Chapter 64: The Mysterious Prison

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Timeskip, two years later...


I awoke to the feeling of water faintly dripping on my head. I slowly sat up and looked around at my surroundings to find myself in some sort of damp and dilapidated room. There was a barred door heading out into a large hallway, I assumed this was some kind of run-down prison

My eyes widened when I noticed some kind of metallic bracelet on my left wrist, I initially tried removing it however it was no use. There was a strange green light on it which caught my attention for a moment. The real question was, how did I even get here?

The last thing I remember was-


Two years had passed since the incident in Africa involving Uroboros. I still hadn't fully recovered from Albert's death, however I had a hunch that with him gone, the BSAA would come after me instead and because of this, I decided to go into hiding for the time being.

I opened the door to the tiny motel room I had been staying in for the last few weeks, given the BSAA's record, I knew it would be best to keep moving constantly, I had long-since ditched the helicopter after it ran out of fuel and crashed in a forest. That was about a month after Albert's death. Since then I had been taking whatever transport I could.

Stepping into the dark room and attempted to flip the light switch on, to no surprise of mine, it didn't work, causing me to mutter angrily "Useless cheap piece of crap." I closed the door behind me and went to sit on the bed.

Suddenly, I was temporarily blinded when a bright blue light shone through the small window. Shortly after, said window was shattered as a man in military gear burst through it, followed by about four more. Another three kicked the door down and now all of them were in front of me with assault rifle's raised.

"Y/N WESKER! YOU ARE TO COME WITH US IMMEDIATELY! WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED!" I just smirked to myself before saying "I was wondering when you would finally catch up with me. Though it was rather foolish of you to bring only seven men with you."

(Now as some of you may have guessed, these are the same sort of soldiers that captured the Terrasave members. However Y/N at this point thinks they are BSAA operatives.)

In an instant, I rushed forward and gripped the leader of the military group by the head before throwing him to the ground. One of the other soldiers yelled "OPEN FIRE!" Before sending several assault rifle shots my way.

Naturally I dodged the rounds before elbowing another of the soldiers in the stomach, making him double over in pain before I uppercutted him into the wall. Turning my attention to a third soldier, I kneed him in the face, incapacitating him instantly.

The remaining four soldiers all kept their rifles aimed at me and opened fire. I dodged every shot with ease before drawing my own Samurai Edge handgun, I instantly fired a round into two of the soldier's heads, aiming just under their helmets so it wouldn't protect them.

As for the last two, I grabbed them by their helmets, banged their heads into one another before palm-thrusting one of them and kicking the other. Both soldiers joined their allies on the ground either unconscious or dead.

I looked at the soldiers and stated "Good game, let's not do it again some time." That's when I heard a faint 'pew' noise followed by a faint nip in my neck. I reached around and realized there was a needle jammed into my neck.

I plucked it out and stared at it for a moment before everything suddenly fell into darkness...

Back to present day...

So that's what happened. One of the soldiers must have shot a dart into my neck that made me fall unconscious, now it was just a matter of figuring out where I was and WHY I was here.

Suddenly there was a loud buzz and the door to the prison cell I was in opened. I stood up and felt around my body, glad that I still had both of my weapons along with my Hookshot, I knew I would likely need them.

With everything in-hand. I slowly made my way out of the prison cell. It turned out I was in a large room, lined completely with several different cells, each of them were now opened and it was at this point that I heard growling.

Across the hall, from the cell directly opposite to mine, a creature emerged. It looked unlike anything I had encountered before, it somewhat resembled the zombies of Raccoon City, but it seemed to be wielding a weapon similar to the Ganados and Majini birthed from Las Plagas, I could tell this was something completely new.

Image of an Afflicted:

Of course, upon noticing me the strange B

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Of course, upon noticing me the strange B.O.W let out a yell before staggering towards me, a makeshift weapon in hand. I wasted now time raising my Samurai Edge and shooting directly at the creature's head.

It only took a few shots before the creature was put down for good. Though it was at this point that I noticed I had no ammo reserves. I would need to use what I had sparingly until I found some more.

Suddenly, I heard a female scream sound out throughout the prison! Whoever it was, was probably in trouble. And it sounded like they were nearby...

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter and we're now at the beginning of the Revelations 2 segment. I will just say that the latter parts of this segment should be interesting so I hope you like them when we get to it. I also do hope you liked this chapter and as always, thank you for reading.

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