Chapter 67: The Encounter in the Forest, a Suspicious Sacrifice

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"Wait! Hold your fire! I'm not an enemy!"

The man in the tank top as well as the one in the Terrasave jacket both lowered their weapons, however the man in the blue shirt kept his handgun aimed at me as he asked "Who are you then?! I know you aren't Terrasave! I would recognize you!"

I will admit, I was somewhat surprised that this guy didn't know who I was, then again, like I said before, I don't know how much about me the BSAA had kept secret so it was highly plausible that Terrasave would be oblivious about my existence.

I responded to his question by simply saying "You're right I'm not with Terrasave. I'm Y/N, I was kidnapped by a group of soldiers and brought here for some unknown reason." The man with the Terrasave jacket spoke up "Soldiers? They could be the same ones that brought us here."

This made me nod in agreement at his statement as the man in the blue shirt finally lowered his handgun and said "Well either way, good to see another friendly face." He approached with his hand extended in front of him as he introduced himself "Name's Neil, Neil Fisher."

Image of Neil Fisher:

I went to shake his hand and as I got closer I looked into his eyes

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I went to shake his hand and as I got closer I looked into his eyes. And it was at this point I instantly knew he was untrustworthy. Call it a hunch, but I instantly felt suspicious towards this guy in particular. 

After my battle with Albert, I had developed a sixth sense of sorts towards traitors who would sell out their own allies in a heartbeat and this 'Neil' was certainly giving off those vibes, traitor or not, I knew there was something he was hiding.

Nevertheless, I took his hand and said "Likewise. Glad you aren't one of those things." This caused him to let out a chuckle. He then pointed over his shoulder at the guy with the Terrasave jacket and said "This is Pedro."

Image of Pedro Fernandez:

Pedro gave a little wave said "Nice to meet you sir

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Pedro gave a little wave said "Nice to meet you sir." Neil then gestured over to the guy in the tank top and introduced him "And this is Gabe." Gabe just smiled and gave a thumbs up at me, causing me to smile back.

Image of Gabe Chavez:

I decided to explain my situation to the trio, saying "I was just on my way to a place called the Wossek

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I decided to explain my situation to the trio, saying "I was just on my way to a place called the Wossek. You wouldn't know anything about that would you?" Pedro then announced with wide eyes "That's where we were heading! That 'Overseer' woman told us to go there!"

This caught my interest. What exactly would Alex want with these three, aside from the suspicious vibes I drew from Neil, both Pedro and Gabe struck me as just ordinary folk similar to Gina, I could just hope they would have better luck than she did.

I smiled again and said "Well good, I suppose we can all travel there together then." I saw a look shift in Neil's eyes however Gabe spoke up and said "Yeah, that sounds good. Welcome aboard." 

That's when we once again heard the familiar sound made by those Afflicted creatures. We all turned around and I heard Gabe snap "Damn it! Where the Hell do these things keep coming from?!"

With that, we ran through the forest, the Afflicted were in hot pursuit. In fact, this reminded me so much of when me, Albert, Chris, Jill and Barry were all being chased by those  Cerberus' in the Arklay mountains years ago, right before we reached the mansion where this hectic train of events started.

We ran faster, occasionally aiming back to shoot at the Afflicted, I could easily deal with them all, but of course, I was keeping my abilities secret for the time being. I heard Pedro yell out of nowhere "Mother of balls! My life is awesome!" Gabe added "Just like Kijuju man. Fun shit!"

Neil abruptly spun around and opened fire on the approaching Afflicted ordering us "Go on without me! We'll regroup later!" Pedro exclaimed "You heard him Gabe!" Gabe simply said "You stay the Hell alive Fisher. Come on Y/N." With that, the two of them ran off.

I however waited a second. At first glance it would seem he had made a heroic sacrifice, however like I said earlier, there was something about this Neil Fisher than I found suspicious, needless to say, I didn't trust him in the slightest. I had a hunch he had his own agenda here and he didn't want anyone getting in the way of that.

Though for now, I just turned around and headed after the other two. I was curious as to what Neil's game was and I wonder of Alex had any knowledge of whatever his intentions were...

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter, I really do hope you liked this one, I felt it went better than yesterday's chapter. I will tell you, with my current idea, I have something cool planned for Neil in a later chapter which I think you may like and as always, thank you for reading.

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