Chapter 43: The Regenerating Creatures and Saddler's Appearance

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Shortly after Leon's confrontation with Krauser, me and Ada continued deeper into the strange facility. How a small cult like Los Illuminados had managed to grow to such an extent right under the eyes of both the U.S Government AND the Organization, only gaining both faction's attention recently, still baffled me greatly.

Regardless, we made our way through a network of tunnels that seemed to be a hybrid between a military bunker and a scientific facility. We both continued on the path until we arrived at a small crossroads, with the path either going directly ahead or turning to the right.

We first decided to take the right turn and this instantly lead us to a small metal door. Me and Ada both drew our handguns and held them at the ready as I reached for the handle. Turning it and opening the door, I peered round.

I had become extremely cautious as to what Saddler would have housed within this facility. That's why we had both decided to stick together as opposed to us splitting up like we had done in the castle and the village.

I will admit, I was surprised though when we entered the room to find that instead of enemies, we were once again confronted with that strange Merchant who I had also encountered in both the castle and the village and again, he was stood by a burning blue brazier.

The Merchant turned to us before saying "Ah, a third time we meet stranger. And I've got some new wares for you to browse." He then did that same gesture where he opened his black cloak and revealed a handful of his smaller wares.

I then noticed some of his larger wares placed on the table nearby and one thing caught my attention in particular. A small shotgun was placed on the table. A 'Striker' model to be exact. I picked it up and noticed something caught Ada's eye as well. An advanced model of Bowgun that looked like the crossbows of old but fired explosive rounds and were much quicker to load.

Images of the Striker Shotgun and the Bowgun:

Images of the Striker Shotgun and the Bowgun:

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We each picked up our respective weapon purchase and turned to the Merchant

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We each picked up our respective weapon purchase and turned to the Merchant. Ada sternly said "We'll take these." The Merchant's eyes widened as he said "Those are some destructive weapons! A wise choice strangers!"

The Wesker Brother (Resident Evil, Ada Wong x Male Wesker Reader)Where stories live. Discover now