Sacrifices we have to make Pt 6

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Warning! Graphic depictions of violence and death! Read at your own risk!
"Get off of me!" I gargled as I tried to pry her fingers from my neck.
I scratched her face but the marks blended right into the wounds she already had. Her voice was shrieking as she resisted my plea to let go.
"Who even are you?" I choked out as she squeezed tighter.
She just shrieked in my face as my vision went blurry.
After that moment I was out of my body. I watched as she pulled up my limp body and let it fall over and over again. I watched as my head bashed the same spot on the bathtub as it did when I first fell. She made sure I was dead. And I wasn't coming back.
My soul followed Jennifer as she lifted my body up and over her shoulder. She launched open the door and stepped outside. She walked down the stairs and directly into the woods that surrounded the complex.
"Where are you going with me?" I asked in pain.
I continued to follow her as she carried my bleeding body through the woods till she stopped at a giant stump.
The nemeton? I wondered as she laid down my bleeding head first and then the rest of my body. She raised her hands into the air and started to chant something in another language. I felt pain in my chest as I realized I was really dead and this was the memory.
"Y/n! Y/n! Wake up!" Derek's voice snapped me awake. I grabbed onto his arm and looked into his eyes.
"Hey hey you're okay. It was just a bad dream. You're here. At home. In bed. You're alright. I promise." He reassured me.
I looked around and he was right. I was at home in bed. I looked at the alarm clock and it said three am.
"How long was I asleep for?" I asked groggily
"A couple hours. I woke up to you crying. I thought you were awake but then I realized you were crying in your sleep."
"Yeah. I saw how I died."
"What?" Derek was now wide awake and sitting up in bed.
"Yeah. I saw Jennifer kill me. In my apartment. She choked me and then when I was unconscious she smashed my skull into my bathtub."
"Holy shit. You think that's actually how you died?"
"It would make sense. Because the next thing I remember is waking up in my bed and then starting my day. It was my first day as a counselor at beacon hills high that day."
"Fuck..." Derek whispered and then pulled me into his chest "I'm so sorry y/n."
"It was weird though." I continued quietly in his arms
"What was weird?"
"She didn't leave me. She took my body somewhere into the woods."
"I assume so she wouldn't get caught be police."
"No. That didn't feel like why. It felt like she had a purpose. Like she killed me for something."
"You don't think..."
"I saw the nemeton in my dreams." I looked up at Derek "I think she sacrificed me for the nemeton."

Derek was up and out of bed pulling on a shirt.
"What are you doing?" I asked
"We are going to this damn tree. Scott and stiles still needed something from it right? Well this is when we get it. Call them. Tell them to meet us there. We are figuring this out."
It was kind of sexy seeing Derek be so on top of things and confident. I didn't bring it up but I kept a mental note of it for later.
I also got up and put on some proper clothes. I called stiles and told him and Scott to meet us where we were yesterday.

Derek and I stood where we were yesterday waiting for the boys to show back up.
"So what did we have to meet out here for?"
"Well we never did find your dad yesterday." I reminded him
"And we think y/ns dead body is somewhere around the nemeton because Jennifer killed her a long time ago."
"I'm sorry... what?" Stiles asked rattling his head
"Yeah. I had a dream about it last night. I've been recovering memories from my death all day yesterday."
"So you think Jennifer killed you and sacrificed to to the nemeton to... what? Appease the tree gods?"
"No. I remember reading that the nemeton was a great source of power. Maybe it helped her somehow?"
"By what? Making her face not so freaky?" Stiles mocked
"Something like that. But we need to find this damn thing first."
Scott's face scrunched up and then looked past me.
"What? What is it? More hunters?"
"No. I can feel the nemeton. It's this way."
We followed Scott's feeling for about half a mile when we saw a large round stump.
"You were right Scott. It's here."
"Alright so where's my dad?" We searched around before I found a hatch.
"Stiles! Here!" I opened the hatch and we heard shuffling from down below a set of stairs." Derek walked in first and then me and stiles and then Scott.
"Dad?!" Stiles shouted as he recognized a cough.
"Stiles?" His dad called back looking at us in the light.
"Sheriff!" I cheered and knelt down to untie him.
"Y/n! What are you doing here? How'd you find me?"
"A hunch." I smiled
When he was untangled he pulled his son in for a long hug.
"Thank god you guys found me."
"Thank y/n. She's the one who promised she'd find you." Stiles said pulling back from the hug
"Thank you y/n." He said and pulled me into a hug.
"It's no problem. I'm just glad you're okay."
"We need to leave before Jennifer comes back." Scott motioned for everyone to leave.
"Wait hang on." Everyone stopped and turned back to the sheriff who has stopped everyone. "We can't leave yet."
"Why not?" Derek questioned
"Because there's a girl here. A dead girl. I need to call the station and have someone get an ambulance."
My face dropped and I looked at the group.
"Where is she?" I asked. He directed me to her. A sheet covered her form and I pulled back the sheet to see her hands. She had a golden ring with a simple stone. My ring. The ring Derek gave to me for my birthday.
"Shit." I gasped and backed up.
"Y/n?" Derek asked and gave me a look. I just nodded and his face dropped
"What's going on? Do you know her?" Sheriff asked.
"I am her." My voice trembled.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now