Chapter 24: The Reunion Skirmish

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I'm still not sure as to why I ignored Claire Redfield like that. After all, if someone was to know the location of her brother Chris, it would be her. Nevertheless, I had a hunch she wouldn't tell me anyway so it would save time just searching for Chris myself.

Making my way around the derelict facility, shooting and fighting my way through zombies as well as many other T-Virus creations. At this point I was beginning to get frustrated, after all ever since the incident at the  Spencer Mansion, I had been constantly bombarded by the same creatures, first it was at the mansion, then in Raccoon City and then there was this place.

Some time had passed of just this same routine. The same setting with the same opposition. I did encounter some doors which were already open. I guess, Claire or someone else were making progress.

Eventually, I encountered something that caught my attention. As I rounded a corner, I came face to face with one of our own 'Sweepers'.

Image of a Sweeper:

Sweepers were a unique variant of the Hunter II, a new breed of Hunter created by our own organization using data gathered by myself and Albert on Umbrella's prototype Hunters that we had encountered earlier

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Sweepers were a unique variant of the Hunter II, a new breed of Hunter created by our own organization using data gathered by myself and Albert on Umbrella's prototype Hunters that we had encountered earlier.

Normally these Hunters were under our control. However in this situation it seemed there was a problem as the Sweeper dashed towards me with savage brutality. This was strange as these particular Hunters were meant to be far smarter than their Umbrella counterparts.

I dodged the frenzied B.O.W with minimal effort causing it to run right into the wall behind me. The Sweeper began to get us however before it could react, I aimed my handgun at it's chest and emptied the entire clip into it, swiftly putting the creature down. I stared down at its corpse.

Turning around, I continued to search the facility, I could only hope that Sweeper was just defective because I didn't want to have to waste any more ammo. 

Without any further interruptions, I continued making my way to search for Chris. And find him, I did. Because as I entered one room in particular I was suddenly tackled to the ground and met with a fist to my face.

I quickly grabbed his arm and kicked him off of me before standing up. And sure enough, when I looked at my attacker, I was met with none other than Chris Redfield, the very man who my brother sent me to find. He hadn't changed since the mansion incident, in fact he still wore a S.T.A.R.S uniform despite Raccoon City being long gone.

Image of Chris Redfield:

Chris kept his handgun aimed at me as his eyes widened and he asked in surprised tone "Y-Y/N? How are you here? You're supposed to be dead!" I smirked and said "Not dead enough Chris

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Chris kept his handgun aimed at me as his eyes widened and he asked in surprised tone "Y-Y/N? How are you here? You're supposed to be dead!" I smirked and said "Not dead enough Chris." I then added "You know I was just looking for you, Chris."

My comment caused Chris to lower his gun as I continued "Albert has a special surprise for you." Instantly, he had his gun aimed at me once again. I then added "Make this easy and come quietly." Chris snapped in anger "Like hell!" And opened fire.

Since he only had a handgun, I managed to dodge the shots and instantly punched in in the stomach, knocking him into the wall. He slowly began standing up as I walked towards him. He fired another shot which actually managed to hit me however I just grunted as there was no noticeable damage to my body.

I picked Chris up and slammed him against the wall. I glared up at him before saying "Now let's hurry this business along. I have other reasons for being here." Chris looked down at me and asked "Other reasons?"

Shaking my head I said "It doesn't matter." Suddenly though Chris, kicked me in the chest, not hurting me but forcing me to let go of him. As he dropped to the ground he quickly ran for the door. 

I followed after him but as it slammed, I found that he had quickly locked the door. This wasn't much of a problem as I just palm-thrusted right through it and continued on my way, however turning down the corridor, instead of seeing Chris, I was instead met with Zombies.

Dealing with them was no problem however upon doing so, I had lost all sign of Chris. And just as luck would have it, my communicator started buzzing. Pulling it out I was met with Albert who asked in a cold tone "What is your progress with Chris?"

Of course I couldn't lie to him so I instead answered "He managed to slip away when a few zombies showed up. I'll find him though." Albert responded "There's no need. I need you to come back to me. We need to continue our primary objective."

I nodded and said "Understood." Before turning the communicator off. I was beginning to grow frustrated at this point. Now there was not one but TWO Redfield's to deal with...

Author's Note: That's it for this chapter and I'd like to apologize for how bad it is, I found this one very difficult to write. Also, I might not write tomorrow or the day after, you see I'm on holiday right now and since I have Wi-Fi, I thought I'd be able to write as usual. However I've encountered an issue here in the sense that I can't load certain images, therefore I'm going to wait until I get home in two days and continue from there. Sorry for any inconvenience, I do hope you liked this chapter and as always, thank you for reading.

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