Chapter 104: The End of Simmons, A Display of Affection

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I followed Ada in my helicopter until we reached the roof of the gigantic skyscraper. As this was happened, I thought about the events that had occurred in recent times. Both Carla and Simmons had left a lot of destruction in their wake, the zombies that now swarmed the streets were proof enough of that.

Speaking of zombies, upon our arrival on the roof, we found it SWARMED with them as they desperately chased a few survivors around. Ada contacted me through the helicopter's communicator and said "Maybe we can at least buy these people some time."

I shrugged and responded "Fine with me, we'll need to get rid of these B.O.Ws anyway if we want to land." With that, we both opened fire, using the miniguns mounted on helicopters to shred through the zombies like a mower through grass.

By this point in my long journey, I'd fought many B.O.Ws, some of which proved difficult even WITH my abilities namely, that Nemesis, Saddler and even both Albert and Alex. Of course, the only time I had trouble with zombies was in the Arklay Mountains, before my virus even showed itself. So it didn't take us long for us to mow down all of them.

With that out of the way, me and Ada noticed there was only one helipad, this wasn't too difficult as we took a gamble. Rather than either of us just parking in the centre of it, we each parked on either side of the pad, so that we could both take off again without any trouble.

After disembarking, Ada revealed a ROCKET LAUNCHER from the back and leant it against her helicopter. I just stared and asked "Where did you get that from?!" Ada just said "It was in the back. I'll leave it as a little gift for Leon.

I then asked "So, why are we up here? Aside from Simmons." Ada replied "I want to eliminate all traces of the theft of my identity. Carla may be dead, but I want there to be nothing left of her when we're done. Now, lets go."

Me and Ada headed off the helipad, we used our Hookshots to grapple across to another part of the roof. We traversed the sky-high terrain until at last we came to a door leading inside. We ran through the building until we came across something that made us stop in our tracks.

Out of a window, we saw an explosion on another part of the building, a lift was flung off its hinges, attacked only by a singular cord. Inside said lift were Leon and Helena! Luckily for them, they leapt out just as the cord snapped and the lift fell.

Ada just smirked next to me and commented "Leon, ever the survivor. Oh well, no rest for the weary." That's when there was yet another explosion, this one though was right next to us! Looking through it, we saw a convenient lift heading down. I stated "Well that works."

Leaping on top of it, it headed down and it was here that we both noticed SIMMONS! He stood on a glass walkway connecting this building to another. Upon noticing us, he yelled "ADA! I snapped "God damnit! Won't this pathetic excuse of a man just stay dead already?!" Ada laughed at my remark and stated "Back for more? You really are a glutton for punishment."

We both aimed our sniper rifles and began shooting precise rounds at him. With a roar, he transformed once again, contorting his body into a NEW shape. Instead of resembling a dinosaur, this time he took the form what I could only describe as a centaur-like creature.

Image of Simmons' Centaur Mutation:

Image of Simmons' Centaur Mutation:

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