Chapter 61: Confronting Albert Wesker, the Battle of the Wesker Siblings

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I made my way through the narrow corridors of the tanker's interior. I don't know why, but I was certain that Albert was nearby. As the years had gone by, we had grown accustomed to each other's presence and could often get a feeling when the other was close. I wouldn't be surprised if he already knew I was coming.

Nevertheless, I continued and eventually found myself in some kind of control room. Instantly, I stepped towards a terminal with monitors displaying multiple different areas throughout the tanker, my eyes instantly locked with one monitor in particular.

Albert was stood on a balcony, overlooking a hangar with a stationary bomber. Now I understood his motives. He was planning to load this bomber with rockets containing Uroboros, he would then use that to spread the virus around the world.

I muttered to myself "Now you just wait there. I have you now." I then wasted no time departing from the command room and resuming my trek through the tanker, encountering and disposing of several Majini in the process.

Traversing numerous hallways and corridors I found myself at what I could only assume was the final stretch. A long corridor leading to a single metal door bearing the Tri-Cell logo. I approached the door one step at a time and as I drew closer.

Upon approaching the door, it opened automatically and I stepped into the large hangar, I instantly recognized it from the camera footage I saw moments earlier and sure enough, there he was.

Standing right in front of me was Albert, once again dawning the trench coat he had worn at the Spencer Estate years prior. He hadn't moved an inch from the camera footage. He didn't even turn to acknowledge me, instead he just kept staring at the bomber with his back to me.

Eventually though he looked up from his train of thought, still not looking at me but saying "So, you came. I had a feeling you would make your way here eventually." His tone held a coldness even more sinister than usual, there was definitely something going on.

I pointed at him and asked "Albert, are you really considering global genocide just to secure your own superiority?" This caused him to turn and look at me with a grin spread across his face as he replied with a question of his own "Is this not what you wanted? After all Y/N, this couldn't have been done without your help, gathering each of the virus samples that helped make this project a reality."

I could tell he was trying to get in my head so I remained silent. It turns out I didn't even need to speak because Albert continued anyway saying "Or is it that you changed Y/N?" My eyes widened a bit at his comment and this just made him smirk even more than before.

"Oh? Did you think I wouldn't notice?" He paused before saying "I knew about your plan at the Arklay mansion, you aided me while trying to protect miss Rebecca Chambers. That was all completely fine, but what really caught my concern was your exploits in Raccoon City."

Albert began stepping forward towards me and continued his speech in the process "Do you remember the orders I gave you? ELIMINATE anything that would hinder your goal. Though of course, your disregard for this order was forgiven because at least you and Ada accomplished your objective. Though let us not forget Rockfort Island and Antarctica."

I listened as his rant wasn't done yet. "Did you really think I didn't notice?" I asked "Notice what?" Albert dropped his smirk before explaining "That you didn't just let Claire Redfield go once, but TWICE! You allowed the sister of Chris Redfield to escape your grasp. That itself was minor so again, I let it go." The smirk returned as he said "Now we come to the icing on the cake."

I raised an eyebrow indicating that I didn't understand what he meant. "I am of course referring to your little encounter with Los Illuminados, I will admit, at first I felt you and Ada were doing a good job, I particularly enjoyed you threatening Salazar."

I don't know HOW he knew about that but I continued listening regardless. "But one thing that bothered me was you and Ada's constant disregard for my orders to kill that Leon. So I ordered Krauser to do it instead, to test your loyalty. Sure enough, you and Ada come to Leon's rescue, cementing your lack of loyalty."

At this point I accused "I never betrayed you, but if you thought I had, why didn't you just have me killed?" Albert responded in a careless tone "It's simple. I still had a use for you. I needed you to serve as a distraction while Uroboros was in its finishing stages. Of course now-."

He didn't finish his sentence and instead dashed forward and trying to strike me with a hard palm-thrust attack. However I used my own speed to dodge it and punch him in the face. He didn't take long to recover and impacted me with a punch to the stomach.

I staggered back before rushing at my 'brother' and attempting to punch him again. He caught my fist and tried one of his own, though I caught that and now we both just stared at one another, our eyes looked identical, both were orange with cat or snake-like slits in them.

I once again urged Albert to stand down "Albert, please, stop this insanity. I was fine with making those who were worthy of Uroboros superior, but those who aren't don't deserve death. What you're intending is genocide!"

Albert just grinned in response, "What I propose is complete global saturation. I'm not destroying the world, I'm saving it." He then swiftly kneed me in the stomach causing me to gag a bit before roundhouse kicking me in the face making me fall onto my back.

I kicked him in the leg before violently tackling him to the ground. I proceeded to repeatedly punch him in the face until he gripped one of my arms and punched me instead. He then kicked me in the back, making me fall off him.

I soon recovered and dashed back trying a palm-thrust. Albert staggered back before glaring at me through his sunglasses, he then responded with an identical movement, hitting me right in the chest making me fly back and hit the ground hard.

Before I could recover, I heard him say "It's a shame you couldn't just cooperate." He then kicked me again before grabbing me by the neck and lifting me off the ground in a choke hold. "And now you will pay the price."

He raised his hand intent on finishing me off, however we heard running towards us followed by a familiar voice exclaiming "Your plans are finished Wesker!" Followed by another familiar voice adding "There's no way out this time!"

I don't know why, but I had a feeling the end was drawing near...

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter, I will admit, despite finding it really difficult to write, I did enjoy writing this chapter in particular due to how important it will be within the overall story, I just really hope you enjoyed it as well and as always, thank you for reading.

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