoples attention. He's spazzy and sporadic because he's him but everything is a coping mechanism for him. You just have to take him with a grain of salt and a deep breath."
"But you're always around him. Don't you ever get tired?"
"No, because I see him at all points. I see him when he's tired and when he's stressed. I see him when he talks about Lydia and when he's working for the pack. He's not just some rambunctious guy. He's sweet and he's thoughtful and he really is insightful."
"No you're insightful. You're the philosophical one. Stiles is just... stiles."
"Have you ever heard him talk about Lydia?"
"You should. This boy calls her beautiful in a thousand words. He cherishes her. He's so madly in love with her. I wish every day that someone talks about me that way. I hope that one day stiles really gets what he is yearning for because he deserves it."

Third POV
Dereks heart clutched as he listened to y/n talk about love. He knew that she was unaware of the way he felt about her. She was very touchy and naturally really flirty so she didn't understand when he was actually trying to flirt with her.
He would talk about her. To no one in particular but the poetic things he could say about her was endless. Derek watched her marvel over stiles' personality and wished that he was the subject of her ramble. He wished that he was the center of her passionate soliloquy.
When she was finally done, she took a deep breath and looked at her fidgeting hands.
Derek pulled onto the side of the road in front of a cabin they had gotten a lead on.
"You ramble just as much as stiles does. You know that, right?" Derek asked her as he glanced at her.
"Yeah. I know." She whispered
"Not that it's a bad thing. I like hearing you talk." She looked up at him, her eyes glinted with question.
"You do?"
"Yeah. The way you just fill things with purpose and you talk like you've been thinking about it for years. You have everything perfectly laid out in your mind before you say it. You're so grounded in your words. That and I just like hearing your voice."
"You do?" Y/n turned toward him and scanned his avoiding face for some answers he wasn't giving.
"Mmhmm." He nodded and looked at me.
Y/n felt her soul recognize the feeling she'd seen in so many movies. She didn't want it to be cliche but she wanted him so it didn't matter.
She flirted and joked with him but to her it was all real. Every word she said she meant.
"So is this like the part where we are gonna kiss?" She asked softly.
"I would like to think so."
Y/n leaned over and placed her hand on his cheek. She felt the scruff of his beard collide with her finger tips but she also felt his soft skin. Her lips got warmer the closer she got to him and she wanted to remember this forever.
Derek actually started to get nervous. For the first time in a long time he felt scared. He was scared he was going to mess up or this kiss was gonna make her realize she didn't like him as much as she thought. He wanted to grab her but he was scared he'd do it wrong. So he let her lead and when her lips touched his, he felt something new. Something he didn't know he could feel. He felt true love for the first time since he was in high school. His brows furrowed subconsciously and his hands started to sweat. He lifted one hand and placed it under her chin to direct her to stay connected to him for just a little longer.
When they finally separated, they both could feel the tension in the car. The car had started to fog from their warm breath collecting on the windows. The bitter cold outside made the inside of the car the safe space.
Y/n looked down at the pair of hands strung together that laid on the center console.
"We should probably check out that cabin huh?" She flicked her head in the direction of the house.
"Yeah. Yeah let's go do that."
They both got out of the car and walked slowly to the door.
"So if you think I'm exactly like stiles, but you're in love with me... does this mean you're in love with stiles?"

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now