Chapter 1: Arrival at the Mansion

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(I'm going with the Jill story since I'm pretty sure that's the canon one. However this will include elements of Chris's story as well such as Rebecca being in a future chapter.)


It all started at that mansion in the Arklay Mountains. At the time, me and my brother Albert were acting as members of the group S.T.A.R.S, Albert was the leader of our group while I was one of the members of Alpha Team. Our team consisted of myself, Albert, Jill, Chris, Barry and Joseph.

We were dispatched via helicopter to the Arklay Mountains in order to locate Bravo Team who had gone missing in the area recently on a mission. There had been bizarre murder cases going on in nearby Raccoon City, apparently bodies were turning up, having been eaten. Of course I already knew the reasoning behind this but I won't spoil it for you.

At this point it was already dark outside and it gave the area a spooky, ominous vibe. This didn't sit well with some of us, in fact me and Albert were the only ones who were calm at the moment. Eventually though our pilot, Brad, said "We should be arriving at our destination soon."

Sure enough, not long after we entered the Arklay Mountain airspace, Jill exclaimed "Look Chris!" We all went over to the window and sure enough we saw the crashed helicopter that had once belonged to Bravo Team.

I turned to Brad and said "Set us on the ground now." He did that and we all climbed out before going in to search the helicopter wreckage. It was completely derelict. The only thing that remained was the body of Kevin Dooley, still sat in his seat, his eyes had been gouged out by an unknown assailant! Joseph gasped in shock and fell backwards.

Albert turned to us and said "Scout the area, but stick close by. Whatever did this could still be around here somewhere." We all nodded and split up. We each had a torch as well as our gun. Even though we were split up, we remained close together.

That's when the TRUE nightmare began.

We suddenly heard a loud gunshot followed by the sound of Joseph screaming. This was then followed by the sound of several dogs growling. There were more gunshots followed by more screaming.

I turned around just in time to see Joseph being mangled by six or seven Cerberuses. Cerberus were a product of the T-Virus developed by the Umbrella Corporation, the group that both  me and Albert were secretly affiliated with.

Image of a Cerberus:

Jill just stared in shock at what happened until I saw one turn to her

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Jill just stared in shock at what happened until I saw one turn to her. She fell backwards as the Cerberus raced towards her. As it lunged forward though, it was shot by Chris who grabbed her arm and yelled "Come on!" They both got up and were chased by the Cerberus horde.

One of them jumped at Chris however I shot it in mid-air and yelled to them "Chris, Jill, this way!" They both began running in my direction, bringing the Cerberus group with them. We all began running away from them.

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