Youre all the family i have left (daughter! Reader) pt 4

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The box of legos still sat on the dresser top even a couple months later. The leaves on the trees had started to glow their warm colors meaning fall was finally here. The Hales had a particular fascination with fall despite Derek's avid dislike for Halloween.
"I just think it's not for us. When you're actually a werewolf and you see kids dressed up like one it just feels weird. Like they believe in these things but they don't know what actually goes on." He explained in a bitter tone to y/n as she stirred a bowl of cookie dough.
It was y/ns job to make the cookies for the Halloween party they would be having this weekend. She decided on two kinds to appease the masses. Although she could already see one plate of cookies going untouched. Since she was little y/n believed she was the holder of the greatest chocolate chip cookie recipe. She had made it for every bake sale, birthday treat, special occasion or for every just for fun time she could think of. So when she got the opportunity to bake them for this years Halloween party she was so excited.
But that wasn't the only thing going onto her itinerary for this week. Unbeknownst to her was the Hale boys annual camping trip. Since she was a new member Derek thought it might be a good idea to invite her as Eli grumbled in opposition.
"Eli seriously." Derek scolded his son quietly away from the girl. "She needs time to bond with us and this is a perfect opportunity!"
"This is supposed to be a boys trip!"
"Eli it's been a boys trip because only boys have lived here. It's time for us to add onto that. It's now a... Hale trip. You me and y/n."
"What if she doesn't even want to go?" Eli asked in hopes it would manifest.
"Then that's fine but don't you think it would be rude to not even ask?"
"I guess." Eli groaned knowing his dad was right.
"Good. Now since you didn't want her to go, you can be the one to ask."
"What?! Why?! Why do you hate me?" Eli could feel the irritation building.
"I don't hate you Eli. I want you to bond with her."
Eli let out a loud groan in disgust and trudged out to the living room where y/n sat.
"Hey, dad wants to know if you want to go camping with us."
"Camping?" She asked confused
"Yeah, dad and I usually do an annual camping trip."
"Sure. When?"
"We leave tomorrow."
"Yeah. Sounds fun."
"Great." Eli seethed on the inside. He turned on his heels and found his dad. "She said she'll go."
"Great. It's settled then."
Eli let out a low growl in frustration and walked to his room to finish packing.

The night had come and gone. Y/n had finished her baking and set off to her room to pack. She asked Derek what she would need and he gave her a list. She didn't pack much but a bag, some clothes, a water bottle and her necessary toiletries. Derek had her sleeping bag and they'd all share a four person tent.
She brought out her bag the next morning and put it by the front door so Derek could pack it all into the car like a real life version of Tetris which ultimately ended in Derek swearing up a storm.
Eli had become deaf to the tantrum of his dad so when it came to this morning, Eli just sat in the car and let Derek go through the motions.
So when derek started packing Eli anticipated the attitude but it wasn't happening. He turned from the front seat to see y/n helping him load the bags.
"What if we moved Eli's bay to the right and put the sleeping bags stacked where his bag is."
"Oh... yeah...thatll work." Derek nodded in content.
She smiled and watched as Derek took her suggestion. Derek offered a high five to y/n which she accepted as he closed the trunk.
Y/n opened the door to the backseats and hopped in. She unraveled her headphones and started to play some music.
"Eli why don't you go sit in the back with y/n." Derek whispered.
"Because i don't want her to be back there by herself."
Eli knew there was no point in arguing so he got out of the front seat and moved to the seat behind him.
Y/n smiled as she saw him sit next to her. Eli's chest tingled as he saw her smile and felt a little guilt for his initial protest.

The drive to the camping spot wasn't long. Maybe an hour at best or 15 songs as y/n calculated it. When they got to the spot Derek checked in at the cabin and then started to unload.
"Eli, can you take the tent to the spot? And y/n, can I have you pull the coolers out and set them on the picnic table."
The kids followed without resistance and before they knew it the place was set up.
It was late afternoon when they decided they were hungry and wanted a meal instead of breaking into their stash of prepackaged snacks. Eli and y/n were in charge of getting wood while Derek laid out the food and prepped the fire.

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