Chapter 34: Meeting the Castellan, Ramon Salazar

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(I'm sorry for not uploading yesterday. On some days, I can only upload one chapter and I'm trying to balance this book with my Devil May Cry story so I try and make sure I upload one chapter for each book, of course today I can upload twice so I hope this chapter makes up for that absence.)

Timeskip... (Leon is now in the castle as well.)


I had exited the entrance courtyard of the castle and began wandering down a stone corridor. In all honesty, I didn't know if I felt safe leaving Ada alone. I had full confidence in her abilities however I also didn't know if she'd be safe.

After all, when we split up in Raccoon City, the next time I found her was unconscious in a pile of garbage. And even here, the last time we split up, I find her unconscious once again, this time surrounded by Ganados.

Nevertheless, I would just have to trust in her abilities and hope that Luis Sera guy managed to get the Las Plagas sample quickly so we could leave here as soon as possible. I pushed all those thoughts to the back of my mind and continued deeper into the castle. 

As I rounded a corner though, I wasn't exactly surprised when I found myself confronted by more Ganados. The main difference here though was that these ones seemed to wear black robes and some of them had shields bearing the Los Illuminados insignia. These were likely higher-up cultists.

Image of a Ganado Cultist with a shield:

Regardless of how these Ganados looked, I didn't care and instead just drew my handgun out and opened fire on them without a second thought

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Regardless of how these Ganados looked, I didn't care and instead just drew my handgun out and opened fire on them without a second thought. I was glad that I bought the magazine extension from that Merchant earlier, this way I didn't need to reload at all.

My bullets shattered right through their wooden shields and finished them off shortly after. Once they were all dealt with, I gave my handgun a faint twirl in my hand before placing it back in its holster and smirking to myself.

With that little distraction out of the way, I continued to make my way further into the castle, navigating several corridors and hallways. I encountered a few more Ganados though they were dealt with quickly.

As I was walking, I ducked into a side-room with some barrels that I shattered with my knife, finding more ammo in the process. After that, I continued down the corridor until I arrived in a large open room.

I looked around at my surroundings before I suddenly heard a high-pitched annoying laugh. Looking up towards an upper balcony, I saw two large hooded figures standing on either side of an extremely small man who instantly spoke up.

"My, my. First I find that American dog, and now I find myself with an entirely new guest." His voice was just as annoying as his laugh so I instantly aimed my handgun back at him before snapping "Who the Hell are you?!"

The little man replied "Me-llamo Ramon Salazar, the eighth Castellan of this magnificent architecture. Now I must ask who you are to be intruding on my property." I grinned faintly before saying "Y/N Wesker, that's all you need to know."

Image of Ramon Salazar and his two Bodyguards: 

We glared at one another for a good few seconds before I clicked my handgun, showing that it was loaded before saying "I advice you stay out of my way little man or you'll meet the same fate as your pawns back there

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We glared at one another for a good few seconds before I clicked my handgun, showing that it was loaded before saying "I advice you stay out of my way little man or you'll meet the same fate as your pawns back there." I made a gesture to the corridor behind me.

(I feel I should mention that the only people in this story who are flat-out STRONGER than Y/N in this book are Saddler, Wesker and Mother Miranda. I'm not sure how tough Eveline would be and I'd say Y/N and Nemesis were more or less equal, Nemesis is just almost invincible.)

Salazar just kept glaring down at me, clearly angered by me calling him little man, though he maintained an arrogant smirk as he said "You have done well to make it this far. But I'm afraid your life is of no consequence to Lord Saddler's ambition. You may go ahead and die now."

With that he turned around and left the balcony, his two mysterious bodyguards followed closely behind. I don't know why but there was something about those two that caught me peeked my interest though I don't exactly know what.

As soon as they'd left though, parts of the wall above me lowered revealing more Zealots, these ones though all held crossbows aimed towards me. They maintained their aim before all opening fire in unison.

This wasn't any trouble as I just dodged their attacks with ease. While they were reloading, I chose to counter attack and pulled my rifle off my back before aiming at each one and getting headshots of each one, finishing them off in an instant.

I paused for a moment, looking around the room as the hatches where the Zealots were hiding, closed up once again, looking like regular wall now. I grumbled a bit. Now this Salazar knew I was here, if he was really working for the leader of that cult then he could possibly blow what secrecy I had, losing the element of surprise.

Nevertheless, I swiftly made my way out of the room, continuing my exploration of the ancient structure. Completely unaware that someone even more dangerous than Salazar had watched the exchange from the shadows.

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter, I felt much more comfortable with this one than the last one so I really do hope you liked it, the next chapter will be up tomorrow however it may be up in the afternoon since I don't know if I'll be busy again tomorrow. Either way, I do hope you like it and as always, thank you for reading.

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