Chapter 45: Confronting Saddler and Buying Time

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I turned to Ada and gestured if she was ready. She nodded in response and we both leapt through the small window, landing on a metal walkway on the other side. With our TMPs still in hand, we both stepped further into the room.

Almost as soon as we arrived we heard the all too familiar voice of Saddler addressing who I could only assume was Leon. "You'll soon harbour an awesome power. Yet is seems you would rather choose death."

Sure enough, it was Leon's voice that responded "I'm taking Ashley back, whether you like it or not." To this Saddler stated "Ah, the audacity of youth." We stepped forward, still remaining hidden but we were able to see Saddler lunge forward and palm-thrust Leon in the chest, sending him crashing into a machine.

Saddler stepped closer with his hand outstretched and that's when me and Ada made our move. We aimed our TMPs at Saddler and opened fire. Shooting a series of shots into his body that made him stagger about constantly.

Eventually we stopped and Ada turned to Leon saying "Leon, now!" He nodded and pressed the button on the machine. The front of it opened and Leon pulled a young girl out who I assume was the President's daughter Ashley.

Image of Ashley Graham:

Leon helped her to her feet as Saddler continued towards them

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Leon helped her to her feet as Saddler continued towards them. My eyes widened a bit when I noticed the bullets me and Ada had shot into him, being pushed out of his hands, covered in blood. He just looked up at Leon and Ashley with an evil smirk.

Ada yelled "Move!" Which caused Leon to turn to Ashley and say "Let's go." The two ran from the room and Saddler slowly walked after them. Me and Ada once again opened fire, this time he didn't even flinch as the bullets hit his back relentlessly.

We then looked up and noticed some conveniently placed explosive barrels. We turned our attention to them and opened fire yet again, the barrels exploded and blocked Saddler's path. Causing him to turn to us with a malicious smirk.

"Oh you're going to regret doing that." Was all he said as he properly turned to look at us. I turned to Ada and said "You remain here, see if you can get a few shots in. I'll fight him head-on." Ada nodded and pulled out her Semi-Auto rifle.

Image of the Semi-Auto Rifle:

Meanwhile, I leapt down onto the same level as Saddler and stared him dead in the eyes

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Meanwhile, I leapt down onto the same level as Saddler and stared him dead in the eyes. I reached up and took my sunglasses off, placing them in my pocket and exposing my orange cat or snake-like eyes that were a side-effect of the prototype virus. As time went on, it stopped being an occasional occurrence and became permanent.

Saddler just maintained his smirk and said "So, you wish to fight me yourself? If you insist." In an instant, he dashed forward and copied that palm-thrusting attack from before, sending me crashing into the wall directly under the walkway where Ada was standing.

Ada aimed her rifle and took three shots at Saddler's head. The first two he shrugged off however the third one caused his head to recoil backwards. As he turned back to us, his mouth hung open and I was surprised to see a giant yellow eyeball visible.

Though this was an opportunity for me, in my brief moment that he was stunned, I dashed forward myself and readied my knife. I leapt onto him and stabbed my knife directly into the eyeball drawing what appeared to be a gunky yellow liquid.

After I'd landed a few more slashes though, I suddenly felt a tentacle wrap around my torso before being pulled away and thrown to the ground. I looked up and got back to my feet to see that Saddler's right hand had now been replaced with a long tentacle which he clicked about.

Image a Semi-Mutated Saddler:

Saddler slapped the tentacle on the ground

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Saddler slapped the tentacle on the ground. It was obvious by this point that he was angry. However he did his best to maintain a smirk. I kept glaring at him before I instantly pulled out my Striker Shotgun and opened fire.

Every shot impacted Saddler in his torso causing him to stagger back. However he instantly recovered and quickly grabbed me by the neck with his still human hand, lifting me off the ground.

I tried breaking from his grip but it was no use. Saddler just kept on smirking as he said "I all honesty, I expected better. Mr Wesker I am disappointed." He looked as though he was about to kill me then and there.

However due to some quick acting, I raised my shotgun with one and and blasted him right through his chin. This caused him to let go of me, stagger back and expose his grotesque eye once again.

Pulling out my knife, I once again stabbed right into it once again, further damaging Saddler. Again though, this only seemed to anger him more as he wrapped the tentacle around my torso and crashed me into the floor, then into a wall before finally throwing me, face-first across the room.

Standing back up yet again, I turned around to see Saddler standing directly over me. Ada fired another shot into the back of his head though he just shrugged it off. I dashed forward and proceeded to punch Saddler several times.

Each one actually managed to cause him to stagger but he showed no signs of actual damage. I then palm-thrusted him myself and forced him to expose his eye. In terms of brute force, Saddler was far stronger than me, by my body was more manoeuvrable.

I flipped over him and held him at an angle for Ada. With his eye exposed to us, I yelled "Ada, your bowgun! NOW!" She nodded and pulled it out, aiming so that the laser was directly in the centre of the eye before opening fire.

At the last second, I leapt back and out of the way, allowing the arrow to hit Saddler's weakness head-on and exploding upon impact! Following the force of the blow, Saddler finally collapsed to the floor, seemingly dead.

Ada hopped down and commented "Well that was difficult." I nodded and said "Tell me about it." We then noticed the sample we had been searching for, lying on the ground a short distance away. Saddler must have dropped it in the fight.

We walked over to it as Ada said "Thank you. This is going to be hard to explain at customs." Suddenly she was struck out of no where by a giant scorpion's tail, falling unconscious in the process!

I spun around to see Saddler standing there, his tail fully exposed. I snapped "Damn you!" Before suddenly being grabbed by the throat once again. Saddler then didn't say anything and instead just stared into my eyes, his smirk was gone and he now held a face of pure rage.

He then lifted me up and smashed me head-first into the ground. He then repeated it again at least twice before even the prototype virus didn't stop me from falling into unconsciousness...

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter. Tomorrow's will be the finale for this segment so I really do hope you like it. Y/N will also get his Killer7 magnum next chapter as well which will serve as a secondary weapon. I also really do hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know I had fun writing it and as always, thank you for reading.

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