Chapter 97: Questioning the Doppelganger

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Myself, Ada, Derek Simmons, Leon, Ada's doppelganger, the BSAA and now that Jake Muller and Sherry Birkin. Thinking about it, it seemed we were all simply small pieces in one large puzzle. Pawns on a chess board as it were. And I figured that Simmons and the clone were the puppeteers behind what was going on.

After my run-in with Jake and Sherry, I wasted no time getting as far away from them as possible. I knew this wouldn't be my last encounter with them. However I didn't have time to waste playing around with them, not when answers were so close.

I stopped briefly, pulling out my communicator and having a look at the map. By now, I was drawing close to my destination. The blinking light that apparently represented the clone's communicator was only a few buildings ahead of me, directly ahead.

Using my Hookshot, I stuck to the rooftops, avoiding any zombie and any other B.O.W encounters on the streets. Which saved me great time in the process. At last, I arrived at the building in question, a tall apartment block, that rose high above the neighbouring buildings.

Still with my Hookshot in hand though, I was able to latch onto a nearby pipe and just as I was about to reach it, I swiftly retracted the cord and fired it again to latch onto the building's roof until finally, I arrived at my destination.

I stopped, took a look around at my surroundings. The top of the building provided a view looking over the surrounding buildings and beyond it was the river and even further than that were more buildings. As I was taking in the view, I heard a voice behind me simply asking "Enjoying the view?"

Turning around, a figure stepped from the shadows, I instantly found myself staring into the eyes of Ada Wong, but I knew better. The clone took a few more steps forward before I suddenly raised my Samurai Edge handgun, aiming it directly at her face.

Image of the Ada doppelganger:

I asked in a venomous tone "So, would you mind telling me why I shouldn't just shoot you right here and now? You've caused me enough trouble already

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I asked in a venomous tone "So, would you mind telling me why I shouldn't just shoot you right here and now? You've caused me enough trouble already." The clone didn't flinch at all from my threat though and instead just gave me a smirk.

"Aww, surely you wouldn't want to shoot your precious Ada Wong would you?" Her tone held fake innocence, further cementing my distrust towards her. I clicked the back of the handgun and simply stated "Try me."

The doppelganger remained silent for a moment causing me to then say "Start talking. NOW." This only made her smirk grow even more before she stepped back slightly as she replied "Very well, I suppose I do owe you something for your troubles, what did you want to know?"

I instantly asked "First off, what is your goal and why do you need me and Ada here to accomplish it?" The doppelganger initially stated "Ah, the obvious. Good question to start with." She then went on to explain.

"To put it quite simply, I want to tear down the corrupt world Simmons created. One, city, at, a, time." The last part of her sentence was broken up into pieces as if she was putting emphasis on each word.

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