Cover it up now

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Requested by MarvelxObsession
"Can we all keep the chatter down? It's hard to sleep." The girl groaned as she rubbed her eyes. She walked around to the window sill and sat down. She rested her head on the window and threw a small blanket over herself
"What... are you... doing?" Boyd asked his mouth agape.
"Trying to sleep."
"In that? Or should I say, lack there of that."
It was true. The girl wasn't wearing much. She had a sports bra covering her chest and a pair of Dereks shorts covering down to the mid thigh. They were loose around the waist so they sat on her hips exposing the bones just slightly.
"Dereks gonna throw a fit." Erica slyly laughed with a shake of her head
"Dereks gonna murder us for looking at her."
"Dereks gonna murder you." Erica corrected "he's only insecure when it comes to other men, especially other werewolves. And imagine what he's gonna think when his own beta is drooling over his mate."
"Shut up Erica! If you were into women you'd understand."
"She's hot." A small voice squeaked
They both looked over to see Isaac frozen in shock. His eyes were wide, they almost reflected hearts in his irises.
"And she's taken." Boyd reminded with a raise of a brow
"I don't care I'm gonna look." Issacs face didn't move but his head nodded.
"Dereks gonna kill you." Erica warned in a sing song voice.
"Why am I gonna kill my own beta?" Derek walked into the room, his chest heavy so his shoulders slumped forward
"Nothing!" Both of the boys straightened their posture and Erica rolled her eyes.
"Well if it's nothing then you can tell me because I won't kill you."
"No it's fine." Boyd started to sweat
"Why don't you take a look at the window." Erica whispered.
Derek turned his gaze toward the window and saw his girlfriend turned away from him, her exposed back taunting him.
"What the hell is she doing?"
"She said she couldn't sleep because we were too loud."
"So she came down here?"
Derek felt his face go red and he got flustered.
"Y/n get up."
She turned to him and he felt his body tingle.
"Go upstairs."
"Because you are practically naked."
She rushed up stairs and Derek turned back to the betas.
"What the hell is wrong with you guys?! Why wouldn't you send her upstairs after you saw her? Take enjoyment out of watching my half naked girlfriend?"
"No! We were just shocked. Didn't know what to do."
"Yeah... me too."
Derek shook his head as to clear his mind. He walked away from the betas and up the stairs. The image of her bare back toward him replayed in his mind and his face flushed again. He had never been stunned like this before. He had seen her without a shirt because she had changed in front of him before but it never felt like this.
He opened the door and tried to wipe the color off his face.
"Y/n?" She had gotten into his bed and curled up. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was slow "You can't already be asleep."
He shook his head and laughed. He leaned over and kissed her cheek.
"You make me so nervous. You shock me." He chuckled
"I make you nervous?" She mumbled and turned over. She rubbed her eye and looked at him.
"Yes, you do. I don't understand you sometimes."
"You can't just walk out half naked."
"Why not?"
"This is exactly what I mean! You shock me!"
"Oh am I gonna give this old wolf a heart attack?" She cooed to him with a hand on his jawline.
"Yes you are!"
"Oh poor wolfy."
She leaned up and kissed his nose.
He looked down and saw that the blanket had fallen away from her shoulders and laid around her waist.
His face flushed and she felt his face get hot.
"You okay wolfy?"
"I'm fine pup." He almost choked on his words
"You sure? You're looking a little red." She was genuinely unaware of the situation
"I am fine."
"Are you getting sick?"
"I can't be sick. I'm a werewolf."
"Right. Then why are you so red?"
"It's just... well you just... and there's the thing that, you know."
"Are you gonna finish any of those sentences honey?"
"No." He gulped
He felt his knees start to shake and sighed.
"Oh... are you... ya know?"
"What?! No! No I'm not... that. I just am a little flustered since you aren't wearing a shirt and you are in my clothes. But definitely not that." His face was even more red if that was possible.
"Okay. Well just calm down." She rubbed his arm and he took a deep breath.
Dereks eyes flashed for a second but as soon as it came it was gone.
"Just put some clothes on and come back downstairs." He grumbled, now catching the reality of what was happening.
I laughed and threw a shirt on. I changed out of the shorts to leggings.
I walked down the stairs and Derek seemed to take a sigh of relief when he saw my body covered.
"Ah look! She knows what clothes are!" Issac joked with his hands clapping.
"She's dressed! It's a miracle!" Boyd joined in. He shook his head as he clapped at me walking down the loft stairs.
"It's a phenomenon isn't it?!" I bowed
"It truly is!"
Derek crossed his arms and rolled his eyes with a pout.
"Come on Derek don't be so grumpy." I slapped his cheek lightly in playfulness and walked to the kitchen to get a water.
Before I walked past him Derek grabbed my arm
"Don't do that ever again." He whispered to me.
"Ooo, feisty Derek! I like it!" I booped his nose and kissed him on the cheek.
"Aww so in love." Boyd mocked
I took a drink of my water before responding.
"I know, he's just the most romantic person I know."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now