Chapter 108: Mutation and Atonement

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I pushed the button down on the vial, allowing the orange and black murky fluid to be injected into my system. I gasped before slowly getting back to my feet and tossing the vial away into the lava. My legs were shaking and my vision began to fade in and out.

Almost instantly, I felt the virus take effect as an insurmountable pain flooded my body. I let out a faint cry and felt back to my knees before looking up and glaring at my surroundings for a moment while panting heavily.

Jake and Sherry just looked at me with shock and possible fear. Even the B.O.W had stopped its advance and now just watched with what could be interpreted as curiosity as it just stared down. And that's when I let out a loud yell!

I tried to stand back up but collapsed back to my knees due to pain. It almost felt like my body was being ripped to pieces from the INSIDE! But I endured nonetheless, the end result would be worth all the pain.

Eventually, I began to feel as if something was bursting out of me, in a moment of pure agony, I ripped my black jacked before falling back down and convulsing on the ground, it was at this point that the symptoms of Uroboros began showing themselves.

Black tentacles shot out of holes on my body, wiggling about before retreating inside and bursting out somewhere else, my left arm felt like it was being hurt the most. The pain continued to grow worse and worse until in an instant, it subsided completely.

I fell face-first to the floor, my screams had stopped, instead all that I did was laugh quietly. The laugh slowly got louder until it echoed throughout the room. I started muttering "Yes... Yes... I understand."

I threw my head back and yelled "I completely understand! The power of Uroboros! I feel healthy, rejuvenated, STRONGER!" I chuckled some more to myself before saying "But, I wouldn't say it justifies global genocide over. Still, this, THIS is POWER!"

I reached up, gently took my sunglasses off and placed them on the walkway next to me. That's when there was one final burst of pain throughout my body. Tentacles shot out and enveloped my torso completely.

More tentacles consumed my right arm, while, my left arm began mutating completely, sprouting three spikes from my shoulder and forming a large clawed hand. I was left partially shocked but also overwhelmed by the rush I was feeling.

(Y/N's mutation kind of resembles Wesker's RE5 final mutation, however his left arm looks more mutated, it kind looks like this):

(Y/N's mutation kind of resembles Wesker's RE5 final mutation, however his left arm looks more mutated, it kind looks like this):

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Once again, the pain just disappeared, leaving me to catch my breath for a moment. I slowly began to get back to my feet. Behind me I heard Jake asking "Y/N? Are you alright?" I turned to him and grinned, saying "Never better Jake, never better. Now-."

I turned to face him properly before using my new tentacle arm, lifting him up and placing him on the same walkway as Sherry. I then began to instruct them "I want you to listen to me and listen well. You both need to get out of here NOW!"

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