Chapter 37: The Sewers and the Familiar Encounter

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(Okay, initially, I was trying to work on both this and my Devil May Cry book at the same time. However I feel I was getting overwhelmed and stressed which may have lead to a drop in the quality of my chapters. Because of this, I've decided I might try and finish this segment first before going onto the segment in my other book.)


The newly opened passageway lead me to a single door. Naturally I went through it and soon found myself in some kind of sewer network. The entire place stunk however I pressed on nonetheless.

I descended down a ladder before making my way back up another one right in front of it and continuing. Though it was also around this point that I was beginning to get the feeling I was being watched by someone or something.

As I slowly made my way deeper into the sewers, I instantly came to a stop when I heard what sounded like an insect moving around. The situation here reminded me of when I encountered one of those 'Licker' creatures in the  R.P.D six years ago.

Sure enough, just like that earlier encounter, I just turned around and at first I saw nothing, however my eyes narrowed when I noticed the shimmering, semi-transparent outline of an insect-like creature, lurking on the ceiling.

I wasted no time, drawing my handgun and shooting three shots at the creature. All of them met their mark and the creature fell off the ceiling and whatever cloaking it had instantly wore off revealing a disgusting insect.

Image of a Novistador:

A grin appeared across my face as I eyed the strange creature

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A grin appeared across my face as I eyed the strange creature. I muttered "Not so special without your little camouflage trick are you?" The creature leapt upright and rushed towards me however I reached for my new TMP that I bought from the Merchant and opened fire.

The automatic weapon shredded the Novistador in a matter of seconds, by the end of my onslaught, the tip of my firearm was smoking. I simply reloaded it and continued further into the sewers.

I encountered more of these Novistador creatures however once you knew about their camouflage, they weren't much of a threat. One over tried to lead out at me for a chute in the sewer ceiling however I grabbed it by two of its legs and threw it to the ground before stepping on it and crushing it.

Eventually, after a long and somewhat disgusting trek, I was able to make it out of the sewer complex and once again found myself wandering the halls of the castle, looking at the antique paintings and architecture that littered the area.

I continued making my way through the castle, even though the layout seemed impressive at first, it quickly grew old and it honestly was reminding me of the times I was left wandering areas like Spencer's Mansion or the Raccoon City Police Station. In the sense that it all felt like the same, only this time I was encountering crazed Zealots and insects as opposed to zombies and mutated creatures.

Speaking of the zealots, I encountered a few of them shortly after exiting the sewers however they were swiftly dealt with. The TMP worked wonders on their shields and those that had scythes were killed before they even had a chance to use them.

I was in for a surprise though when I rounded a corner instantly heard the sound of a handgun clicking, showing that it was loaded. It didn't take me long to figure out who it was and I didn't even look at him as I simply said "Hello Leon."

Leon lowered his handgun and said in a surprised tone "Y/N?" I turned to face him with a grin still present across my face as I said "That is right. It's good to see you again Leon, how long has it been?" I of course already knew this, I was just being rhetorical.

Leon muttered "I knew it, I knew that if Ada was here that you wouldn't be too far away. Why are you even here?" I just turned to face him and stepped back, giving some space between the two of us as I replied bluntly "Can't you figure it out yourself?"

This just earned a confused look from Leon as he seemed to think for a moment. I continued to step back as I then said "Not that it hasn't been fun. But I'm a very busy man Leon and from my intel, so are you."

Leon once again raised his handgun at me and said "How do you know about Ashley?!" I nearly laughed at his comment however I simply replied "I have my sources, besides I wouldn't be surprised if it is worldwide news. The President's daughter being kidnapped and everything?"

I paused for a moment before saying "Good luck Leon. I had best be off." I turned to leave however I heard Leon's handgun click again which caused me to stop, I didn't turn around though and instead just had my back to him.

"You murdered Sherry's mother in cold blood, do you remember? In Umbrella's facility?" His words caused me to tense up. If I'm being completely honest, I often thought back to that moment with guilt, I had just been too blinded by rage to think.

I simply responded with a hint of sadness in my voice "I did do that didn't I?" Leon continued "Sherry was only twelve when it happened. Can you imagine how she felt when I had to tell her that her mother was killed?"

This only poured salt to the wound. Despite what you may think of me, I did have somewhat of a conscience. Me killing Annette was something that I felt guilty about for years, though I just buried it deep. It was only now that it began resurfacing.

In an instant, I drew my handgun and spun around, saying a simply "Duck." Leon was confused at first however he complied nonetheless and I fired a single shot, impacting a zealot that had tried to sneak up behind Leon in the head.

Leon looked and saw the Zealot's body before turning back to me with wide eyes. Probably surprised at the fact that I had just saved him. I just stared blankly back before holstering my handgun and saying "Goodbye Leon, until we meet again."

Without another word, I walked down the hallway, ignoring Leon's call of "Y/N!" What he had said weighed heavily on my mind. I didn't really know what to think right now. Though I had my own objective. Locate Luis and secure the sample.

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter. Like I said at the top, I'm thinking of focusing primarily on this book because I felt that doing my balancing act between this and my Devil May Cry story was becoming too overwhelming. The reason I was doing that is because I start an internship on 13th of September and I wanted both segments for each story done by then since I won't be able to upload as often. That's why the quality of said chapters may have dipped a bit. Nevertheless, I really hope you liked this chapter, I think it went quite well and as always, thank you for reading.

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