Chapter 80: A Familiar Face and a Father's Accusation

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I gave one last look towards Gabe's remains before heading down the road in the opposite direction of the Monument. I had no interest in going back there after my last experience in that tower. 

Besides I'd got what I came for in the first place, I'd restocked my ammo supply excluding the handgun rounds I used on Pedro. I also found some food which I found in the nearby forests on my way here. 

Now it was just a matter of retreating back to my safehouse, a small shack located a short distance from the industrial sector, that's why I often came here to scrounge up ammo. One problem I did have revolved around the PG67A/W. serum.

You see, shortly after the incident at the tower, I remembered that I had left the briefcase containing the vials in the hotel room when I was taken. By sheer look, I kept a handful of vials on my person at all times so I had a short stock.

The problem is that I was running low, I only had three more vials remaining, I would have to find a way off this island soon before my supply ran out. There was a small plus side. You see, shortly after the incident in Africa, I payed a visit to one of Tri-Cell's facilities.

Here I found some of Excella's old notes documenting how the serum was made and due to this I was able to replicate the result. Of course for that I would need the right resources and I doubt I would find that anywhere here aside from perhaps at Alex's old lab at the top of the monument that was now reduced to rubble now.

As I was about to escape, I heard the door to the building behind me opening. Initially I assumed it was another Afflicted or perhaps one of those disturbing Revenants, I drew my handgun and spun around.

However instead, I was left surprised to see that young Natalia girl, the same one who Alex intended to use as part of her experiment. Upon seeing me she stepped back a bit, I don't know what it was about me that scared her however I spoke up calmly.

"It's you." I then added in a softer voice "I'm surprised to see you here kid. How did you managed to escape Alex?" She didn't respond and instead just stared at me with emotionless eyes. Next I asked "Why're you all alone out here?"

Again, Natalia just stared at me and I will admit, it was making me somewhat uneasy. However she finally responded by muttering quietly "I-I'm not alone..." I was about to ask her to elaborate however the door opened and I heard and all too familiar voice saying "You shouldn't run off like that Natalia, you could get-."

Looking up, I saw Barry Burton, one guy I never thought I'd see again after the mansion incident. I heard he was working for the BSAA now but I didn't think our paths would cross and judging by his reaction, I don't think he did either.

Image of Barry Burton:

Instantly, he regained his composure and aimed his own Samurai Edge handgun at me

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Instantly, he regained his composure and aimed his own Samurai Edge handgun at me. I didn't even bother responding to this as I could easily dodge any rounds he fired at me especially from a handgun. Instead I calmly spoke "Hello Barry."

Barry snapped angrily "You! I should have known you'd have something to do with all this!" I raised an eyebrow and asked "To do with what?" Barry growled again "Cut the crap Y/N! What did you do to my daughter you son of a bitch?!"

To this I just raised my hands and asked "I take it Moira didn't make it home then?" This only further angered Barry as he yelled "Don't you dare say his name bastard!" I instead ignored his comment and said "I'm sorry to hear about that."

Looking him dead in the eye I said "But I assure you, I had nothing to do with Moira's fate." Barry kept his gun and glare on me as  he asked in a still-hostile tone "Why should I believe you?! I haven't forgotten what you did years ago, you threatened to murder my family, what's to say you didn't actually do it years later?"

I turned my back to him and said "There is no way for you to trust me, but I swear I did nothing to your daughter, she was very respectable and smart. You should be proud of her. But I've not got time for this, conduct your search and leave, it's not safe here. I wish you luck in finding her."

Giving him a sideways glance, I said "It was good seeing you again Barry. If you need my help, come to my safehouse just outside this industrial sector." Without another word, I used my Hookshot to escape the scene. Barry called after me "Y/N!" However I ignored him and resumed my trek back to my safehouse.

Barry POV

As Y/N escaped I stepped forward to try and catch him however by this point he was gone. I angrily muttered to myself "Damnit, he got away." I then heard Natalia quietly say behind me "Barry?"

I turned to face her and to my surprise she said "I don't think Y/N hurt Moira." I just got down in front of her and said "Listen Natalia, Y/N's bad news. Him and his brother have done horrible things over the years. Many people I care about have been hurt by them."

Natalia however just stared at me confidently and said "I met Y/N shortly before I met Moira, he was nice to me. He wanted to get me to safety. He said Moira and her friend would keep me safe and that he trusted them."

To this my eyes widened. What was going on? Why was Y/N here? And could he really not be involved in Moira's disappearance?

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter as well as the first appearance of Barry since the first segment, now we aren't too far from the end of this segment now, I don't know how many chapters though. Once this is done, I'm going to take a break in order to finish my Devil May Cry book as well as the next segment of my Dragon Ball book, after that, we will get this rest of this one done, please be patient with me there. Anyway, I hope you liked the chapter and as always, thank you for reading.

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