Chapter 25: Cornering Chris, To Antarctica

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(I don't know why, but Chris looks like Tommy Vercetti from GTA Vice City in the image above.)


I don't really know how long it took me to eventually locate Albert. I had hoped that when he requested my presence, he would provide me with a set of coordinates for me to follow. He did, however they were pretty vague and upon reaching them, I found no sign of him.

Eventually though, I discovered that the coordinates actually had lead me to some kind of underground laboratory and upon entering it, I eventually found Albert in one of the chambers, holding none other than Chris Redfield, pinning him up against the wall by the neck, similar to what I did to him in our last encounter.

Remaining in the shadows of the room, I watched as Chris thrashed about in Albert's grasp, the latter of which just spoke to him in a condescending yet aggressive manner "Here's a little secret Chris, I figured out your sister is now in the Antarctic, WITH Alexia. It's too bad you won't be seeing her again."

I will admit, a part of me felt bad for Chris, I never really hated him. In fact, I was only aggressive towards him due to Albert's own grudge. The only person alive who I flat-out held contempt for was Jill and even then, that was only because she would have killed me if it wasn't for the Prototype virus.

Regardless, I chose now to step out of the shadows, gaining the attention of both Albert and Chris, the latter of the two looked at me shocked while the former just grinned and said "Ah Y/N you made it. Took you long enough."

I growled before saying "Well, I was following bad coordinates, if you want to call me here quickly, give me better directions next time." We then turned our attention back to Chris who was still squirming to get out of Albert's grip.

I slowly took my sunglasses off as both of us stared up at him. I don't know HOW it happened exactly but for some reason, both of our eyes changed, for instance, my previously E/C ones were now a bright red with snake-like slits in them. My only guess is that it had become a side effect of the prototype virus.

Albert laughed for a moment at Chris' expense and it was at this moment that we heard another, female laugh fill the room. Turning to the source of the noise, we saw a woman on a computer screen laughing at us before the computer itself shut off.

Albert stared at it before asking "Alexia?" I looked at him confused and asked "That was Alexia?" Albert didn't respond and instead simply threw Chris across the room, causing him to crash into a nearby test tube.

The tube cracked open and a creature emerged, it looked like a horrific, lumbering mess. With open veins pumping outside its body. One of its arms was much longer than the other as well. I believe this was one of Umbrella's Bandersnatch creatures, I'm also certain these were still in their prototype stage, hence why I had never encountered one before.

Image of a Bandersnatch:

I raised my handgun, intent on attacking however Albert swiftly stopped me and said "Come, we need to leave

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I raised my handgun, intent on attacking however Albert swiftly stopped me and said "Come, we need to leave. Chris can deal with this beast." I didn't say a word and instead just nodded. With that, we both made our escape.

On our way out though, I eventually asked "So, I assume we're heading for the Antarctic?" Albert responded "Indeed, Alexia is there and with her, the only sample for the T-Veronica Virus." I nodded in agreement as we made our escape from the facility.

Upon said escape though, we soon encountered some zombie opposition, between the two of us however, we dealt with them in a matter of seconds. However before we could move on, I noticed something.

Near one of the zombie's corpses, I noticed a pair of M-100p Submachine Guns. I knelt down and picked them up. Analysing the weapons, I smirked and said "I think I could find a use for you two." I then hooked them onto my belt.

Image of the M-100p Submachine Guns:

(Like I mentioned in a previous chapter, Y/N will start each segment with his handgun and some First-Aid Spray

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(Like I mentioned in a previous chapter, Y/N will start each segment with his handgun and some First-Aid Spray. Any weapons he picks up in each segment, he won't have at the ones afterwards.)

With those firearms in hand and no further distractions, me and Albert made our way back through the facility. We made contact with the remainder of our men and then began our long journey to the Antarctic.

Where we would hopefully find Alexia, and with her, the T-Veronica Virus...

Author's Note:  That's it for this chapter and I have to apologise for my lack of uploads these last two days. Basically I was on holiday and despite having good Wi-Fi, Wattpad was acting up so now that I'm back, I can continue on as usual. I'm also sorry about how bad this whole segment has been, I'm finding this one really difficult to write for. Please bare with me, we're nearly done and I promise the Resident Evil 4 segment will be better. Regardless I do hope you liked the chapter and as always, thank you for reading.

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