Barista Brew pt 2

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Dereks pov
"Hey." A sweet voice called behind me. I turned to see a soft smile and the eyes that I had been obsessed with.
"Hi." I said almost breathlessly. She was dressed in a casual outfit, her hair and makeup was done to her liking but she was gorgeous. She was just her and that's what I loved. She sat down but I continued to stare, not realising I was.
"Careful. Something might fly in if you keep that mouth open." She laughed
"Sorry. I just..." I waved it off with a hand motion.
"You seem tense and nervous."
"Yeah. Uh. I am."
"Well don't be. I know you probably know more about me than I know about you, but that's what we are here for. So just... take a breath and tell me about yourself."
I followed her instructions and then thought about what to say.
"Um... I'm 24, I live in an apartment complex-a couple blocks over from here actually-, I like cars, and I work out."
"I can see." She blurted and my eyes widened. "Oh-I didn't mean to say that out loud. Im so sorry." She blushed and pulled her face into her hands.
"It's alright." I chuckled "I take it as a compliment."
She cleared her throat and tried to move on "so you said you live in an apartment. Do you like it there?"
"Yeah. It's nice. I haven't gotten around to decorating much but I guess I kinda despise it so I probably will never get around to it."
She found that funny and that made my heart twinge. I liked that she laughed at my jokes. God I'm really losing it for this girl.
"What about yourself?" I asked
"Well I still live on campus. Im on my bachelors degree so I'm an oldie on campus, ripe old age of 21, I like hiking, and I enjoy lunch dates." She looked down at her meal which had just been delivered to her.
"Well then I guess I made the right decision."
"Indeed you did." She pushed a forkful of food into her mouth and continued "So really. Tell me about yourself."
"I did."
"No like... the deep stuff."
"Deep stuff?" I raised a brow at her.
"Like your past. If you're close to your family or not. Etcetera."
"I don't think that's warranted on a first date."
"Okay. If you want to be boring." She tapped her fingers on the table and stared off into the distance.
"I would tell you about my family." I started and she looked to me "but they are dead. And my past is just about summed up with that."
"I'm so sorry Derek. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I shouldn't have asked."
"No it's alright. Trust me. Many people have asked and I've answered many times. By now it's just... history."
"History may be a part of you, and it may shape who you are, but it doesn't hold you back."
I nodded at her and she smiled.

"So this is my home." I gestured to the open apartment.
"Wow. You weren't kidding when you said you haven't decorated."
"I'm seriously not a decor person."
"Want me to help?"
She nodded excitedly and I agreed
"So what do you like?"
I just shrugged my shoulders. To be honest, I never thought about it. All I was ever concerned with was necessities.
"Well... do you even have an idea?" I shook my head.
"Well what do you enjoy? Nature? Big cities? I know you said you liked cars and working out. What about like steel and... oil slick?"
"No. Definitely not. But I love nature."
"Like deep jungle?"
"No. Like... woods. Like the woods we have here."
"Okay. We can work with that. But you know plum bedsheets don't exactly go with a woods theme." She pulled at the bedsheets and the comforter.
"We can change that."
"Oh good. Because for a second I thought you were about to tell me your favorite color was plum." She stepped closer to me and put her chin on my chest to look up at me. "And then I'd really have to question your style choices."
"My favorite color is in fact-"
"If you say black I'll walk out right now."
"Slate grey."
"I hate you." She laughed with a scrunched nose. I tapped her nose with my finger.
"It's not black!"
"It might as well be!"
"Hey! Slate grey is a wonderful color! It's got blue in it!"
She rolled her eyes and walked to the bed. She sat down on the edge and pulled out her phone.
"What are you doing?" I questioned as I say next to her.
"I am taking pictures of your place. I can throw them into some apps and design different things into this place. Cool huh?"
"You do this a lot?"
"Only when people ask." She shrugged

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now