How in love is in love?

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*reader is 18 in this! please don't cancel me lmao!
*this work is purely fictional, everyone is of age, and all characters are also fictional
*allison will be alive because she's important for ✨story development✨
Ahem! In light of me not having anyone to go to senior prom with, I give you this piece
"Hey so have you picked out your prom dress?" Allison asked as she flipped her outgrowing hair to look at me
"Uh... no... I don't even know if I'm going to be honest." I admitted not even looking up from my phone.
"What?! Why?" Lydia piped up.
"I don't know." I shrugged still not moving my eyes from the screen "I don't really have anyone to go with."
"Go with us!"
"You both have dates! I don't want to drag you guys down."
"You're not going to drag us down. We love you! Even more than our dates!" Lydia tapped my thigh and smiled
"Yeah! And we need someone to look for dresses with! And it's not going to be fun if you aren't going!"
"I don't know guys."
"Please." Allison got off the couch and sat on her knees in front of me. She pushed out her bottom lip and peered up at me. Lydia copied her but clasped her hands in front of her like she was praying.
"Please y/n!" Lydia whined.
I sighed and put my phone down.
"Fine! Fine I'll go!"
"Yay!" Lydia kissed my cheek and walked out of the room to grab a water from the kitchen. The doorbell rang and Allison jumped up to get it.
"Hey guys!" She smiled. I turned over the couch to see all the boys walk in.
"Hey! How's it going in here?" Stiles asked kissing lydias cheek as she walked through the hall to the front door
"It's fine. We just got finished convincing y/n to come to prom." Allison smirked at me and I threw an empty wrapper at her
"She wasn't going to go?" Scott raised a brow
"No, she was scared she'd be alone." Lydia looked back at the boys and stringed the word alone along with her in a mocking way
"What? We've always got room for you!" Liam coaxed
"Always!" Mason echoed
"Yeah I know." I gave them a half smile just enough to reassure them but not enough to overdo my lie.
Everyone piled in and the last person to step in was Derek.
"Mm Derek I bet you're just frothing at this riveting conversation about prom." I sassed
"It's kinda entertaining to remember how unimportant things high schoolers are concerned about are." I rolled my eyes as he sat down in a lounge chair adjacent from me.
"So anyway, back to important things like not dying and saving all of beacon hills, how's the supernatural world going?" I asked kicking my feet off the couch and leaning forward to engage in conversation.
Being human in this world was hard. Understanding things physically and emotionally they go through can be a bit of a brain racker. It's hard to comprehend sometimes. They would speak and it would go in one ear and out the other. Most of the time, I clocked out before they were done.
"And so these ghost riders will..." My ears turned down and I sighed
"Okay, I'm gonna call it for today. If my brain stretches any more it's going to burst and you guys will have to scrape my brain matter off of these walls. And you don't want that!"
"Alright. We still on for tomorrow? Shopping?" Lydia asked as she tilted her head to me.
"Sure!" I nodded before turning to walk up the stairs.

Third pov
The rest of the team sat around talking for a little more before Liam yawned loudly.
"Seems like some pups are getting tired." Scott chuckled.
"What?! No! I'm not tired! And I'm a wolf!"
"I think it's time we call it. It's been an hour." Stiles stood from the couch and took lydias hand.
"Yeah I am okay with admitting that I'm exhausted." She agreed.
Everyone stood up and walked to the door.
"So what time do you want to meet up tomorrow?" Lydia turned to Allison.
"I can do any time after 10:30."
"Okay so how about we do 11:30 and we can get lunch before?"
They were making small talk on the way out about plans, and Derek last again overheard the whole thing.
Derek got an idea and saw Scott part of Allison as she gravitated toward Lydia.
"Hey Scott." Scott turned and Derek flicked his head, motioning him to come over.
Derek and Scott stood in the grass of y/ns front yard and Derek crossed his arms.
"What's up?" Scott asked looking into dereks eyes.
"What do you think about me taking y/n to prom?" Derek brought up the idea lowly.
"Really?! I think that's awesome! You should definitely take her!"
Derek shushed Scott harshly and scolded him to quiet down
"Why are we whispering?" Scott asked
"Not everyone in the world needs to know about this."
"But it's nice! It's not like you're going to kidnap her!"
"I know. It's just... I don't really want her to know I'm going to take her yet."
"I just... I just want to be able to think about it before I commit to this."
"You're taking her to prom, you're not marrying her."
"Just..." Derek lost his temper for a second before reining it back in "just keep it quiet for a while, okay?"
"Got it." Scott turned around ready to leave and you could practically see a tail wagging behind him. Scott loved little things like this. Things that were romantic. Y/n and Derek weren't a thing by any means but everyone knew they would be perfect together. Derek always had this weird back and forth shuffle of trying to do nice things for her but also not make it seem obvious he liked her. And to be honest, even he didn't know if he liked her like that. He knew he wanted to make her happy and loved being around her, but he still didn't know what he was truly feeling.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now