Chapter 99: The Aircraft Carrier

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I wasted no time, following the new beacon on the map, directing me to my destination. I avoided most of the zombie encounters that I happened to come across and those that were unavoidable, I dealt with quickly until at last, I arrived at the rendezvous point.

Sure enough, I found the REAL Ada waiting for me at a small jetty sticking out into the river. As I approached, Ada turned to me and shot me a grin and said "Well you took your sweet time didn't you?" I just kept a straight face as I said "Never mind that. Where did the clone go?"

Ada pointed out down the river. "A 'hello' would do nicely next time Y/N. They went that way, I assume they actually went out onto the water. I found these jet skis as well, they might be of use to us." I nodded and replied "Sounds like you've been busy, and two jet skis is very convenient Very well, sounds like a plan. Let's go."

With the small talk out of the way, me and Ada both got onto the jet-skis and set off down the river. As we sped across the water, I decided to ask "So, what are we looking for?" Ada shrugged "I don't know. Like I said, I think they went onto the water. Perhaps if there was something like-."

Before she was finished, by pure convenience, a giant aircraft carrier came into view. Upon seeing it, I asked "Something like that?" Ada nodded and said "Exactly, I can guarantee that's where our little friend has gone off to."

Pulling up alongside the aircraft carrier, me and Ada turned back to look at one another. We nodded, readied our Hookshots as she said "Good luck." I replied "Same to you." With that, we both raised our Hookshots and grappled up onto an outstretched platform.

From there we instantly found a door leading inside the large vessel. I instantly kicked it open without a second thought. We found ourselves on a corridor going off in both directions. Ada commented "I really wish you would stop running. We have so much to talk about."

I agreed with the statement and added "Rest assured, hide all you want. We WILL find you." We began walking however we had to come to a stop almost straight away upon noticing another one of those soldiers up ahead, identical to the ones we fought on the submarine.

While his back was turned, I nodded at Ada, snuck up behind the unsuspecting soldier, violently grabbed his head and slammed it into the wall! The helmet cracked, killing the soldier in the process with the sheer force.

As soon as its body fell face-first to the ground, me and Ada pressed on, going deeper into the aircraft carrier before we reached an interesting sight, the dead body of another soldier on the floor though this one appeared to be clutching something. 

Upon closer inspection, it appeared to be a keycard of sorts. Rather than pick it up, we both held up our blue communicators and proceeded to scan the key card. Once this process was complete, our devices let out a beeping noise as the message 'Key card A accepted' was seen.

I commented "Keycard A, there must be more dotted around." Ada replied "You're right. Let's split up, see if we can find the others, perhaps we'll get more info if we go our own ways. If we find anything important though, make sure we contact one another."

With that settled, we both went our separate ways. Splitting up once again to cover more ground. I suppose its a benefit, we'd draw less attention to ourselves if we were away from one another and we were more likely to find something of interest.

As soon as we headed off our own way, I soon found myself wandering down yet another corridor. I drew my Samurai Edge and raised it up in front of me as I began nearing yet another corner. Just as I was about to round it, I found myself encountering another soldier.

It WAS just like the submarine, I ducked back out of sight before the soldier could notice me. I could easily have shot him right then and there. The silencer would have prevented any attention being drawn to us.

But there was the what-if downside in which the bullet wouldn't kill him. That would give him the change to call for back-up and again, I didn't want the attention right now. Instead I had a much more efficient method in mind which I had also demonstrated on the submarine.

I waited for the soldier to turn his back to me and that's when I made my move. I snuck up behind him grabbed his head and violently twisted it, snapping his neck. As soon as his body hit the floor I began searching his body.

As I had hoped, I found a second keycard. I picked it up and with my other hand, held up my blue cube. I scanned the card until the message 'keycard B accepted' appeared. With that, I threw the keycard back to the ground by the soldier's body, put my communicator back in my pocket and continued on, muttering to myself "Hopefully, there's only one more to go."

Just before I was about to begin my search though, my body began to feel a bit weaker. I remembered I hadn't taken a PG67A-W  dosage in a while, luckily, I carried a spare vial with me. I reached around my belt and went into one of the attached pockets.

Pulling out the vial, I proceeded to just stare at it for a while before finally saying "Last one. I'd better make this count." I wasted no time rolling up my sleeve and injecting the vial into my arm, pushing the button, the serum entered my body.

I dropped to my knees, closed my eyes and let out a gasp as the orange liquid entered my body. While I had managed to successfully replicate the serum's result, as of recently, I'd begun feeling slightly fatigued right after using it for a second before my strength goes back to normal.

As soon as I felt back to normal I wasted no time getting to my feet, stretching my arms a bit and continued my search for a third keycard. However it wasn't long until I came to yet another delay. This one much worse than a simple lack of serum.

I was walking down one of the hallways when the door at the end of it opened and two figures stepped through, guns drawn. They instantly aimed at me however when one of them noticed it was me, he lowered his weapon in shock and asked "Y/N? Is that you?"

Author's Note: That's this chapter done. The next one is going to be chapter 100! Which is quite the milestone for any of my stories. I want to thank everyone who's been reading the story up to this point, it means a lot to me and I hope you continue to enjoy the remaining chapters.

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