Chapter 59: Dealing with Chris, a Reluctant Showdown

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(Okay, so we're nearing the end of the Resident Evil 5 segment, about three more chapters to go. I'm sorry if it seemed short. The whole reason I'm doing a segment on Revelations 2 despite not doing one on the first one is because I want it to serve as a direct continuation of the 'Wesker' plotline I have going here.)


I piloted the helicopter down the river and out into the open ocean. I suspected the route Albert's tanker would take so I just followed that, hoping I would eventually find my destination and sure enough, after a while of flying I caught up with the large ship.

I still felt conflicted regarding my last encounter with Jill, after all, I had spent the last decade wishing revenge upon her, yet when I finally have her within my grasp, I show mercy. Why? Was it to do with pity? Or was it what she told me about Albert?

That brings me to the matter of whether she was telling the truth or not? Now I was on board with spreading Uroboros across the world and making those worthy of it into gods. However those who are unworthy would die from the virus? THAT was something I didn't agree with.

Anyway, I did eventually come across the large tanker and upon doing so, I lowered the helicopter before abruptly crashing it into a series of crates! I hopped out of the now-crashed copter before commented "Well that could have gone more smoothly."

I then looked around at my surroundings, noticing that I had crashed into a small labyrinth of containers and crates. It was clear that my objective was locating Albert and Excella so I wasted no time setting off on my search.

It was safe to assume they would either be in a control room or laboratory, behind bands of security. And I didn't mind getting my hands dirty on a few lowly Majini in the process. It would be like Los Illuminados all over again.

I navigated the series of crates, not encountering any form of life at all, Majini or not. However once I rounded a corner, I was suddenly rushed by three dog-like creatures known as Adjule, as they approached, their faces split apart revealing a hideous group of tentacles.

Image of an Adjule:

(One of the few things in Resident Evil to actually scare me along with Donna's basement baby thing in Village

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(One of the few things in Resident Evil to actually scare me along with Donna's basement baby thing in Village.)

The Adjule were very similar to the Cerberus I encountered both in the Arklay mansion and Raccoon City, years ago. Because of this, I found them easy to dispatch. I instantly shot one with my Samurai Edge before kicking the other one into one of the crates. The third was just shot as well.

With that little distraction out of the way, I continued walking among the maze of crates I encountered a few more of those Adjule dog creatures however they were put down with ease, even then, I did find them somewhat uncomfortable to be around.

Finally though, I came across someone of interest. As I rounded a corner, I found a door. Heading inside the tanker, I ventured towards it however before I could enter it, I came across none other than my old friends, Chris and Sheva, standing behind me!

Instantly upon seeing me, they both pointed their handguns at me which almost made me laugh. "Y/N! Freeze!" I decided to play their little game and just slowly turned to look at them. "Hello Chris, fancy seeing you here."

My face suddenly turned serious as I said "Look, as much as I want to stay and chat, I have places to be." Chris just yelled "I'm not letting you get away a third time!" I just stated "You don't understand, I know what Albert's planning, I'm going to stop him."

Sheva simply asked "Why should we believe you?" I replied "In all honesty you can't. Though actions do speak louder than words. Now if you'll excuse me." The two BSAA operatives kept their handguns on me though as Chris said "Oh no, like I said, I'm not letting you get away, either way, you're coming with us."

I sighed before cracking my knuckles, saying "Very well, if you want to play it that way. Then fine." In an instant, I dashed towards Chris, swiftly elbowing him in the face. I then turned to Sheva, before she could shoot, I kicked her in the stomach causing both of them to stagger back.

They soon recovered and Chris wasted no time pulling out an assault rifle and trying to fire at me. Of course though, I began dodging and even dodged Sheva trying to strike me with a stun rod.

I grabbed her hand and threw her to the floor. She aimed her handgun back up at me before shooting several rounds. One of them hit me however it didn't hurt all that much and instead I just kicked her making her roll over a bit.

Chris swapped to his shotgun and fired a few more destructive rounds but I began running along the side of one of the crates using my enhanced speed before punching him in the face. I then drew my Samurai edge handgun, following up with a series of shots.

Chris was just about able to roll out of the way of each one before responding with a few handgun rounds that I dodged. Sheva also pulled out her own assault rifle and fired a series of automatic rounds of her own directly at me.

Of course, I dodged and at this point, I was getting bored. I didn't act after than and said "Not that this hasn't been fun. But I'm bored now. I have better things to do." I then raised my Hookshot and grappled up to a balcony overlooking the other two.

I heard Chris yell after me "Y/N! Get back here!" However I ducked inside the door and entered the ship proper. I needed to confront Albert and put a stop to this. 

Though before that, I would receive a first-hand demonstration of what Uroboros was capable of...

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter, I really hope you liked it, I know I enjoyed writing it. The next chapter will likely be uploaded tomorrow afternoon and as always, thank you for reading.

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