Chapter 16: Confronting Jill and Nemesis Returns

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Briefly splitting up from Leon and Ada, I left the Police Station and headed back into Raccoon City. I hadn't missed much as I had to dispatch some zombies shortly after though they weren't a challenge in the slightest.

I made it quite a distance from the Police Station before I eventually came to a halt in an alley. I heard some familiar crawling sounds behind me and spun around to see a Licker scaling the walls of the alley, I wasted no time in raising my handgun and effortlessly blasting its head off.

As I made my way out of the alley, I began heading down the alley until I noticed a Police car, crashed into the wall up ahead. A grin spread across my face, if you remember last time I searched a Police car, I found a Flash Grenade that came in handy later on.

I approached the car and smashed the windows, unlocking it, I began my search. I found several shotgun shells and a few handgun rounds however, my eyes widened when I noticed, propped against the corpse of a deceased officer was a W-870 Shotgun!

Image of the Shotgun:

Letting out a faint whistle, I reached for the shotgun however the deceased officer suddenly reanimated and attempted to attack my

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Letting out a faint whistle, I reached for the shotgun however the deceased officer suddenly reanimated and attempted to attack my. I quickly drew my handgun and blasted the officer in the head, putting him out of commission.

Grabbing the Shotgun, I quickly slung it over my shoulder and continued on my way down the street. Eventually, I made it to what looked like an old garage. I approached the shutter and grabbed the bottom of it before flinging it upwards.

I turned on the light and looked around, there was another Typewriter off to the side as well as some herbs and more ammo, I took both of them and turned to walk away. However I suddenly heard footsteps coming from outside, though I could barely hear it over the pouring rain and fires that still littered the street.

Ducking out of sight once again, my eyes widened when I looked around the corner to see JILL! Once again, she was alone there was no sign of that 'Carlos' from earlier. I felt my anger flare up a bit inside me though I kept a calm expression.

(In this story the only person Y/N will flat out hate will be Jill and that's only because she shot him in Chapter 6. He won't even hate Chris which will be very important later on.)

I drew my shotgun and raised it with one hand. I stepped out from the garage and aimed the barrel directly at Jill's head before speaking "Well, what a surprise. We really need to stop running into one another."

Jill just spoke in a confident yet aggressive tone as she snapped "Why are you even here Y/N? Are you here to marvel at Umbrella's handiwork?" I stepped back, lowering the shotgun as she turned around, I answered "I thought me and Wesker explained to you at the mansion, we're done taking orders from Umbrella. As for why I'm here, that's none of your business."

I smirked before saying "Wesker told me to remain focused on the task, but why shouldn't I have a little enjoyment." Jill's eyes widened before asking "Wait, Wesker's alive as well?" I nodded and said "Of course, we both were infected with the same virus."

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