Chapter 7: Escaping the Mansion

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(This chapter takes place solely from Chris and Jill's POV, Y/N won't return until the next chapter.)

Chris POV

I sat in silence in the cell, thinking to myself. This entire incident had been unlike anything I had considered possible. Not to mention I had never expected Y/N and Wesker to have been traitors all along! Before all this I'd actually say me and Y/N were friends.

I suddenly looked up when I heard the sound of an alarm followed by an automated voice. "The self-destruct system has been activated. All personnel must evacuate immediately." 

Luckily, Jill suddenly opened the door to the cell. I looked up at her and said "Jill." She responded "Sorry about the wait." I asked "So everything's taken care of?" Jill answered "Well, almost. Now let's get the hell out of here."

The two of us raced through the facility as the alarm continued to sound overhead. We met up with Barry again and the three of us all ran towards a right turn leading to the exit, that's when we heard screeching coming from down the hall.

Both me and Barry aimed our guns to see several creatures approaching us. Barry yelled "Damn it! We're almost there!" He then added " Jill! You must get in contact with Brad!" With that he ran down towards the creatures.

I then said "We can make it! Jill, ladies first." Jill yelled "Chris!" I simply smirked and said "Would you let me have my moments too?" Jill responded "Alright, we'll rendezvous at the heliport!" With that I followed Barry down the hallway.

We encountered all manner of creatures but regardless, we just shot our way through them and continued until we rounded a corner and suddenly saw none other than REBECCA running towards us.

She stopped in front of us and caught her breath before saying "I've finally caught up with you. I found the entrance to the laboratory and assumed you came down here! What happened?" I stepped forward "I'll explain later, come on, we've got to get out of here!"

arrived at an elevator. We both got in it and pushed the 'up' button on the console that would take us directly to the heliport.

Upon our arrival we found Jill already waiting. Barry addressed her "Jill!" She turned to us and replied "You made it!" Rebecca asked "Wait, where's Y/N?" None of us were able to answer because a gigantic creature suddenly burst through the concrete floor.

We all aimed our guns at it as it slowly stood up. Me, Barry and Rebecca opened fire however I was suddenly struck across the face and my head hit the concrete surface. After that it all went dark...

Jill POV

Me, Barry and Rebecca shot repeatedly at the Tyrant however no matter what we tried, it just kept getting back up and rushing towards us, slashing way with its large claw-like arm. After a few minutes though, a ROCKET LAUNCHER suddenly hit the ground near us.

Image of the Rocket Launcher:

I heard Brad's voice yelling "Jill use this! Kill it whatever it is!" I rushed towards the Rocket Launcher and quickly picked it up

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I heard Brad's voice yelling "Jill use this! Kill it whatever it is!" I rushed towards the Rocket Launcher and quickly picked it up. Almost instantly, I fired a missile from it, though the Tyrant effortlessly swatted it away.

Luckily, I still had three more shots left. Barry and Rebecca both distracted it by firing several more rounds into it while I raised the rocket launcher one last time. A second time I opened fire and this time it impacted the creature head-on and exploded!

The Tyrant was FINALLY dead! We could escape at last!

Brad landed the helicopter in front of us and we all managed to climb aboard, Chris had woken up by this point. Once we were all on, the helicopter took off and flew up into the air. I looked out of the window just in time to see the mansion explode into nothing more than rubble!

Video of the helicopter escaping and the mansion exploding (This video belongs to its original uploader.):


As the helicopter flew, we all remained in silence. Me and Chris sat right next to one another, staring off into space, Barry was analysing his gun while Rebecca slept soundly, I must admit, I felt bad for her.

We had just told her the truth about Y/N. I know she looked up to him, though she seemed to take the fact that he betrayed us pretty well. Then again, I think that that news paled in comparison to what we had all just experienced.

I slowly leaned my head on Chris' shoulder and closed my eyes. Though this incident was now over, it was only the beginning of what was to come.

Both Y/N and Wesker were still very much alive...

Author's Note: That's this chapter done. I must apologise for how short and bad this chapter was overall. I'm not in the best headspace right now but I really wanted to continue writing, also this chapter was so short because it was mainly to lead into the next one which will document Y/N and Wesker's escape from the mansion. (Based around Umbrella Chronicles.) Anyway, as difficult as this chapter was, I do hope you enjoyed it and as always, thank you for reading.

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