Chapter 91: The Escape

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Alarms continued to sound as both myself and Ada rushed through the submarine. Shooting our way through soldier after soldier. At this point, it was obvious that my little sneak effort had been completely pointless.

What did concern me, was the circumstances behind this entire encounter. Someone who claims to be Ada contacts me, something Ada herself completely denies. I find a group of soldiers working for an unknown organization who attack me on sight. Finally there was those orders that were apparently from six months ago. Orders which involved Sherry Birkin! The last I'd heard about her was in a report Albert showed me after the Raccoon City incident where I found out she had also survived. 

There was also the matter of that Jake Muller, I know I had never met him, nor heard of the Muller surname before. Yet, there was something about him that seemed strangely familiar. To say my interest was piqued now was an understatement.

I rounded a corner with Ada close behind. Ahead of us, we found ourselves confronted with a small barricade of soldiers. Nothing we couldn't deal with, we ducked behind a series of crates and returned fire.

It didn't take us long to take out the small barricade and grant us further access into the submarine. We continued navigating the series of corridors until at last, we came to a large open room, occupied by another large band of soldiers that instantly fired at us.

We both ducked behind a nearby railing providing us with a little cover as I turned to Ada and instructed "You stay here, try and pick off a few from here. I'll leap down and deal with them as quick as possible. We don't want to waste our time here."

Ada nodded and replied "Fine, but be quick about it." She readied her crossbow as I hopped down onto the level where all the soldiers were. I dodged their automatic fire and raced forward, instantly slaying one of the soldiers.

It was times like this that made me glad I found Excella's old notes on the PG67A-W serum. Without it, I'd have lost my abilities long ago. But thanks to those notes, I was able to replicate the serum and maintain my abilities. Making situations like this easy to get through.

I elbowed a second soldier, knocking him to the ground before stepping on him and killing him as well. All the while, Ada remained on that walkway picking off soldiers here and there with her crossbow.

The third soldier met his end when I kneed him in the face, the force shattering his helmet and the fourth went down after I fired several shots into his torso. At last, between both me and Ada's efforts, it didn't take us long to deal with all of them and once that was over with, I gestured for Ada to hop down as well.

We came across the door that could only be opened by a fingerprint. Funnily enough, Ada's worked perfectly and the door instantly opened. We headed through and found ourselves in another dark corridor.

As we walked, Ada stated "All we've found are those mysterious orders from half a year ago. Maybe he's trying to manipulate me." I raised an eyebrow and asked "Who, Simmons?" She nodded and said "Yes, why he dragged you into this. I don't know."

I also mentioned "There's also the matter of how I was lead to believe you had contacted me." Ada added "Yeah, but that seems strange, even for Simmons. Besides, he shouldn't even be aware of you. Or our history."

Her face then turned angry as she muttered "I hate playing other people's games." To this I agreed before saying "I doubt there's anything of value here. I suggest we leave." Ada stated "The rescue sub should be close. I've had enough fun here."

With our objective in mind, we continued making our way towards where this apparent 'rescue sub' was located. The sooner we left this place, the better. Aside from allowing me to reunite with Ada, it had just proven to be a waste of my time.

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