Eye of the tiger

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"Oh my gosh you're so cute! And what are you?!" Melissa squealed as she passed out candy.
"I'm a tiger!"
"Oh! Wow! So cool! Can I show your costume to one of my friends? She's very familiar with tigers!"
Y/n walked to the front door and Melissa introduced her to the little girl.
"Wow! So cool! It looks perfect! I work with tigers at a zoo! I'm always around them! Your makeup looks spot on!"
"Thank you! You work with tigers?! I love tigers! They are the coolest!"
"They really are! Happy Halloween!"
"Happy Halloween!"
She hopped off the porch and ran back to her mom who was holding a coffee.
"That's so cool! I don't think I've ever seen someone so enthusiastic about tigers before!"
"You are pretty cool looking!" Melissa bumped y/n with her elbow and y/n smiled.
She made her way into the living room where the rest of the pack was sitting. Stiles threw up a small piece of candy and caught it in his mouth.
Scott unwrapped a snickers and took a bite out of it.

Your POV
"Candy, Derek?" I asked holding the bowl
"No thanks." I set the bowl down and turned to the pack.
"So when's the movie?"
"In a couple hours."
"When's the moon supposed to be up?"
"In like twenty minutes."
"It's gonna be strong one huh?"
"Well on top of it being Halloween, the pull is gonna be a nightmare. Even the strongest werewolf's will shift to some extent."
"Well I told my mom I'd send her pictures of my makeup."
"What did you decide to be this year?"
I sat in silence for a second
"A tiger." I mumbled
"You tell her you're a tiger every year."
"Well it's the easiest thing to go with."
"You're gonna have to tell her eventually."
"I will! It's just... not this year."
Derek sighed and threw his arm around my shoulder. He rubbed my arm and kissed my temple.
"You know your mom. She's not gonna hate you. She may be shocked for a while but she'll love you just the same."
"I know. It's just scary. And what am I supposed to say anyway. Hey mom by the way I'm a weretiger, haven't always been this way but i changed after I held a magic stone which changed me because I sacrificed myself for the boyfriend I have which I also haven't told you about. And get this! He's a werewolf from birth."
"Yeah that would be hard to explain." Stiles jumped in
"It's impossible." I glared
"Well whenever you do, you know I'm here." Derek whispered into my ear. I nodded and the doorbell rang.
"There's kids. Where's your mom Scott?"
"She must be upstairs putting on her costume."
"Someone needs to go answer the door." I prodded.
"You should. Our 'costumes' might scare them." I looked over and everyone was shifted already. I had yet to shift because the moon had less pull on me. I walked to the front door and unlocked it.
"Oh, hi Hank. I didn't expect to see you here."
"Hi y/n. I'm just taking my daughter around." He pointed to a girl who was small. Had to be about seven or eight.
"Well happy Halloween!"
She stuck out her bucket and I put two pieces in.
"You could always come over later." The little girl had hopped off the porch and ran to the next house.
"Sorry. I can't. I'm hanging out with the guys tonight."He scoffed and shook his head "What's wrong with that?"
"Nothing It's just when we dated, you hated it when I would hang out with other girls."
"Because you cheated on me."
"No, I didn't cheat, you were just a paranoid bitch."
"I walked in on you sleeping with one of my best friends. And for your information, I was faithful the entire relationship and we aren't even friends anymore so I don't know why you think it's okay to comment on my relationship. So get the fuck away from me." My voice got louder now
Hank stepped inside the house and pushed me up against the wall.
"HEY!" A growling voice warned. Hank and I looked over to see Derek full shift looking at us. "Get the hell off my girlfriend."
"Oh ho ho! Got yourself a little boyfriend do you? Cute costume. What are you supposed to be? A prick?"
Derek threw Hank off me and grabbed him by the collar.
"I told you to leave my girlfriend alone. Now get the hell out of this house or I'll rip your intestines straight out from your body."
He let Hank drop and he scrambled away. Derek turned back to me and I rubbed my neck.
"You okay?" He asked
"I'm-I'm fine."
"Who was that?"
"Ex boyfriend. Abusive ex boyfriend."
"That was Coca Cola man?"
"Yeah." I smiled remembering the nickname Derek gave Hank out of spite when I first told him the story. Hank was obsessed with Coca Cola.
Derek pulled me into his chest and sighed.
"You're okay now."
"I know." I pushed my face into his neck and he seemed to laugh. "What's so funny?"
"Your whiskers tickle."
I looked over into the mirror and saw my face has shifted. There was an out of place tuft of fur and I smoothed it back.
"It'll be about ten minutes before I turn completely. Then you guys will have to hide me."

Third POV
Those minutes had passed quickly and they all dragged y/n upstairs to Scott's room.
"Stay here! Stay here!" Scott scolded.
Y/n huffed and sat down, gurgling her anger in the back of her throat. "You're not scary. Stay!"
Y/n pouted by laying down with a grunt, she exhaled loudly and licked her paw. The door opened and she perked up to see Derek.
"Look at you, you big cat." He says down next to her and rubbed her side. She shoved her wide snout into his face. 
Her eyes glossed over, giving Derek the stare.
"You may be a cat but you have the best puppy dog eyes I've ever seen."
He rubbed behind her ear and she leaned into it with her eyes slowly squinting.
"Pack told me I was on guard duty so I guess we are hanging out all night."
Derek moved and rested his head on her side. She rolled over so she could look at him.
"Why don't you just go to sleep. Get through this night."
She licked his forehead up this his hair and he scowled.
"Nasty y/n! Real nasty."
She seemed to laugh, letting out a deep rumble.
"Go to bed." She rested her head down on the floor and her fluffy eyes closed for the rest of the night

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now