Chapter 2: An Encounter with the Undead

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(Just to establish beforehand. Even though Y/N is currently infected with the Prototype Virus, he won't gain his superhuman abilities till later on because apparently you need to 'die' in order for the virus to actually take effect. Wesker was killed by the Tyrant before he got his abilities and Y/N will 'die' later on in this segment, I won't spoil how though.)


Closing the door behind me, I was met with almost complete darkness, I stared down the hallway of the mansion and attentively aimed my Handgun directly ahead of me. 

I pulled my torch out as well and slowly began making my way down the long and eerie corridor, the wooden floorboards creaked under me as I went. Each sound caused me to turn and point my gun, ready to open fire at anything.

Suddenly though, as I approached one door in particular, I heard what sounded like laboured breathing and gurgling. I leaned closer to the door and listened to the sound closer before standing back and kicking the door down.

What I saw caused me to stand motionless for a moment.

In the room was a figure. At first you would think it was just another human. But closer inspection would reveal it to be anything but that. It had a bald head, covered in grazes and decaying flesh, white emotionless eyes and tattered rags remained of its clothes.

Image of the Zombie:

I already knew this was another product of the Tyrant Virus, how so much of it had managed to leak out, I was unsure of

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I already knew this was another product of the Tyrant Virus, how so much of it had managed to leak out, I was unsure of. I would have to ask Albert about this. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I noticed the zombie slowly turn its head to face me directly.

It stood up and began to slowly approach, still gurgling to itself. I wasted no time unloading two rounds from my Handgun directly into its head, causing it to fall to the ground in front of me. I stared down at the body for a moment before snapping back into reality.

Unfortunately though, it seemed my gunshots alerted ANOTHER zombie not too far down the hallway because next thing I know, I fired another shot at it, and narrowly missed its shoulder. 

I stepped back into the room as the zombie followed, this time accompanied by another. I muttered to myself "Damn, where do these things crawl out from." I shot the one in front in the head, killing it. However, the second one rushed me head-on.

I felt the zombie grip my tightly as I held it back, preventing it from sinking its teeth into me. I held it at bay for a moment until I noticed an antique-looking dagger on a shelf nearby. I muttered again "That's convenient."

Reaching out, I grabbed the dagger and stabbed it into the zombie's head!

This one fell to the ground as well and I looked around at the three corpses on the floor. I took a deep breath in before continuing on my search. The room where the zombie was lead to another room, here I came across some green herbs and while I wasn't injured as such, they would be useful to carry. This room also held a door leading to an adjacent corridor to the one I was initially in.

Image of Green Herbs:

I continued my walk through this new hallway as I kept my handgun at the ready, aiming for anything that moved

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I continued my walk through this new hallway as I kept my handgun at the ready, aiming for anything that moved. As I turned a corner though, I looked shocked to be met with FOUR zombies! All of which seemed to be huddled around a single door.

One of them noticed me and I instantly pulled the trigger, shooting it in the head. While I managed to kill that one instantly, the other three all turned to face me and began shuffling closer, I shot at them, taking one of them out quickly.

The other two though, continued to get closer and as I pulled the trigger, I just heard a faint clicking sound. My gun was out of AMMO! In my current situation there was no time to reload it so I pulled out my knife from my belt and ran toward them.

I slashed one of the zombie's throats and stabbed it in the chest before turning my attention back to the other one. Before I could make my move though, another gunshot filled the room, this one was unrelated to me though.

There was another gunshot and the zombie finally fell to the ground. Looking up, I saw the door that the zombies were surrounding was open and none other than Rebecca Chambers was stood there holding a handgun! She was one of the members of Bravo Team, the group who we were sent to find. She was also the only member of S.T.A.R.S I legitimately cared about and didn't want to see hurt in any way.

Image of Rebecca Chambers:

I ran over to her and exclaimed "Rebecca!" She smiled and returned it "Y/N!" We stopped near one another as I said "I'm glad to see you're alright

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I ran over to her and exclaimed "Rebecca!" She smiled and returned it "Y/N!" We stopped near one another as I said "I'm glad to see you're alright." She nodded and replied "Yeah, same to you."

She then indicated to the room she had previously been hiding in before saying "Quickly, in here." I followed her inside as we closed the door, barring it shut. Once that was done she asked "Where are the others?"

I responded "I got separated, Jill and Barry went off to investigate a gunshot, Albert is securing the main entrance and I'm currently searching for Chris, Joseph is dead. What about you?" Rebecca answered "I was out looking for supplies, but I got ambushed by those things. I managed to form a small post here to hide until you showed up."

I nodded before going into my pocket and saying "Here, take this." I handed her the green herb I found earlier before adding "Maybe you can make some use from it." I reloaded my handgun and continued "I'm going out to continue my search for Chris. Good luck."

Rebecca then said "Wait, Y/N, before you go, do you want me to treat your wounds?" She gestured to a gash that I sustained against those four zombies earlier, it wasn't severe but I could certainly do without it.

I said "Yeah, please." With that, she used the herbs and other equipment to successfully patch me up. Once she was done, I said "Thanks, I appreciate it." She offered a kind smile before saying "Sure, don't mention it."

Smiling back to her I said "Well, I'll see you when I see you then." She nodded and said "Yeah, I've got to see if I can find anymore medical supplies, if I run into Chris, I'll let you know." I thanked her once again and went out, resuming my hunt. I felt somewhat bad for partially lying to her but I wouldn't go against Albert...

Author's Note: Surprise! We have another chapter up and ready for you! Again, I'm not quite ready to work on this book properly. However, I will be able to upload every now and then in the meantime for this part. Anyway, I really hope you liked the chapter and as always, thank you for reading.

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