Chapter 78: Six Months Later, Uroboros' Return

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Timeskip, six months later...


Six months, SIX MONTHS! That's how long I had been trapped on this damned island! I don't know what happened to Claire and Moira, I hadn't seen either of them at all since the battle against Neil, I only assume that they either died in the Monument's explosion or they somehow managed to escape and left me on the island.

Flashback, six months ago...

I just stared up towards the top of the elevator shaft in anticipation. I hoped that Claire and Moira would be able to handle whatever Alex had in store for them. I gave a brief glance to Neil's body before returning my gaze back up to the top of the tower.


I muttered to myself "That can't be good, that can't be good at all." This must have been what Alex meant, so it was safe to assume whatever had transpired up there had resulted in her death either by her own hand or from Claire and Moira. I did try to warn them but I had more important things to worry about now.

Instantly, I raced out of the large room and began making my way back towards the entrance to the tower. The tower began shaking as pieces of rubble and debris fell from the top of the elevator shaft. 

I navigated the same corridors I had done before, this time though there were alarms flashing red lights and sirens blaring. I encountered handfuls of Afflicted however I dealt with them instantly, I didn't have the time to waste right now.

I smashed the last Afflicted, head-first into a wall, killing it before continuing closer and closer to the exit. This reminded me of the same rush I felt when I escaped Raccoon City years ago only this wasn't as intense as it was just one building as opposed to a whole city.

Thinking back to Raccoon City, I felt a chill go down my spine. If I thought about it, even with my enhanced abilities, I don't know if I'd have been able to survive those events without Ada's assistance.

Returning to the matter at hand, I FINALLY made it to the exit. I lifted the metal shutter door up before dashing through it before it could slam shut behind me. I made it out in just the nick of time because shortly after, I saw the top of the Monument explode.

I shielded my eyes from the explosion. As I lowered it again, I just stared at the billowing black smoke. I didn't know if Claire and Moira managed to escape the building alive. But for now, I needed to find a way off this island...

Back to present day...

I never did find a way off the island and as you know, that was six months ago. Since then I had just been left to roam the island alone. Now you may be wondering why I didn't just use a radio or something to contact the outside world.

Well keep in mind that I was still a wanted fugitive after the events that transpired in Africa. The last thing I wanted was to have the entire BSAA on my ass especially when I'd done such a good job laying low for the last two years or so before Alex just had to ruin everything.

Suddenly I snapped from my long train of thought when I heard nearby footsteps followed by gurgling noises. I spun around, like I said earlier, since the events at the monument, I had just wandered the island aimlessly, now I was once again in the industrial sector near where the Monument once stood tall, it was still there just looked damaged from the explosion.

I raised my Samurai Edge handgun as the creature slowly approached out of the darkness. When it emerged my eyes widened, it looked nothing like any of the creatures I had seen up to this point, its limbs were twisted at strange angles, it had spikes coming from its body and looked absolutely horrific.

Image of a Revenant:

I instantly shot at the head and blew it clean off however to my surprise, this specific type of B

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I instantly shot at the head and blew it clean off however to my surprise, this specific type of B.O.W continued to walk towards me. I muttered "Well that's not ideal." I then aimed for the torso and fired several more shots into its body.

The torso exploded a little but the creature remained walking. Thirdly, I shifted to the right arm and fired some more, this time though a large orange tumour appeared on its arm. I rolled my eyes and asked angrily "Seriously? That was it?! A tumour?!"

I shot at the tumour violently until it burst and sure enough the creature fell to the ground dead. I instantly recognized the traits that this creature displayed as Uroboros which wasn't a surprise since Alex did have access to Uroboros so she must have began using it on the Afflicted.

Approaching the creature, I reloaded my handgun and stared down at it before it dissolved. I growled a bit, I was beginning to get the feeling that this strange B.O.W wasn't the only one of its kind out there.

"Well, this may complicate things a bit."

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter, I'm sorry if it was slightly underwhelming though hopefully you still enjoyed it nonetheless. I feel I should mention though that the 'Barry' portion of this segment will be much smaller than the 'Claire' portion. I still hope you like what's to come and as always, thank you for reading. 

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